Don't Forget About Me| August...

By MeMe_Alsina_

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My name, is Armani- meaning shy, unique, and for those I care about, relentless. I'm from downtown New Orlean... More

Ok so heres the deal!
Just Ashamed!
It's out my loves!
Final Thoughts


15K 535 108
By MeMe_Alsina_

My lil confused babies😭😭😭😭!!!! It's ok cause y'all gone find out everything right...

In the next chapter! Kml y'all thought, huh?😂😂😂! Lol enjoy my loves. And don't forget to comment!




Armani (POV)

"Here." He handed me a small piece of paper as he stood, a piece of paper that I almost didn't get to grab because August snatched his hand away with the quickness.

Lips parted, open faintly; ready to speak, yet nothing came through the dry crack but a gasp that was never ending. I still couldn't conjure up an exhale that so badly needed to be released. It felt as if a forbidden magic was being cast upon me, some sort of witchcraft; I was short of breath, and couldn't find the strength to get any.

"You who?" August asked angrily, fuming out the nose. Snarling even.

My life hasn't been the easiest and all I'm asking for is a break. I don't mean to come off ungrateful, but dammit I at least deserve a break. I'm not built for this. Life has always decided that I was the one that could be picked up and dropped without breaking, but that's the very thing that I feel myself doing. Breaking. My mind falling, my head spinning constantly in a never ending three sixty, my memories trying to recollect memories of this man before me... but ultimately getting nothing. His words hit a vessel within me, a vessel of truth- the one that I like to believe will never lead me wrong.

"I said I'm-I'm her, I'm your father." He stated more to me trying to step between the two men.

By now the two men were infront of me shielding me. But he was the least of the problem anymore, they need to be shielding me from myself. I was about-about to lose it.

"Nah' bruh you good right there." Chris mugged him stepping closer to August, and ridding the space between their shoulders.

"Yeah, it's best you stay wea' you at, matta' fact gone gimme my ten feet."

"But I-,"

"Mane but nothin'!" August yelled, " Who da' fuck you work fa', huh?!"

"No one, I just-,"

"Shut da' fuck up! I'm tie'd of muthafuckas always fuckin' up shit when shit juss' got settled! Always wanna fuck wit' me and my lady! Leave ha' da' fuck alone!" He snarled. "Whoeva' da' fuck you are stay away from ha' and tell whoeva' you work fa' ta' see me."

"Please just-,"

"Take one mo' step and I promise you won't make it home, "August gritted. "Bitch ass on!"


"Don't fucking speak to her!" Chris glared finally speaking up.

"Chris, baby calm down."

"Nawl, fuck this mane! Tired of this shit, gone 'bout your business sir. Like he said tell yo' boss to see us. C'mon'," He grabbed Jazmine's hand while August grabbed mine. "And next time we see you, it's ova' wit' kid."

His eyes, his weary eyes, were the last things in my sight before I was whisked away. His truthful eyes.

That was about an hour ago, and I was still in a state of shock.

"We can get you sum'n ta' eat from somewea' else, ok baybeh?" He said looking from the road to me.

He was trying to be so calm and act like the whole situation at the restaurant never happened. But me? Oh I was a whole nother story. I couldn't even wrap my mind around any of this. I had so many unanswered questions, things that I can't ask the one person I need to get to; my mother. Did she truly create me with another man and rip me away from him just to take me to hell? How could she lie to me like this? Or was he lying? It makes sense, I mean this man did just come out of nowhere telling me I was his child. But then I'm left with the question of why would he lie to me? What reason does he have to lie. There is something that I'm missing here.

I-I just don't fucking understand...

But I will get to the bottom of this.

"You heard meh' baybeh?"

Not even bothering to respond to him, I just laid my head on the window and focused on the scenery that we vastly passed by as we drove. Crazy how the gloomy mood I had was matched by the weather; one minute it's sunny, the next minute there are dark gray clouds hovering over us ready to spring their cleansing cries over everything. Only thing that's different is my cries aren't going to be cleansing, they're going to be a stream of tainted waters. Pain and confusion woven throughout me and my tears.

"Armani," He sighed, "I'm gone get ta' bottom of dis' shit fa' you, aight? Don't even stress."

"But I need ta' be da' one puttin' da' pieces ta'getha, I need ta' be da' one figurin' it out." I thought to myself.

"Mani, baybeh, you know I got'chu. Don't let dis' mess wit' you, I know it's sudden, but please don't let dis' knock you off yo' game."

I stayed towards the window though. I didn't want any of this to bother me, but truth is, it did.

"Can we juss' go home please. I juss' wanna go home."

"So you good? Youn' wanna talk about it?"

"No, I juss' wanna go home." I mumbled as the soft sounds of the pattering rain sounded through the truck.

I felt his eyes on me for a split second before hearing his deep gruffly sigh, "Aight mani, imma get'chu home."




Standing in the mirror looking at myself I tried to see the resemblance between Terrance and I. I tried picking out which parts of me supposedly belonged to him. I rose my hand to my wet cheek, been releasing my sorrows since I closed the bathroom door shut. My smile was my mama, my hair was my mama, my lips, my eyes — everything was her. All these questions swarming in my mind and here I am trying to answer them myself. Here I am crying silent tears and staining my face because I felt abandoned and alone all over again. If he is my father, and he did know my mother, then why the hell did he leave us behind? Why did he leave us there to fend for ourselves in the lion's den. Where the hell was he when I had to raise Kali as my own and go countless nights hungry, bleeding to death almost every night.

I'm not sad, I'm not upset, I'm not mad about this situation... I'm pissed the fuck off!

I'm hurt!

Because, if this man is my father like he claims, then that means that I went through hell for nothing. Me and mines struggled for nothing. We had a way out and he was that way... But most importantly the main reason that's really ticking me off and bringing me to my boiling point is the fact that if what he's saying is true...then that means my queen could still be by my side right now. Me and Kali wouldn't have had to endure the fate that destroyed us. That broke us.

I could still be looking into the woman's face that captivated my heart. I could still have my fucking mama. And that's the part that's fucking with me the most. The fact that she could be here in the flesh, instead of in my dreams.

If Terrance is the man that helped make me, then he also had the the power to free us of the demon that put us into ruins.


Jumping at the sound of his voice I accidentally manage to knock over the bottle of suave lotion.

"You good in thea'?"

"Y-Yeah," I sniffed while scurrying to pick up the bottle, "I'm fine."

"You sho'?"


"Well... yo' food out hea', if you want it." He mumbled sadly, causing my heart to crack.

"Ok, I'll be out in a minute!"

"Alright...I luh' you." He said after a few seconds of silence and tension.

"I luh' you too."

His footsteps gradually faded, but I still heard him when he let out a deep huff saying,"Fuck!" As if he were frustrated- and probably was. Every time something bad happens it knocks us off, it makes him feel as if he has to start all over again. I hate that he always has to get so wrapped up in my messed up quest of life.

After a few minutes passed by, and I was able to straighten myself up as best I could I walked out of the bathroom. I made sure that I'd look like my face wasn't just covered in wet salty tears, so that would ease his worry just a little.

I made my way down the staircase, and was about to go into the kitchen until I heard August's hushed conversation that was being held in the living room. I decided to linger in the shadows a little longer and listen to whatever it was he wanted to keep hidden.

"Mane no, not good at all."


"I mean hell! What you want me ta' do? She won't even come out da' bathroom."


"Basically it's back ta' square one,"He sighed looking off to the side," I hate havin' ta' do dis' shit bruh, I hate havin' ta' see her shut down and den' try ta' hide dat' shit."


"Yeah man, it's like I always get so close ta' da' peak juss' ta' get knocked back down ta' da' bottom again. I mean I'll neva' stop climbin',"He assured," But what if she get too stressed and feel like she can't handle no mo' losses. I juss' feel like I want always be enough fa' ha' because at da' end of da' day a person can only take so much, and Mani done took every damn collision in life head first and still managed ta' make it. But nah'.... Afta' dis' shit?" He shook his head,"My Baybeh at ha' limits afta' what juss' went down."


"Mane hell I juss' been tryna be thea', but you know how she is, battles everything on ha' own. When we was in da' car I was actin' like it wasn't nothin' you know, juss' some blasé type shit, but it's fuckin' wit' me Chris... Dat' man look like dem' folks bruh, he look like my baybehs." He spoke as he paced back and forth with his hand on his head."I juss' don't know how dis' shit possible man. It don't make sense."

He scrunched up his eyebrows at whatever Chris was saying and quickly turned his head to my purse that sat on the opposing couch. He took two long steps and opened it up, pulling out a piece of paper that I already knew was the same one from Terrance.

"Yeah,"He opened it, scowling at what was written on it,"It's dat' nigga number."


"Fuck dat'. Ain' lettin' ha' see shit cause all dis' shit too suspect if ya' ask me."


"Exactly! Ya' feel me? Shit too much of a coincidence. Right afta' we off King and his niggas, dis' man juss' so happen ta' be in da' mall and he juss' so happen ta' see Armani and all of a sudden he her daddy. Hell nawl. Shit ain't addin' up. And until shit do add up and I see some legit proof sayin' he is da' fatha', den' we can talk. Til den', he betta' stay da' fuck away from ova' hea'."He sat on the couch, tossing the paper on the table in front of him."Must don't know muthafuckas real retarded ova' hea. I'll have his ass some'wea inna' cave gettin' ate on by some wolves."


"Dat' ain't crazy, dat's da' truth,"August fussed," You know ion' play bout' my baybeh girl, I'a die bout' ha'."


"Hell yeah!" He said as if Chris was stupid,"Juss' like da' love you got fa' Jaz and Ro' man, dat' die hard love. I'll do anything fa' ha'....and Kali."


He groaned throwing his head back into the couch letting stress flow through him,"Please don't even mention dat' shit ta' me again bruh, I can't break dis' type of thing ta' Kali. Not my girl man. She a smart kid, a bright ass mind, but she won't be able ta' handle dis'. I don't wanna crush her like dat'......I juss', ion' even wanna talk 'bout dis' shit no mo'. Bummin' me out dude."


"Yeah I'm juss' gone use da' shower down hea' and hopefully she come out."


"Yeah, I'll tell'em."


"Aight, luh' you too bro."

I watched him hang up his phone and throw it on the cushion next to him. He ran a hand down his face before getting up and walking to the bathroom. Usually he could sense my presence but, I guess, do to his stress level being so high he couldn't. I waited until I heard him singing in the shower to go into the living room and finally come from behind that wall. While gazing at the table my eyes settled on the note that August left behind. Taking it into my grasp I debated on whether or not I should use it.

I'm already stressed what if his answers to my questions send me into overdrive...

Foolishly, I decided against my better judgement and ran up to the upstairs bathroom and locked the door. I then walked over to the tub and turned on the hot water with a pinch of cold. Knowing that this man could cause an attack I knew I needed to relax my muscles in the water so that I wouldn't get to tense once I began our conversation. Our short conversation.

Once the water was nice and steamy I stripped myself of my clothes and stepped inside feeling a remarkable sensation. The water felt so nice that I decided to lather myself in my dove wash and then soak for a minute before I texted him. After a twenty minute soak and a ten minute stall, I went ahead and picked up my phone. I figured that if I didn't do it now, I wouldn't be able to build up the courage to try and do it again.

I unlocked my phone and looked over the number on the piece of paper as I typed it in the recipient box. Once I had it, I quickly sent him a short simple text saying 'Talk'.

I looked over the note, examining his neat crisp handwriting on the rough paper. I wondered who he was, where has he been, and why is he coming back now.

After about a second of me looking my phone dinged indicating that I had a message. I quickly looked at his response. After I sent that response I just sat the phone down for a minute- I was too scared to look.

I picked the phone back up a good twenty minutes later feeling a sense of anger take over me as I began to vigorously tap the screen. With questions and claims.

Oh please! Forget the face to face and tell me!

Just leaving the conversation right there with no closure, I exited out of my messages and shut my phone off all together. All these years I had no father, I didn't claim the father that I was given because he didn't deserve that title. He didn't even deserve to be called a man at all. For over a decade now me and Kali had no one except for Mel to be the man in our lives that we looked up to, and now this Terrance wants to come and take his place as father when the damage has already been done. We have suffered third degree burns to our souls and all we're trying to do is heal them.

Wiping at my face I stood to my feet and got out of the tub not even bothering to dry off completely- I just threw on my lace thong and slid one of August's big T-shirts over my wet wavy hair.

"Armani?" August called out to me.

"Hm?" I hummed walking into our bedroom seeing him standing up already awaiting my return.

"Wea' it's at?"


"I said wea' it's at?"

"What August?" I questioned with attitude even though I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Armani stop fuckin' playin' dumb,"He roared getting in my face,"You know I hate dat' shit!"

"August get out of my face befo' you get snuck, I'm not in da' fuckin' mood." I turned and walked out of the room, only for him to roughly snatch me up by my arm.

"So what? You juss' gone contact dis' nigga?!"

"Yeah, so what?" I shifted all my weight to one leg.

"So what? Dis' nigga is somebody dat' you don't know! Dat' nigga could be settin' you up!"

"Dat' nigga could be my real fatha',"I snatched away,"Fuck off me!"

"Don't walk away from me Lil Mo'!"

I ignored him and continued to walk down the stairs with him hot on my heels.



"New life, who dis'?" I mumbled going into the living room.

"Stop fuckin' playin' dis shit ain't no fuckin' joke,"He yelled harshly, showcasing his throbbing veins and red face,"Do you know how got damn stupid and reckless dat' shit was?! How got damn dumb it was?! Dis' nigga could be out ta' get ya' head and ya' fallin' right in da' got damn trap! Youn' see how dumb dat' shit is?! Huh?"

"Jumpin' the gun befo' our folks even get back wit' information on this nigga! The shit you doin' stupid Armani!"

"And what if you wrong?! Huh?! What den' dumb ass-,"

"It ain't about bein' wrong or right it's about bein' smart! We don't fuckin' know him!"

"August,"I said calmly after realizing our tempers were getting out of hand,"I felt somethin' from him, like what'eva it was he was sayin' was true."

"You sound 'bout dumb as hell!" He yelled after a second or two of silence.

"Please shut up talkin' ta' me!" I retorted getting ready to walk out of the kitchen and into the living room, but I was swiftly turned around and pushed into a wall with my hands above my head.

"Stop walkin' away from me." He gritted.

"Stop bein' a lil bitch and only seein' yo' vie- " I retorted in his face getting cut off.

"A bitch?"

"Yeah, a bitch!"

He chuckled tightening his grip on my wrist as he spoke,"Funny,"He said lowly, though nothing was comical,"Imma bitch cause I'm lookin' out fa' yo' stupid ass, Imma bitch cause I wanna make sho' you good. Imma bitch fa' tryna keep you outta harms way." He laughed again."Haven't I always been thea' fa' you?!"

I couldn't even answer him, I wasn't use to this, especially not from him- I was speechless looking into those eyes.

"Haven't I always been thea' fa' you?!" He slammed my wrist forcefully into the wall making me flinch and quickly nod my head yes letting my tears fall from the pain and my fear for him at this moment. Never in my life would I think I would be scared of August, but right now I am- I've never seen him in this light before, well not with me that is.

"Den' why da' fuck you insist on provokin' me? All I'm tryna do is help you and you wanna treat me like I'm da' damn enemy when I'm hea' fa' you! I can't even worry 'bout myself cause I'm always worried 'bout you and Kali! Can't even live my own life and shit!"

He finally released me from his grasp and when he did I immediately rubbed at my sore bruised wrist while looking him over. I was frightened at the intensity of the situation. It reminded me of people that I didn't want to remember. Memories started to flood from my past. Back when David would chip away at my virtue- claw away at my insides. August has never physically hurt me until now, he's never made me cry from being afraid of him.

I was scared but even then his words were the main thing playing in my mind, he felt as if he had to care for me and Kali- like his life couldn't be lived because of us. As if we were his burden. Or charity case.

Once his breathing was regulated I quickly turned my gaze away from him and unto the steel handle on the stove, his eyes settled on my face, but I still couldn't look up to him, I didn't want to look at that stone expression anymore.


"I'm fine babe, I'll-I'll meet you upstairs fa' bed. Couples fight all the time." I sniffled ready to leave.

"Mani wait,"He grabbed my arm,"Look at me."

"I'm really tired, I juss' wanna sleep right n-,"

"Mo' please look at me."

Sighing I turned to his soft brown eyes that were worn down with regret and guilt. The anger had now disappeared and was replaced with sadness.

"I'm sorry," He kissed my cries,"Im so sorry."

He bent down slowly never taking his eyes off of my glossy ones and gripped the back of my thighs firmly, lifting my body up into the air. He wrapped my legs around his torso and cupped my behind in his hands,"I'm sorry baybeh." He started carrying me towards the stairs.

"I juss-I juss' wanted ta' know da' truth." I whimpered falling onto his shoulder crying my eyes out.

"I know Mani, and I'm sorry."

"I didn't want ta' be yo' burden." I cried a little harder.

He carried me to the room the rest of the way in silence and laid my body gently on the bed, so soft, as if he was scared he would hurt me if he did it any harder.

"You know you my heart Armani, ain' mean'nat shit." He said peering into my eyes, his hands on either side of my head.

I hesitantly nodded my head at the love of my life and allowed him to connect his cheek with mine before he slowly tilted his head and trailed kisses down my jawline. With each kiss he took away yet another tear that I'd shed with his cheek, and soon I felt his lips smothering mine. And with that one kiss. Just one kiss. Started a night of endless possibilities and August's apologetic affair.

He lifted his head finally releasing my lips and looked at me with a look, a look of something,"Armani?"

"Y-Yes?" I lowly sniffled.

"I luh' you."

I felt bundles of numbness growing inside of me. I felt wetness forming in the seams of my lower half... I felt hands slipping underneath the T-shirt that covered half of my petite body and shook with anticipation. I'm an instrument that has always been tuned and used incorrectly and I need August to play me the right way. I need his fingers to ever so softly rub and chime at my entrances at my warm burning skin. I need him to play me.

"Can I make ya' feel good baybeh."

He knows what he does when he deepens his voice like that...

"Can I make it right, please?" He stripped me from of the last fragment I had on my body leaving me bare underneath him.

I watched as he studied my face and not my body that was underneath him, those brown silk like eyes of his bouncing around my face as his hands played in the strands of my still wet hair. The images of us downstairs a few moments ago faded from my memory.

"Please,"He dipped his head kissing my shoulder blade,"Let me fix it ma."

And slowly, after hearing him plead for redemption, my head took on a mind of its own- telling him yes.

"Make da' hurt go away."

"Make it go away?" He asked for confirmation.


He ran with my words. He took them and made them into a mission that he just had to see through til the end. My breathing was speeding up and as he looked at me with that knowing smirk, I tried to look away.

"Nawl Mo',"He turned my head back to him,"I want'chu ta' see me make love ta' you."

I began to unravel, he hadn't even touched me and I was already descending to cloud nine. His hands slid down my body. His entire form is moving down my figure, disappearing as he shifts downward and suddenly his chest is hovering above my hips; suddenly I can't see home anymore. I can only make out the top of his head, the curve of his shoulders, the unsteady rise and fall of his back as he inhales, exhales. He's teasing me. Running his hands down and around my bare thighs up and up again- up past my ribs, around my lower back and down again, just past my hip bone.

He knew my spots and he was hitting every last one with the smallest touch...

"Why are you doin' me like dis'." I moaned.

"Why are you lookin' like dis',"He licked his lips biting at them a bit,"I can't help but admire what I was blessed wit' Armani."

"I can't admire you?"

"Hm?" His fingers hooked around my waist tightly and I gasped when his lips came in contact with my bare stomach- it was just a whisper of a kiss. But that whisper still caused something to collapse in me. That simple feather-light brush of his mouth agaist my skin in a place I can't quite see, that's what set me off. It's like he had my mind speaking in a thousand different languages that even I don't understand. All I know is I've been shot by this man.

"You want it?"

"Yes! Please, yes!"

"What'chu want Armani?"

"I want you." I moaned feeling a finger at my entrance, telling me to come here...he finds so much pleasure in my squirming for him.

I grew happy, ecstatic, when I seen him standing to his feet and removing his shorts that contained the beast of a member itself.

Going back down to his knees again I realized that he was continuing with his teasing ways, smirking in the process.

"Can't have it yet."

"But A-,"

"So beautiful,"He cut in biting his bottom lip so hard that I was afraid he would draw blood, his stare he had on me was so intense that it was intimidating,"Armani if I try ta' love you nah' I'm gone rip you apart, juss' from lookin' at you, das' juss' how much power you got ova' me."

He started back leaving a trail of fire along my torso, one kiss after another- and I really don't think I can take much more of this, I really don't think I'll be able to survive this. There's a whimper building in my throat, begging to be free and I'm locking my fingers in his hair and I'm pulling him up, onto me- on top of me, feeling the dick pressed against my leg that I'd caused to harden.

"Then rip me apart, take me,"I placed my hands on either side of his face,"And when ya' done put me back ta'getha again like you always have my love."

I inwardly smirked seeing that me saying that turned him on as well as frustrated him. His jaw clenched for a split second before he had my body flipped with my head buried into the shits and my pussy in the air awaiting to be penetrated.

"Mm, fuck." He grunted entering me- and that whimper that was so eager to be released was now nowhere to be found as my breath hitch in my throat from the impact of his thrust.

"Dis' what'chu wanted, ain't it Mani."

I was still unable to respond, which made him retaliate by gripping onto my waist and speeding up his pace.

"Huh?...Shit!" He hissed just as my walls clenched his pulsating erection.

I felt the palm of his hand pressing down into my back making the arch deeper than what it already was. Here he was keeping the promise he mad of ripping me apart. Limb from limb I felt myself become lost in this state of ecstacy. This state of love.

"Mani you betta' ansa' me." He demanded tangling his hand in my hair and pulling my head back so that he could roughly smash his lips into mine- a kiss that instantly unblocked my air canal causing me to finally release my screams that had gladly escaped their holding cell. But once his other hand reached around and began to massage away at my clit, I nearly fainted as I screamed for him.

"Ahh! Baybeh!" I moaned a moan that even turned me on, and from the twitch I felt come from August's dick it must have lit something within him too.

"Look at what you do ta' me girl." He muttered stiffly as juices shot into me.

I looked back at his soaked lower half and felt myself leaking onto the covers. I was close. His grunts were about to destroy me- I was about to be blown into oblivion, confusion once he was done with me.

One more push...

Just one more and I'll be done for baby...

He granted my silent wish by sending me the finally blow, I should say, it made my moaning and wanton turn into a single high pitched screeched that I'm sure even the gods could here- an euphoria is what he threw my existence into and only he could do it.

"Turn ova'." He said softly, almost like he wanted to calm me down from my excitement.

I lazily did as told. His sweat mixed in with mine while our foreheads rested on one another.

"You fa'give me?"

"Fa' what?" I asked causing him to chuckle before his lips and tongue toyed with the spot on my neck causing my eyes to flutter shut so I could enjoy his touch even more.

"Fa' hurtin' you."

"It's ok my-,"

"But it's not Mani- I said I would protect you wit' my life, wit' my all. And even though you feel like it's ok, dat' shit wasn't aight in my book, I should have neva' resulted ta' puttin' my hands on you knowin' I was mad and fa' dat' I apologize from da' bottom of my heart,"He said sincerely,"Juss' cause it wasn't a full blown hit or nun don't mean dat' shit wasn't a form of abuse an-,"


"Let me finish,"He said even though I wanted to let him know I was fine and he didn't have to beat himself up over this,"I juss' want you ta' know how sorry I am fa' what I did and what I said ta' you. You not my burden, you or Kali, nawl,"He shook his head,"Y'all my whole damn life line out'chea Mani. My whole life line... I luh' y'all fools."He chuckled making me do the same before my eyes fell in love with him all over again.

"Make love ta' me." I asked looking into his moonlit eyes,"Make love ta' me baybeh."

"What'eva you want." He smiled, slowly easing into my love, both of our lips releasing a gasp. His strokes were delicate but oh so deep, hitting the spot inside me that my own fingers could not reach.

"I luh' you." He kissed my lips telling me again.

"I luh' you too." I arched my back from the unexpected deep thrust he sent.

"I luh' you Armani Alsina."


"I luh' you."

"Please stop." I moaned out not able to take his member inside me and the feelings that his words were bringing to me, the feelings he knew were surfacing because of him.

"I luh' you so fuckin' much!"

My flower, the single lotus flower that lied in the temple of my garden was no longer mine- it was his. He owned this. With each thrust of utter pleasure I grew weaker, my body would submit to him more and more and I was holding onto him knowing that if I let go I would fall into shock from the sensations his member sent to me. My flower, his lotus flower, willingly gave itself to him- showing him how appreciative she truly was by leaving her never ending wetness on his torso. The love behind each deep penetrating stroke spoke volumes and it was because of that love that I couldn't control nor contain myself in these beautiful moments of love making that we were doing.

"I luh' you Armani." He grunted sending that familiar ripple down my spine that I will never get use to.

"I luh- August please!"

His movement became slow and steady making my body slowly rise just to fall back onto his hardened pleasure, my hardened pleasure.

You see just like I belonged to him he belonged solely to me. He was all mine, every blood filled piece of him was mine. My temple was his- but his kingdom was mine.

"August I-I-,"

"I want yo' juices Mani, I'm thirsty."

"Baybeh please!" I cried as a single tear rolled down the side of my face.

I couldn't take it. It was-It was too much, his love, his caring, his being was all too much for me I could no longer wait nor hold what was building up in my stomach. I couldn't... I released.

My nectar flooded from within me and on cue it landed on a skilled tongue that lapped it up within seconds and lingered there for a while before finally coming up allowing me to taste myself.

"I luh' yo' freaky ass." He said once I sucked his lips free of my cum.

"I luh' you too August." I giggled, a little embarrassed at how out of character he made me.

Our bodies collapsed into each others and I was too weak to pull any covers over us so August lazily did it for me.

We laid there for a while just falling deeper into each other's naked body, feeling each other's love seep into us.

His kissing my head every few seconds, soon turned to him kissing me every few minutes which eventually turned into him lightly snoring mumbling every so often an almost inaudible 'I luh' you'. I repositioned myself so that my arms now rested on his chest and my head rested on top of them. I laid there in his arms just looking up at him, the love of my life. I don't know what lies ahead of me with this whole situation with Terrance or whatever the outcome may be, but one thing I do know is that I will have my one man army to fall back on if I can't handle the conclusion. I know he will always be there for me with each step I take and that I can count on. Don't really know what's ahead. But I know what's behind. And that's August, ready to battle any war that comes to pass- including this one.

Smiling to myself I closed my eyes and snuggled into him even more and sighed.

I don't know much, but I do know one thing. That my 1+1 equals you my love...


Poo asf, I know😒, but I just wanted to let the last chapter simmer down a bit, but guess what took this chapter so long to get published. The damn sex scene bruh!

Like this shit was actually ready two days after the last update but the whole sex thing is so difficult for me y'all😔.

But anyway..... Thanks for that 600k guys real shit, I know I always let y'all know how appreciative I am, but only because without y'all there would be no me, so thanks guys.

Excuse all mistakes!

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MeMe loves y'all
Just a real nigga commin' through...❤👑

*2019 update: still cringing at the thought of sex scenes😂😂😂😂*

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