Don't Forget About Me| August...

By MeMe_Alsina_

1.9M 71.9K 28K

My name, is Armani- meaning shy, unique, and for those I care about, relentless. I'm from downtown New Orlean... More

Ok so heres the deal!
Just Ashamed!
It's out my loves!
Final Thoughts


16K 635 250
By MeMe_Alsina_

Old With The New

April 3, 2016
3:30 P. M.

Kaliana (POV)

We had just pulled up to mama Sheila's house and to be honest, I was a wreck.

Not because I knew who I was about to see, but because of the things that were about to be discussed.

The information that was about to be laid out on the table was going to make and break lives. As I always say I'm young, but my intelligence level is above and beyond — meaning I'm smart enough to know that this is about to raise hell and definitely high waters as well.

Being that August and Mel were two of a kind, I knew it wouldn't be hard for him to get to the bottom of this.

And after we all put our heads together and share the information that we knew, finding this guy would be a walk in the park for us.

I unbuckled my seat belt, opened my door, and stepped out. My hair instantly whipped in the wind as I got out of the car.

"Kali why you wanted ta' come ova' mama house? You know how dangerous it is." Mani reminded me.

"Yes, I know, but I have some things dat' might be helpful to figuring all of dis' King stuff out."

Her and August froze in their spots with confused looks on their faces.

"Bug how you know bout' King?" August asked with a hint of anger seeping through his voice.

He was most likely thinking that King had tried to abduct me or something, but little did he know...I had eyes on the inside. Even though that set of eyes were no longer on the inside, they still held some valuable secrets that needed to be told.

"That's why we hea' Auggie Pooh, ta' mix the old wit' the new."

"Ok dat's cool and all, but how do you know King?"

"Juss' come on, I'll explain everything when we get in the house."

Reluctantly, they followed me inside the house and we all were met by a smiling mama and a scent that made your mouth water and tummy grumble.

"Well hello my baybehs,"She smiled,"I figured y'all would be commin' by."

"How so ma Duke?" August asked while Mani made her way to the kitchen.

"Well some lil boy been waitin' fa' Kali since two sum'n. He said she told him ta' come ova'." She answered before following behind Armani.

Two sum'n, huh? I see he can follow directions.

"A lil boy?! She bet not be talkin' about Quawsi, cause y'all running out nah'. Plannin' secret meetin's and what not. I'm tired of y'all already."

Mama smacked his head,"Boy shut up, you and Mani was the same way. I mean use ta' be all up unda' each otha' like it was winter time."

"Mama...guh' hush, me and my baybeh was in looove."

"And praise the lord y'all realized dat' cause I been told you ta' wife her."

"But I was only fourteen ma."

"Aight and,"she cocked her head to the side,"mama knows best boy, and mama knew dat' her mani wannie was what was best for you."


"Mama this chicken is about ta' make me slap you!" Mani exaggerated walking in with about ten pieces if chicken on her plate along with the one in her mouth.

"Aww baybeh, yeen' have ta' get me no food, I'm aight."

Confusion found its way upon her face when he said that,"Nigga this ain't for you, this all me." She mumbled attacking the piece of chicken in her hand.

August's face was priceless. He looked so hurt, like someone had just ripped his little heart out.

"See dat's the kinda stuff I be talking about right thea', ya' too selfish man. You do me dirty bruh."

"I do not!"

"You know she was gone let me drown yesta'day mama?"

"Are you serious?"

"Mhm, did that,"he said real ghetto like as he side eyed Mani,"She don't care bout' me mama."

While they argued about who did who wrong, I went ahead and crept down the hall to my room, where I'm sure Quantre would be waiting. The fact that he got here before schedule has me a tad bit impressed, but still not to the point that I would actually trust him.

I turned the door knob and walked in to the room to see the boy of the hour snooping through the things that still lied on the top of my dresser.

"Fuckin' beautiful." He mumbled lowly looking at a picture I had placed there the day we came back.

It was of me and Royalty sitting in the park laughing at Chris and Jazmine arguing. I never went anywhere without that picture;  just like I was Mani's world, Royalty was mine. My only purpose for loving her so hard, is so she would never get hurt in the ways that I did.

"You shouldn't go through things dat' aren't yours." I spoke as I took up the available space next to him.

"Kali!"He jumped, placing his hand over his heart,"You scared me."

"I bet I did, but did you find what you were lookin' for?"

"Oh um I was just-I was just looking at these pictures and stuff, that's all."

"But why are you back here in the first place?"

"I was about to go to the bathroom, but I ended up in here and after looking at the pictures on the walls and stuff, I sorta figured this was your room. So I just lounged in here."

His story was about fifty fifty at this point. Fifty percent it was true, since my room was right next to the bathroom and you could easily get confused. And fifty percent it was a lie that he was trying to cover up because he was trying to get some more statistics on us, and his whole changing over story was an act just so he could get close to us. As I said before, I will not be putting anything pass this young man before me. I don't care how much he claims he's changed, men are just as conniving as a scorned woman. They feed off the weakness and vulnerability that they think all women have. But not I, I was told to never let a wall down, never let an insider into your domain.

That is what I was taught, and that is what I will live by.

"I bet you were,"I shrugged completely dismissing the conversation," but we need to lay all this stuff out on the table so c'mon."

"Kali wait!" He yelled turning me back around so that I was facing him.


"I'm-I'm scared. I know I promised to help you and to be there, but Kali what if I don't survive to see my promise through? What if he take me out the second I step into daylight?"

"I told you we all the protection you need.

"Kali be real right quick, aight? Do you really think yo' family gone protect me from the same nigga I was just helping to take them out? Do you really think they gone help me when they find out my daddy betrayed them and I'm his son that was following in his footsteps? I wouldn't be surprised if they killed me themselves."

He had several points. I had been thinking so far ahead that I was overlooking the fact that they could kill Quan just because he was on the other side at a point in time. The only thing that might save him was he fact that he was a child and he came to help us out. August always said he never killed children and the elderly, so I hope be still lives by that.

But August is crazy as hell.....

If Quantre doesn't get his point across in a convincing manner, he could be a dead man walking...just like his father.

But I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there, which will be right after I give Quan one of my inspirational speeches.

August (POV)

"August oh my goodness, nah' you know you wrong fa' these damn hash tags." Mani laughed sticking some macaroni in her mouth.

"How come I'm wrong, I was juss' expressin' how much I luh' my girl, plus I had ta' let the nation know me and you,"I pointed between us," We fa'eva baybeh."

"But babe, did-did you have ta' add the last hash tag? It-It was a little shady." She tried to say through laughter.

"Dat' shit wasn't shady, I was juss' sayin' dat' you was actually considered a real model, aside from other people who juss' seem ta' get gigs from time ta' time, you know, an opportunist." I shrugged smirking to myself.

"So dis' wasn't shady?" She hopped up shoving her phone in my face and showing me the picture I posted a few minutes ago.

I'm petty but she liked it....

"Guh' move! I'm aware of what I posted up thea',"I grabbed her phone and bit my lip,"Dat' ass know it's lookin' a-ma-zing."

She snatched her phone and sat back down at the end of the couch, while I just laughed at her attitude change.

"You know when we was young, honestly, I started loosin' hope that that thang was gone grow."

"August, shut up."

"But then ma' baybeh turned sixteen." I smacked my lips.

"Shut up." She sung.

"And a nigga thought you was Kim K lil sista'."


"A very sweet sixteen indeed." I continued.


"Pretty plump rump wit'a nice big bump!"


"Got Nicki Minaj askin' how you did it without the surgery?!"

"August Anthony Alsina Junior!"

"See, if them folks find meh' it's gone be cause dat' shit right thea'. Sayin' my whole damn name."

Her smile she was giving off right now only fueled me to continue my dramatic ways. She knows how much I enjoy hearing her laugh, and how I would go to the ends of the earth just to make her smile. My queen was amazingly gorgeous and when she opened her perfectly shaped lips that made a glow bounce off of her skin even more.

And as of now she was smiling and laughing so hard that she was smacking the hell out of my knee. It didn't really phase me though, that cackle and that show stopper was worth any pain I had to endure — long as I got to see my baby shine.

I often find myself thinking of new ways that I can make her and Kali happy, and make them smile all the time. Mani always told me, 'Juss' havin' my baybeh daddy back is all I need my love.'

Kali's response hit me pretty hard — of course —since she was just a bright kid that always gave me words that even a genius couldn't think of, but they always motivated me to do better.

"You took dat' first step, you started your journey. You had a small bump in the road, but at least you came back ta' get us so we could help you along the way, right? So I guess I don't really need you ta' do anything special ta' make me happy, because you commin' back ta' me was all the happiness a kid could ask for."

I know they say me being here is enough, but at the end of the day, I left them for five years with empty promises.

In my heart there is no way to make up for something like that, I don't care if I did do it to protect them. I made them a damn promise.

Yes, I came back, but it feels like I let my girls down.

"August, babe are you ok?"

I looked back up at Mani's concerned face and quickly shook the thoughts out of my head as I cleared my throat,"Yeah I'm good, but uh did you see da' picture I put up of baybeh girl." I smiled.

"Nope, show me." She said shoving some more macaroni in her mouth.

"Fat ass." I mumbled fishing through my front pants pocket for my phone.

"What was dat', don't make me beat chu'."

"Not while August da' third in the room Mani, c'mon nah', be cool." I whispered.

"Lawd why is my baybeh daddy so petty! Juss' show me the picture bruh."

I chuckled as I handed her my phone and she scrunched up her face,"Why yo' instagram look different from mine?"

"Well geez, I don't know Mani."I gasped placing my hand on my cheek,"Maybe, juss' maybe, this is juss' a suggestion nah', but maybe if you update dat' old ass version maybe yo' shit would look a lil different. Just a tad."

"Get on my damn nerves." She mugged putting her eyes back on my phone.

"What nerves, yeen' got no damn nerves! "

"Ok mama Augusta."

After she said that I just mugged her ass, because she knows how much I hate that name. Her and Mel tortured me with that gay stuff.

She just like to annoy me though, but since I'm clearly the mature one in the relationship, I'm just gone let that shit slide. This time.

"I looooove this picture." She smiled.

"Yeah I know,"I smiled as well, scooting closer to her."I was goin' through my phone and noticed she made meh' a lil collage or what'eva." I spoke admiring the picture.

"And she was so cut-,"

"He-Hey guys, we need ta' talk." Kali said coming into view, with Quinton right behind her.

"Well isn't this a nice surprise, it's nice ta' see you again Quantre." Mani smiled holding out her hand.

"Nice to see you again too Mrs. Alsina."

Aight, that just earned him some cool points.....

"We aren't mar-,"

"So what brings ya' by woe? And how do you know wea' my mama lay ha' head at?"

Before he even got a chance to explain anything to me, Kali stood in front of him.

"I told him,"She said confidently,"We have a lot of important things we need ta' discuss with you guys, so we might as well lay everything out."

"What'chu tum' bout' munch?"


"How the fuc-,"

"August let us finish sayin' what we have ta' say, as you know, time is runnin' thin fa' us. So hush and let us finish talkin'.............sorry fa' bein' disrespectful."

As much as I wanted to protest and get to the bottom of things, I knew that wouldn't work if I didn't hear them out. Even though I had a million and one question, I decided to let them talk.

"Go ahead."

She nodded letting out a low sigh,"So the whole time we been hea' I know the two of you have been lookin' fa' this person who's been intrudin' on our lives, right? Well I've been lookin' too; I've found some things out."

"Things like what?" Mani questioned.

"Well once Melly B died some Nigga named King surfaced and started gaining a name fa' himself, but before he was King his name was Dwayne. He was pretty low key before the incident, but even then da' nigga was loaded wit' money. Now I know we all have learned some stuff about him so let's come together and take this lame down."

"Kali how do you know all this?" I questioned as calmly as I could.

"I told her." Quantre said.

"And how da' fuck you know it?"

Not even being able to answer me, he looked towards the floor and started playing with the hem of his shirt. Kali turned around wrapping her hands around his shoulder telling him everything was going to be fine.

"Juss' tell him what you told me, they'll unda'stand... I promise."

He reluctantly nodded his head and brought his gaze back to me and Mani.

"I know him."

"You know him?!"

"Yes I uh, I um, you see I uh-,"

"Stop over thinkin' it Quan, juss' tell them." Kali encouraged.

He nodded his head yet again and let out a loud sigh,"I know him, because I used to work for him."

"Mani get my gun outta yo' purse."

"August no no no, please just listen ta' me, please! Hear me out okay? Just please!"

At this point I'd heard enough. The enemy was standing right in my mama's house and Kali was too smart to realize this King nigga was still using him, but I wasn't.

I don't care about my past morals, age ain't mean nothing to me, if you were out to hurt my family, I am out to hurt you, point blank period.

I cocked my gun and looked over at Mani, whom was mugging this young man straight to hell. I then looked over at Kali, whom had the same pleading look in her eyes as this snake ass youngster,"You got sixty seconds, talk."


Hello my loves wazzamm?

I don't know which story will be my favorite

I don't know if it's gone be Don't Forget About Me, The Perfect Piece,  or Ani.... Oop! Shit! Let me be quiet I've said too much..... Bye

Excuse all mistakes!

Share, vote, and content please!

MeMe loves y'all
Just a real nigga commin' through... 👑😛

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