Don't Forget About Me| August...

By MeMe_Alsina_

1.9M 71.9K 27.8K

My name, is Armani- meaning shy, unique, and for those I care about, relentless. I'm from downtown New Orlean... More

Ok so heres the deal!
Just Ashamed!
It's out my loves!
Final Thoughts


13.2K 637 310
By MeMe_Alsina_

King house in the mm my loves......❤️

I Won't Stop Til I Get Back What's Mine

Same Day
9:56 P.M.

Armani (POV)

I opened my eyes and looked around this new room that I had been placed in. It seemed to be a much bigger room than the one I was in before, maybe the master bedroom. Windows covered almost every wall of this room and looking out the window directly in front of me I seen it was dark- meaning it was night time.

Meaning I was still here.....I haven't been saved.

I laid in this bed watching the blood drizzle from the flesh wound that the bullet had left on my inner thigh while the thick red substance also ran from my nose. I guess my hand had been broken about an hour ago since that was around the time I blacked out. The way my body is feeling I can't tell if that demon assaulted me or not, everything is failing me. I was starting to give up, and if it were just me I probably would have already- but I can't, we can't. I'd hope that while I was unconscious that my real King would come and save me and his-well our unborn creation, but I had to come to a realization that he doesn't know where we are. I'm stuck here. We're stuck here.

I know he's looking, but this place is to secluded to be found- it's damn near impossible......

But God I pray that you send my baby down the path to get to me, please.

"Well look who's finally awake." I heard his deep voice grunt.

Just as I opened my mouth to respond to him I quickly shut it- I couldn't even speak, it was too agonizing to move at all. Beads of sweat began to roll down my forehead as my breathing became unkempt. I was trying my hardest to hold on, but I couldn't much longer. I-I just couldn't.

"I wanted to wait until you were awake to make love to my new edition,"He smirked,"To show you what a real man is."

"St-Stop." I croaked breathlessly when I seen him trying to approach me.

"I've been waiting so long for you Miss. Armani, you see this,"He roughly grabbed at what lied between my thighs,"This pussy is mine! And ain't nobody gone keep me from getting what's mine!"

I rose my hand, despite the daggers and knives shooting through me with every movement I made, and mushed his head away from me. No man will ever take advantage of me while I'm living on this earth, not ever again. August is, and will forever be the only one that can have me.

"Stop resisting me sweet cheeks."

"M-Move..." I grunted followed by a single tear forcing itself down my face.

I know you should never show fear, but this was nowhere near fear- this was pain. My body was self destructing and I couldn't stop it if I tried. Excruciation was hitting me with ever blood cell that flowed freely through my veins. This feeling can not even be explained, my child, the life inside me, can't be alive at this point; my insides are dying and I'm trying to hold off the seizing that's trying to surface.

"It baffles me that you can still fight me like this when you're only mere seconds away from death. Just let me have you."

"If you behave I may decide to give you a dosage of your medicine, would that make you act accordingly?"

I quickly shook my head no, ignoring the stabbing in my neck. Even if he was to give me a dosage - and even if that dosage was the largest dosage anyone has ever given me, it still wouldn't work. The way that I am now is exactly the condition that doctors warned me about. I remember them telling me that once this point is passed there will be no return......and I see why they said it, because I can honestly say that this feels like the end for me.

"You will obey me!" Just as 'obey' left his mouth, his hand connected with my cheek causing my entire body to fall off of the bed because of the force he sent to me. I couldn't even feel the slap, but once I came in contact with the floor I couldn't help but let out a low gasp at the impact. My own heart beat was hurting me. I felt it pulsating throughout my whole body, which caused it to throb with ever pump my heart sent through me.

I ended up landing on my back and though everything was in pain, I could still pinpoint my broken hand, shot up thigh, and now a hot substance running over my chest. That was when the smell of vanilla began to fill my nostrils and I seen that the substance was hot wax.

As he got off the bed and made his way to me things started to move in slow motion. I started to see things-images of August and I played through my mind. Us when we were young, and how stupid we were. How he would hold me and the next minute be egging me on to wrestle him. He was always meant for me, even if we didn't always know it- he was the one God had made especially for me. My soul mate. My life line. As those memories faded away new ones replaced those, the memories of Mel, my Bestfriend. He flooded my mind making me smile up at the ceiling at the thought of his silly foolish antics, he saved me not only that, but he loved me. If anything Mel was the only real father figure I've known. He stepped up to a plate that he didn't even own and polished it until it shined and glistened every time the sun hit it. And for everything he's done for me and Kali I thank him, I can't even do that enough.

Kali and Ma soon made there way into my head, for some reason it's like I could actually see them together playing and laughing with one another. Kali was in the air with her arms spread wide while our mother held her in her arms spinning her around before they both plopped down in a bed of beautiful flowers. They looked at each other with the love I've always wished to see in their eyes for each other- they looked happy, like they should be, like they deserve.

As King started beating me I pushed myself further to wrap up in a fetal position and protect my stomach from the fire blows he was throwing to me.

"Look what you made me do to you! I don't wanna do this to such a pretty lady, but you made me!"

His eyes were cold and dark like the crazy man that he is. He didn't strike fear and my heart, because those eyes were permanently woven into the memories that my mind could never forget. He was just like David, and I'm not scared of his bitch ass no more, so I'm damn sure not scared  of this impersonator- and I think that's what pissed him off most of all. The fact that I was a woman that was as vulnerable as they came and still wasn't afraid of him was eating away at his small little brain.

He bent down to my level and patted my cheek with his hand.

"Such a gorgeous girl, but that personality of yours is going to be a downfall for you here. You have to learn to obey me, I'm daddy, not that bitch ass Alsina boy- me!"

Off instinct my hand rose and swung across his face causing his head to whip harshly to the left. One thing you will not be allowed to do, no matter how beat down or tarnished I am, is talk down on the Alsina or La'Branch name- when you do that you fucking with my family. Hell, he better be happy that a slap is all I was able to manage at the moment.

He ran his hand over the spot I'd just slapped,"You really shouldn't have done that." He gritted.

Before I knew it he had his hand wrapped around my throat and my body pinned against the wall, with a good three inches between my feet and the floor. With his right hand securely around my neck, he used his left to reach around back of him and grab a small hand gun that rested in the back of his waistband.

Oh God no!

"So damn disrespectful sweetheart, so rude!"

He pressed the steel against the warm shaking flesh that was above my chest and fired a single shot.

"Agggh!" I yelled hoarsely. My throat was starting to contract.

If this was punishment for something I did, I hope this is enough to repay my debt. Because this was the worst type of hell I've ever been through. The blood was spewing from me like it had been waiting to be set free from that specific location.

"How dare you slap me, bitch I'm a King, and for you to be my New found queen you're not acting too deserving of your throne."

He's fucking mental!

"So many girl have wanted your spot and here you are showing me why I should have given it to them." He smiled tightening his grip around my neck.

"I see that I'm goi-,"

"Aye boss that shipment from Mexico came in." I'm guessing one of his workers said.

"Good!" He cheered releasing his hold on me and allowing my body to fall to the floor,"Handle this while I go inspect the new product."

Slowly I let my droopy blurry eyes drift to the doorway and seen the same man that I'd knocked out hours prior standing there with two other men.

"That's her?" The one standing to the left said.

"Yeah." He mugged me readjusting the ice pack on his head.

The other man standing to his right smacked his lips and let his gaze fall to me,"She'on even look dat' tough bruh. You was talkin' like da' bitch was Mike Tyson'a sum'n shit." He shrugged looking back at me.

"Well she was, but as you can see boss been whipping her into shape.

He smiled at me and started making his way over to where I was, that smile changing to a sinister grin,"Now she just a weak ass bitch!" He spat sending his foot deep into my rib cage.

They then left the room, leaving me there alone, leaving me there balled up in this cold dark corner. Alone. I felt my lip begin to quiver and my eyes slowly open and close as tears ran down the side of my face onto the floor- mixing with some of the blood that my body was bleeding out. Even though this pain I was going through was the worst I've ever felt in life, I was crying because I missed my family. I needed them to know that if I die here that their love and my love for them was the last thing on my mind. The beautiful moments we created and the terrible moments I had that they turned into treasures, will never be forgotten nor go unappreciated. If these are my finial breaths that I'm taking, and this is the end for me; all I want my family to know is that I love them, we both do, and that I appreciate everything they've brought into my life.

"You.....showed me....l-love..... was a-all you needed my loves." I spoke quietly to myself.

"If I leave........I-I know you'll be a-alrig-,"

I stopped talking once I felt the blood tickling my tastebuds. I was praying that the bullet he sent into my chest didn't puncture my lung, because the blood was still coming out rather rapidly. This isn't how I wanted to go out, not like this man.

At least let me say goodbye...

The blood that was flowing from different parts of my body was starting to form a small puddle around me, I was losing too much. I was growing more and more tired, and I couldn't keep my eyes completely open, if it weren't for me trying to protect something that lived safely inside me, I would already be dead- but now I've gone too far. I've gone and pushed myself right into deaths arms.

"I'm back sweetheart, aww why are you crying? Did I scare you?"

I wanted to say 'Bitch get'cho crazy ass away from me', but my condition was rendering me from speaking as freely as I wanted to.

"I didn't mean to, it's just I hate for someone to disrespect me, especially in my own home." He sighed heavily,"I don't want you to be afraid of me pumpkin, I want you to understand that this is your life now, and until you act accordingly then this is how you will be treated."

"You probably need your medicine, huh? Here let me get it for you."

Even if he does give me that medicine it wouldn't have any affect on me, I'm too far gone.

As he walked to the other side of the room I heard what sounded like a small thump coming from the other side of the door. At first I was going to ignore, but soon I heard a series of thumps; one of those thumps being right outside the door, then it fell back into the same silence as before.

"Here you go, give me your arm."

I looked to him then to the syringe that was between his index finger and his middle one, what I seen was not my medicine. What I was staring at was the same thing that had consumed my mothers life, and here it is again trying to find its way back into my life. The blood of the devil is what it is.

"Come on, take your medicine." He spoke softly trying to persuade me. He was trying to control me with that drug in his hand and trying to trick me into taking it with that nice act of his.

"Armani if you don't take it you'll die."

Then that's what I'll do...

My body was still fighting off a series of seizures that were trying to attack me all at once. I laid there staring back at his deadly green eyes that showed his true intentions.

"Take this medicine Armani, you see how disobedient you're being?"

If the stupid fuck would have looked into my condition them he would know that I can't give him anything, I can't move- but even if I could I wouldn't dare hand over the little life I have left to him.

"Armani take the medic-,"

Interrupting him a worker came in out of breath looking like he'd seen a ghost.

"Boss-Boss he hea'!" He panted.

"What the fuck do you mean he's here?!" He yelled standing to his feet and walking over to where the man stood.

"Dey' took out KeeLee, Ben, DeeDee, and dey' even got Chris."

"He got Chris?!"

Yes sir, we gotta move I knew this nigga personally boss and dat' girl right thea' is his life."

"You think I give a fuck about who she is to him, this bitch is mine and will forever be mine,"He fumed," Get the fuck out of here Ace." He fanned him away.

As soon as Ace stepped foot out of the door his body was falling to the floor blood running from his head like a busted up pipe. King took a few steps away from the door a look of complete horror drawn across his face. Not only were there intruder(s) in his house, but whomever it was had silencers on their weapons, concealing where they were and where they were coming from.

King looked down at me and quickly came to where I was and snatched me up by my hair. He dragged me over to the door as I hung in his grasp like a rag doll and stepped over the threshold.

"Is this bitch gone be the reason you lose yo' life lil nigga?!" He yelled over the railing of the stairs.

My eyes were on the verge of closing so I tried my best to look around the bottom half of the house, but it was too dark to see anything beyond the two staircase.

"Y'all gone die over this!" Angrily he thrushes me toward the railing earning a few low gasp from the shadows.

"Armani you gone let all your little friends die because of you? Huh? Cause that's what the fuck gone happen!"

Knowing that I couldn't respond, he smirked and pulled me into him. I inhaled his strong cologne and started to gag from its intensity. I then looked to the shadows and tried to see if I could see anything, but sadly, my eyes were too weak to depict any living beings inside of the darkness.

Things seemed to be quiet, a little too quiet, the fact that it was dark didn't make anything better either. My senses were a mess, yet, there was something telling me not to be scared, just be aware.

"Whaaaaaaaaan!" A voice boomed through the thick uneasy air. I couldn't tell where it was coming from, but once it silenced a whole siren of the same calls broke out, sounding like a 504 siren was running through this whole house surrounding the two of us where we stood.

A single set of footsteps could be heard below us, they were getting closer to us, but I still couldn't see anything or anyone.

"Aye Twan take yo' team ta' da' left wing. Sneak, Teak y'alls team got da' right."

Twan, Sneak Teak......That voice! Could it be?!

"Come on, come out bitch! Pussy ass wanna hide and shit!"

He pulled out the same gun he used to shoot me with and pointed it at nothing but darkness. There was a clock that hung above the entrance to the house and looking at that I noticed that three minutes had passed before I heard gunshots erupt from every side of me. The war had begun.

And from the looks of it, King was scared.

King flung me into the room and since it was so unexpected I had no time to try and shield nor brace myself for the impact. I came in contact with the cold wooden floor head first. I felt blood coming from my nose a little thicker than before, but I couldn't tell if it was broken or not.

"Come get me Yung', you say these still yo' streets, show me!"

Now his first mistake he made was taking me and Kali in the first place, but the dumbest decision he just made was throwing me back into this room. I was the reasons bullets weren't invading every inch of his body-now that he doesn't have me, he also doesn't have a life.

"Bay-beh!" I yelled hoping he heard my cracking abused voice, hoping that-that would light a fire in his heart.

"Shut up!"


"Shut up!"

I heard an exaggerated sigh in the distance and mentally rejoiced in my head, I knew then that he'd heard me.

"I'm."He finally spoke up,"And who eva' else still alive afta' dis'. I'm gone take you bitches and I'm gone make the lil time you got left on dis' earth a livin' hell."He paused,"Ion' know who told you ta' fuck wit' me and ma' city, but bitch I'm hea' ta' get back what's mine." He spoke calmly.

My baby! I hear my baby!

"Bitch she's mine now!"

I heard a tired fake yarn being let out from him followed by a loud clap.

"Take him alive and go find his lil weak ass niggas too imma deal wit' all them lata' on."

As he was talking King was making his way down the hall running full speed. The way I was positioned on the floor I could see two figures following behind him at an even faster pace out of my peripheral vision. It was only a matter of time before they caught him.

"Get'cho light, right, and extra bright ass back hea'!" I heard no one other than Trav yell.

Trying to ignore the pain shooting everywhere I forced myself to stand up, immediately coughing up blood as I did so. I stumbled out of the room I was being held in and grabbed on to the stair case in front of me. Now I don't know what it feels like to die, but I think that's whats happening right now. I think I'm dying.

It feels like this is it for me, like I'm done for....... I shouldn't have fought so hard because now I can't fight for my life that I'm losing.

My legs gave out on me completely and my body was heading for the floor right next to where Ace's body lied.

"Armani!" I heard a deep gruffly voice ring out behind me, the same voice that I prayed I would hear hours ago. I could hardly recognize it from its hardness, but I knew exactly who it was.

"Aug-gust!" I cried as my throat started closing even tighter, all while trying to control the bleeding right above my right breast.

I turned around as fast as my zombie like body would let me and fell right into his arms. Not King, no — I fell into my king's arms. Here he is, looking down at me with eyes of hurt, concern, sadness, relief, anger, pity and plenty more that I could see lingering in his soul, but out of every emotion that sat there in his eyes the love that he had for me burned through every last one of them. His left arm wrapped around me and engulfed my body into a tight embrace, holding me like I was going to fly away if he let me go. His right arm rose above my hand and I heard bullets coming from his end. He came for me, just like I knew he would. My knight and shining armor has come and rescued me from these beasts, just as him and Mel did years ago. I wanted to cry out for joy, but instead I'll cry out these tears of freedom that my baby has given me the privilege to do. I'm free.

"I-I f-f-fought bay-beh...." I coughed harshly tasting the small amount of blood that came up with every cough I managed to get out.

He looked back down at me with the same eyes as before and softened his mean glare,"I know,"He cooed,"and you did so good baybeh, so-so good, but please stop, I'm hea' nah' and I'm gone fight fa' you now, ok? Y-Yo' man gone fight now, ok baybeh? I'm gone fight and you ain't gone have ta' fight or be strong or push yo'self no more cause I'm right hea' ta' do it fa' you, and I won't eva' leave yo' side again! You hea' me?"

I nodded my throbbing head at his statements, his glossy eyes triggering mine to gloss over as well and let out the breath that I've been holding.

He came for me.

He was here and I could finally stop fighting, because he was here to do that now. He came!

My Baybeh Boy Came!


Laaaawd I wonder if Mani gone make it, cause that condition has really taken its toll on her.

Owee and Kali I wonder what all that was about, is she......let me be quiet, anyway hope you enjoyed!!!!

Excuse all mistakes!

Share, vote, and comment please!

MeMe loves y'all
Just a real nigga commin' through...🙈👑

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