Don't Forget About Me| August...

By MeMe_Alsina_

1.9M 71.9K 28K

My name, is Armani- meaning shy, unique, and for those I care about, relentless. I'm from downtown New Orlean... More

Ok so heres the deal!
Just Ashamed!
It's out my loves!
Final Thoughts


13.9K 525 383
By MeMe_Alsina_

Don't skip anything in this chapter... everything is important. K? K. Enjoy loves! And please comment!😭😭😭

And You Are?

At The Mall

Armani (POV)

You tempting me in that dress ma.🍑
5:20 p.m.

I'm bored Armani!
5:20 p.m.

You got games on yo' phone?
5:20 p.m.

Ride me like a porn star, yeah? Lol get it?
5:21 p.m.

Meet me in the dressing room, I gotta show you some big.🍆
5:21 p.m.

I can see yo' private part? I'll show you mine if you show me yours.😂😂😂
5:21 p.m.

5:26 p.m.

Putting my phone in my purse I tried my hardest to contain my cackle that was waiting at the entrance of my lips. He always does this when he's tired of a situation- this situation being the whole mall scene. Him and Chris were so eager to come, but the second we got here they're ready to leave. They could have easily linked up together and let us be.

"Let's go to Victory's Secrets, they're having like, the best sale ever."

"Ouuu yes I need some nice little garments and thangs." I said doing a little happy dance and laughing afterwards.

"Need ta' get some fa' ta'night." I heard August mumble, but ignored him.

"So how's everything, you been feeling okay?" Jaz asked scanning through a selection of lingerie on one of the many racks.

"It's been amazing!" I beamed, "I mean, it still feels like a dream, but I'm adjustin' pretty good."

"I can't wait for the little munchkin to come."

"Me eitha', I'm juss' so excited, the appointments in two weeks and every time I think about it I get butterflies."

"You scared?"

"Shitless." I admitted,"What if I'm not ready."

I mean who wouldn't be; that's every mothers worst fear — not being good enough for their child, not being ready to take on the responsibility of another life being dependent on her. To be a mother is not just being the one to carry a child and birth it, no, it's more than that. To be a mother is to be the one to nurture a child, to love it unconditionally with every strand of love in your being- to stay up late nights when your little one has nightmares, to check under the bed every night before bedtime so that the 'monsters' wont get your baby. It's when you have to make sacrifices and hard decisions, not for your well being, but for your child's sake.

You have to constantly worry about if you're doing everything right by your kid, and if you're being a good mother. That child that you carried for nine months will forever look up to you, and you have to set all types of examples and be that ideal role model for him or her... and I just hope that I can be that.

I only want to be my child's everything when it looks up to me.

"Sis," Jaz said in a bored tone, "Are you kidding me? Girl you're the strongest person I know, you took on the world and won!" She semi yelled.

"I know Jaz but what if-,"

"What if nothing, you are going to be a great mother love," She sighed turning to the boys, "And an even better wife whenever this knuckle head stops being a scary ass loser."

"Aye, I gotta plan." August assured with a sly smirk.

"And what might that plan be?"

"Don't worry 'bout it, juss' know my lil baybeh," He pointed to my belly, "Gone be commin' out a Alsina."

"He or she better be." She flicked his forehead before walking off.

"She betta' be happy she family, cause I swea' she juss' almost caught dis' hea' fade." August warned.

"Welcome to Breezy world." Chris shrugged.

Chuckling at them I made my way to the hoodie and jacket section, I've been in need of another PINK hoodie, and since this is a luxury day, I might as well splurge on myself- just a little bit. I mean mama did leave me and Kali eighty million dollars, eighty five point six to be exact.

As I scanned through the selection of nice hoodies I couldn't help the feeling of a pair of eyes on me. I didn't really bother looking around because there was no doubt that the eyes I felt piercing into me belonged to none other than August. And sure enough when I turned around...

He wasn't there.

Shrugging I continued to walk around making my focus the lace bras that were lined up perfectly on a small wooden table.

As I moved closer to the table my phone vibrated from inside of my purse causing me to quickly stick my hand in the opening of my purse to retrieve it.

While doing this I accidentally bumped into a hard figure, with much force might I add.

Looking up to apologize to whomever it was I may have hit, I was met with a tall slender back that belonged to a fairly dark skin man. He had arms of a body builder — of someone that could snap you in two with just a gentle squeeze. Masculine. Superior is what his essence screamed. But standing there looking at his back, not able to speak, I felt a sense... a sense of, of emptiness among his spirit. Emptiness that I know all too well.

Even though it felt like an eternity, only seconds had passed before he finally turned around and greeted me with a face of a lost dog.

"Hm?" He asked, but my focus was on the bra that he had raised to his chest as if he were testing it out.

Me being me I wasn't able to hold my amused expression.

It took him a few seconds to register why I was looking like a fool, but once he did his face showed embarrassment, and quickly, he started to explain himself.

"Oh no no no, this isn't, I was...," He took a deep breath, "I was shopping for my wife our anniversary is coming up and I just wanted to get her something nice."

I chuckled shaking my head at him, "No need ta' explain sir, I get it." I assured him.

"New Orleans."

"Excuse me?"

"You're accent, it's New Orleans right?"

"Oh, yeah. Dat's my city, born and raised." I smiled at him.

"I can tell you have plenty of pride for it," He said gazing over to the side. Thinking really, "I use to love New Orleans." He mumbled sadly. Like it hurt him to even talk about it.

"But now I can't even fix myself to go back." He said chuckling dryly, trying to lighten the mood, but I could tell there was a lot of hurt behind his words. There was pain when he spoke of my hometown, leading me to wonder is that's where that empty vibe he had stemmed from.

"Do you-,"

Not even half way into my sentence I hear two loud obnoxious voices gravitating towards us.

"Mhm, I see ha' talkin' ta' dat' nigga, tryna cheat." He said.

"Is that, is that Mani?! Talkin' to a nigga?!" Chris yelled from behind me making me groan in annoyance, the two of them had really become a damn handful on me and Jaz's 'girl's day'.

"Ugh, please shut up you two." I rolled my eyes turning towards them.

"Boy look at'cha! Talkin' all propa'n shit. Guh' he don't want'chu!" August snarled,"Don't nobody want'cho cute ass but me." He stood beside me draping his arms around my shoulder.

"You'll have ta' please excuse them, they're a little,"I tapped my head,"On da' slow side."

"Ain' slow! I'm real! A real nigga!"

"Shut up!"

The dark tall man let out a small chuckle before fanning me and my apology off, "It's fine, it's love, don't be ashamed."

"See Mo', he get it. Cause I'm juss' tryna kiss up and rub up and-,"

"Say it," I threatened him, "I dare ya' ta' say it."

Three weeks straight. Three weeks straight he's been singing that song nonstop in my damn ear. Don't get me wrong, I love QueenB and his singing, but I need a break from it. Everytime we argue or he feels like I've hurt his feelings the first thing out his mouth is: Damn bruh all I wanna do is kiss up and rub up and feel up, kiss up and rub up and feel up on you all night loooong.

"Why I can't say it, huh? Why? Why?"

"Cause I'm tired of you."

"But Mo'," He grabbed my waist pulling me into him, "Don't 'chu' rememba'?"

"Rememba' what?" I huffed.

"Dat' I seen yo' scars and kissed yo' cries." He sung making a crowd of females outside of the store squeal in excitement while I stale faced his silly ass along with some of the women's boyfriends. They took pictures of us from a distance, but in every last one of them I knew I was mugging him and his antics.

I pushed him away from me and pinched his arm,"Bye," I sighed, "Anyway I'm sorry about dat' Mr......"

"Terrance, my name's Terrance."

"Well Terrance dis' is my boyfriend-,"

"Husband." August added.

"-August, and our friends Chris and Jazmine."

"Nice to meet you all."

"You too." They all said shaking his hand.

"So what you and my lady was ova' hea' choppin' it up about."

"Oh she caught me at a um, a pretty bad moment in life- I was kinda looking quer," He whispered the last part, making them and myself chuckle, "But I was just explaining to her that I was shopping for my wife for our anniversary then I noticed her accent and we started talking about N.O. 504." He smiled that same numb smile that I'm sure only I noticed.

"Oh shit you familiar wit' da' hood, yeah?"

"I know a lil some some."He dapped August up.

"You stayed thea' or juss' visited?" I asked hoping I wasn't overstepping any boundaries; for some reason I wanted to pry out of him why N.O. left an evident soar taste in his mouth.

"I um, I had, I had some unfinished business back there," He concluded, "I left something behind and never got a chance to get it back, well, I didn't try hard enough to get it back."

Seeing that he was on the verge of getting emotional I left the conversation alone. Even though I had a feeling telling me to continue, I knew I shouldn't dabble in some strangers life. It's just...there was so much pain there, if anyone knew pain, I did. I seen it in this man. It surrounded him like a gloomy cloud every time New Orleans was brought up. It killed him.

"I've done dat' before," August spoke dropping his playfulness, "I left a whole heap of something's back thea' at a point in time, but'chu know what I did? It took meh' a while, but once I got my senses in check, I went back ta' get what was mines," He smiled pulling me in close to him, "Best decision I eva' made."

"Stop, makin' me blush and thangs." I grinned hiding my face in his chest.

"Dat's my job love, ion' wanna get fired." He laughed wrapping his arms around me.

"Brother,"Jaz sighed,"That was corny."

"Was it?"

"Yeah bro, it-you could've done a lil better Yung'." Chris agreed.

"Y'all juss' hatin', baybeh I love yo' corny jokes every last one of 'em. Even da' one 'bout da' walker."

"The walker?" Terrance asked getting into the conversation.

"Oh see,"He started,"I'll see her walkin' and lookin' all good and what not, so shidd I'll be like, I need a walker cause I juss' fell fa' you."

A quick second went by with everyone just looking between each other, and soon that whole area was filled with laughs and the sound of August smacking his lips.

"Shit not really dat' funny, but ok." He mumbled in a bored tone looking down at his phone to hide his embarrassment.

"It-It sure isn't." I composed myself, "Y'all need ta' stop-stop laughin' at my baybeh."

"Sorry, sorry," Terrance apologized first, "It was wrong of me to laugh at you loving your woman............but that shit was funny!" He laughed getting everybody back started.

"Fuck y'all." August laughed as well pushing my shoulder making me bump into Terrance. I could have sworn I felt something from within me when I came in contact with his chest.

"Stop bastard that's how I met him in da' first place, sorry about dat' too, by the way." I turned to him apologizing about earlier and my clumsiness.

"It's alright, my old ass shouldn't have even been in this store anyway." He laughed.

"You look so young though." Jaz said furrowing her eyebrows looking for the 'old' he spoke of.

Chris looked at her and shook his head, "So you checkin' fa' Terrance bruh?"


"Nawl man, just keep it one'hunnit." He asked getting hype.

"Christopher Maurice Brown, shut up!"

"Shut don't go up prices do, so take yo' advice and shut the fuck up too."

Laughing at his stupidity she grabbed his earlobe and pulled him beside her, which caused his face to cringe."I love you stupid, you know that."

"I-I love you too babe, now can you let my ear go please, pretty please." He whimpered.

She tapped her chin with her free hand as if she was thinking before looking back at him, "Nah, you good."

After me, Aug, and Terrance laughed at them and their little scene, we finally calmed down and he decided to tell us a few words of wisdom I should say.

"The four of you have found something, so so beautiful, so precious and amazing. Most would kill for it, or die for it ,"He added,"But y'all have found it all on your own. I'm sure y'all went through hell to grasp it, but hey, most people don't even get that far. Most people are blinded by fake love to realized that the real true love was right there, but once they realize that, it's too late,"He sighed,"Then they have to settle for a love that will never be as true as the love they lost- settle for fake shit. But what y'all have is genuine and by that I mean if it came down to it, y'all would take bullets for one another, y'all would take lives for one another- not a person on earth could hurt you're significant other because if they did you would hurt you too if not worse... I guess what I'm saying is cherish what y'all have, never let that go, y'all are young but y'all soulmates have been found along with a real ass friendship. Take y'all love and hold on to it, never forsake, hold on to it with two hands and a firm grip,"He chuckled,"Love is happiness and once you lose your true love, you lose your happiness as well. Just-Just never leave what y'all got right now behind. And if you do, fight as hard as you can to get it back."He smiled weakly at us," Take it from a old man that was too foolish to realize."

His words struck me. I could see something, a deeper meaning behind them as he spoke. Something was written in those words especially for him. They made me realize how in love I really was. How thankful I was. From the looks of it his words touched everyone else just as much as they touched me. Jaz's hands were now wrapped tightly around Chris's waist, and his were wrapped even tighter around her shoulder as he softly kissed her forehead telling her how much he loved her.

"Didn't mean to get all sappy guys, my bad my bad." He held his hands up playfully in a surrendering motion.

"Nawl man, you straight, real talk. What'chu juss' said made me realized how lucky I am." August said never taking his gaze away from me, the same gaze that makes me melt.

"It's that look, that's the look of true love,"He pointed to August,"For as long as you all live that look will never fade, I promise you."

"That was juss' so beautiful Terrance, the whole thing juss' beautiful... can I hug you?" I croaked a bit.

"Gone take me a whole hour ta' get ha' emotional ass stable." August mumbled.

"Of course." He laughed.

"Me too." Jaz said on the same verge of tears.

"A group hug from two pretty ladies, God is just too good to me." He squeezed us tightly as we did the same.

"So... is we gone get loved on like dat' or don't worry 'bout it? Juss' let us know some."

"I mean cause... Terrance clearly got the upper hand, but you know hey! Do y'all we good, just checking. We know what's up." Chris said waving his hand in the air and nodding his head in a knowing manner.

August on the other hand took it a step further when he popped his lips and clasped his hands together infront of him,"I just find it funny how... dey' huggin' on him when I thought we was dey' true love, but hmph, ta' each is own."

Chris of course, was ready to agree.

"Amen said the cat."

I removed my head from his chest and glared at the two of them.

"Can't even hug a stranger without dey' asses goin' bananas." I whispered to Jazmine releasing Terrance from our hold.

"Right," She agreed, "But it was really nice meeting you Terrance, seriously."

"You guys too, thanks for chatting with me also, hopefully we'll meet again."

"I'll hold ya' ta' dat' Terrance." August dapped him up again.

He smiled nodding his head and turning his attention to me. His eyebrows were furrowed, actually he's been doing that every time that I wasn't glancing at him —I noticed. He would always cross his arms and just stare at me, with this look.

"Ya' ready ta' go Armani?"

"Yeah, im ready ta' eat."

"Fat ass always wanna eat, dat' ain't my seed makin' you dat' hungry eitha', you juss' usin' my baybeh as an excuse."

Turning back to Terrance I noticed all the life that was just present in his face had disappeared, he looked lost, back to that empty demeanor that I felt the very first time my front came in contact with his back; this time it was an unbearable expression though.

"You ok T?" Chris asked before I got a chance to.

"Y-Yes, I'm fine."

"You sho', you don't look fine."

"I am trust me," He smiled, which only tightened my worries, not assuring me of anything like it was intended to do. "You-You kids gone have fun now."

"...Okay, only if you're sure you're ok." Jaz said causing a small chuckled to escape his lips.

"I am, now go love birds."

"Alright, alright." She laughed, "Bye." We told him hugging and dapping him up.

"I like him." I said to August, only a good foot away from Terrance.

"Yeah me too, he a real one." He put his arms back around my shoulder as we walked away.

"Made me realize I really do love you fa' fa'eva and a day my love."

I turned a bit ready to smile back at Terrance, but the face that I was met with was no longer there. The new look that covered his face made me weak. Made me ache. It was a look of complete and utter brokeness. He looked shattered as he gazed in my direction with that emptiness growing deeper and deeper in the shadow surrounding him. His face sagged and his shoulders slumped into a miserable state. Could he truly be that unhappy in life? Could the ending of our conversation truly leave him that lonely? I tried piecing together what had him so distraught in a short amount of time, but came up with nothing- my mind was empty, just like he was......

But once I made contact with him-

Once my eyes looked through his windows, I seen a hurt that not even my eyes could decipher nor fathom. I couldn't even continue to look at it. Me! Of all people, could not stand to look at this man's hurt. Before I could even think to run back to the gentle stranger, he was out of view.




1 hour Later
At Chick-Fil-A

After leaving the mall we went ahead to go get something to eat. Me having a taste for a delicious chicken sandwich, I decided to go to Chick-Fil-A. While we waited for our food to be brought to us, me and August were having a talk about the baby in our booth, while Jaz and Chris talked about who knows what in the both behind us. I guess it's just been a pretty chill day.

"I mean I don't know Aug, I know I want it ta' be different." I sighed tapping my hand on the table while the other rested under my chin allowing it to sit in the palm of it.

"I was thinkin' if it was a girl we could have mama name as da' middle name."

"Really?" I asked a little surprised and also honored that he would want to incorporate my mother's name into our child's name.

"Hell yeah, ma name is beautiful as hell. And I know if we havin' a la'girl she would be just as beautiful," He shrugged, "So we gone need a name ta' match ha' beauty, right?"

I smiled at his theory and kind words. I leaned over to kiss his lips, "Right babe."

"But I really think we should focus on boy names."

"So you really set on numba' one bein' a boy, huh?"

I know it is, a special someone showed me it was...

"Positive actually, so shoot. I need names."

"Well I done made it pretty clear dat' I don't want a august da' third runnin' roun' hea' thinkin' he me."

I nodded, "Me either."

"I want him ta' be different, ya' know, ta' stand out."

"I like dat' idea baybeh, seems like you been thinkin' 'bout dis' a lot." I said making him nod.

"I have, from da' moment I found out actually. I guess I got baybeh fever all of'a sudden," He smiled, "I know it's a big responsibility, but I juss' really can't wait ta' see da' little guy."

"Well tell me what names ya' came up wit' fa' our little guy?"

"It's really juss' one dat' I got my eye on, ta' be honest." He said lowly fumbling with his fingers. He was nervous.

"Ok well tell me."

"Don't juss' shut it down when you hea' it Mani. Please?"

"I won't love, juss' tell me." I encouraged him as I sipped from my lemonade.

"I mean it's different, but common at da' same time so-,"

"Boy if you don't tell me." I rushed.

Hell, I was ready to hear.

"I kinda like, uh...Emil."


"Yeah, it got a nice lil ring to it, plus it ain't juss' ordinary, or dat' far out thea', I like it." He looked at me from across the table, trying to read my face for my opinion.

Thinking over the name in my head, and really taking that name into consideration for my baby boy, I couldn't help the smile pinching at the corner of my lips. In all honesty, I wholeheartedly loved that name.

"I like dat'."

"You do?!"

"Yes." I smiled broadly as I nodded my head, "I love it."

"I'm happy you do baybeh, nah' all we need is a middle, yeah?"

"Mhm, but I got dat' part, you came up wit' da' first name so I got da' middle."

"Yes ma'am." He smirked. I hated when he did that sly half smile of his, he knows how heated that gets my treasure.

"What'eva." I smiled trying to conceal my blush by looking off to the side out the window.

The first thing my eyes seen happened to be an all black 2016 Impala parked outside. The sun beaming down on it made it look more extravagant than it was. It sparkled under the sun's rays, it was a nice ass car. I didn't even get a chance to wonder who it belonged to before I ripped my eyes away from its shining hood and my eyes landed on a pair of eyes that made me instantly cringe- they belonged to him. The man that held nothing but hollowness inside of his being. The way he stared at me, like he longed for me at this very moment. Even though it scared me to look into his darkness, I couldn't look away... and neither could he. We were stuck. Locked in.

"Baybeh you good?" August asked eating on his Alfredo and baked chicken.

I haven't even noticed the food had gotten here.

"I'm fine, juss-juss' nothin'," I shook my head focusing on my food.

"Sho'?" He furrowed his eyebrows taking another bite of his food.

"Yeah babe, juss' tired." I lied feeling Terrance's eyes burning into me.

I was still haunted by that cold lonely stare from earlier, and here he is parked outside of the restaurant that we just so happen to be at.

Of course, I wanted to think that this was some sort of coincidence, but something told me that it wasn't. That something also told me that he followed us here just to get to me.

What if he was one of Kings's men? What if he was here to get revenge?

It wouldn't surprise me if he was. People always seem to play the friendly role just so they can stab you where it truly hurts- your soul. But there was a feeling I got about that man, my judgment showed me how genuine he was, and also how lonely he felt. I guess it's just- after I seen that look in his eyes at the mall- I grew scared.

Sighing deeply I turned back to the car and let out another sigh, but this sigh was of relief. The car was empty. I didn't completely let my guard down, but I was a little more at ease as I began to focus on my food... that is until I heard August speak.

"Aw shit! Wazzam T, see, I knew we was gone see you again, small world."

"It is," I listened to him speak, not able to look up, "It's very small, very small indeed." He continued, "That's um, that's actually why I'm here. After seeing you all and hearing you all speak I kinda had to talk to you all again."

"'Bout what?"

Chris and Jaz were now peeking over the booth at the ongoing conversation, and by now August had picked up on my oddly timid behavior. It wasn't just the fact that I was scared of him that freaked me out, it was the fact of why I was afraid of him that scared me the most. I've never seen a look like that before; not even in my own eyes. Never have a seen such a look of death in someone's orbs. That's what scared me. The fact that this man was so empty that death seemed to be the only thing that he had left to look forward to.

"I-I need you to hear me out when I say this, I know it might sound strange, but I just-I just can't let this opportunity pass me up."

"Meeting you guys, I mean."

"Oh ok, I see, yo' grandchild a fan or some and you want a show, "August smiled looking stupid, "We gotcha T."

"No, it's not that."

"Then what'chu gettin' at?" August asked getting straight to the point.

"I want, I.... I came here to talk about Armani."

"You followed us all da' way hea'?"

After a moment of silence he finally spoke up.


"So yo' ass done-,"

"Why," I cut in before August could snap, "Why?" I finally looked at him holding off my urge to cringe.

"I know I probably came off a tad bit weird when the two of us parted ways-,"

"Yeah, you kept starin' at me like you lost somethin'."

Probably shouldn't have mentioned that last part knowing how Aug is.

"You was eyein' my woman?" August questioned standing up, along with Chris popping their knuckles, "Dat's why you so uncomfortable Lil Mo'?" He asked, but I didn't respond.

"Damn T," He chuckled shaking his head a bit, "I thought'chu was cool people, but I see nah' you on some different shit, huh?"

"What's yo' purpose, my sis been through enough, so what's yo' deal?"

The air had been filled with tension so fast that if I were just walking in I wouldnt have known how happy the day was moments prior to this.

"I think it's best if me and her discuss this privately because it's pre-,"

"Mane fuck that!" Chris snarled, "Aye Yung' you got a warehouse down here, clearly bitches still wanna get offed."

He licked his lips never letting his hard gaze leave the man in front of him,"Yeah I got one fam, tryna take care'a business?"

"Hell ye-,"

"Stop!" I interjected standing to my feet, putting a gap between the two. I stood in front of August and Jazmine went and put her head on Chris's heaving chest, placing her hand on his cheek. Even though he tried to hide it, I seen his anger drop a level or two from her small gesture.

"You two need ta' stop actin' off anger, y'all are in a public place wit' a billion of y'all fans around us, calm da' fuck down." I whispered harshly.

"Thank you Arma-,"

"And you," I turned to him, "What do you want wit' me, you don't even know me. What are you? One of Kings's men?"

He screwed up his face, "What? King? I don't even kno- look! I just really need to talk to you Armani, it's important."

"What'eva da' fuck you gotta say ta' ha' yo' ass can say it right fuckin' hea'! Fuck type'a shit you tryna pull?!"

Due to his anger, his accent was on ten instead of its regular five. His voice was booming, and a few people had their cameras out, but none of us were phased by the nosy onlookers.

Terrance sighed and looked from August and finally let his eyes land on mine.

Those eyes... why are his eyes this way.

"My eyes hold this look because of New Orleans." He started, but I could tell he knew only I understood that. "I know you see it."

"What happened?" I questioned not even caring that he was a stalking stranger, I needed to know why his windows to his soul held no spark, no emotion, and why could no one else see that this man is hurting.

"Your name, before I knew it, I hadn't realized I was talking to you. I didn't know that you were Armani."

"Okay so what, why is dat' so damn important, you don't even know me, so how can I be da' cause of dat' look?"

"That's just it, that's why I'm this way Armani!" He yelled as if I was suppose to understand why he was upset.

"Bag back nigga, betta' calm dat' shit down." August said from behind me. "She da' only reason yo folks ain't got a call about you yet."

"August please. Let him speak baybeh."

"Do you remember what I said about New Orleans?"

"Yeah, you left sum'n."

"Yes, I left something, something very important."

"Stop beatin' ar-,"

"I left you," He grabbed my hand making me snatch away and August stand in front of me pushing him back.

"Told yo' ass get back!"

"What da' fuck you mean you left me?"

"I left you," He stepped closer, "And Ameka and-and Kali!"

Before he could get any closer to me August swiftly put him in a head lock cutting off his air way. Knowing that he was extremely livid and ready to kill Terrance, I knew I had to get him out of that lock before my baybeh had a murder case on his hands.

"August stop! Let him go!" I screamed clawing at his arms, but my strength was nothing compared to his.

"Baybeh please stop!" I cried.

It was hopeless though. My pleas were falling on deaf ears, and for some reason hearing the end of this story was on my mind.

"You're-You're Armani, Armani Anderson,"He gasped,"Your mother was, was Ameka and she, and she died-," He stopped and began to tap August's arm.

"What da' fuck do you know about my damn mama?" I asked growing angry at him speaking on a woman he knew nothing about.

Letting him go, August stepped over his weak body 'accidentally' kicking him in the process. Once he was next to me he scowled down at the gasping man on his knees.

"Armani... Anderson? Just please...tell me that's you, just tell me that's... who you are."

"Why does dat' even matta'?"

"Just tell me!" He yelled with the little breath he managed to scrape up after his encounter with August.

"Okay sir, yes that's her," Jazmine huffed stepping foward, "And you are?"

He looked up to us and finally I was blessed with some type of emotion from him that wasn't an act. An actually feeling from him. Relief. He stood to his feet and gazed at everyone as his eyes connected with mine.

"I'm her father."


Sorry guys it took me forever to get this typed up ugh! But surprised right?

Anyway, I know I'm thinking far ahead but I'm not doing a baby shower.

But hope you enjoyed guys!


Excuse all mistakes!

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MeMe loves y'all
Just a real nigga commin' through...😘👑

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