Don't Forget About Me| August...

By MeMe_Alsina_

1.9M 71.9K 27.8K

My name, is Armani- meaning shy, unique, and for those I care about, relentless. I'm from downtown New Orlean... More

Ok so heres the deal!
Just Ashamed!
It's out my loves!
Final Thoughts


25.1K 798 349
By MeMe_Alsina_

I'm telling you now so you won't be confused if you can't see the next chapter.....add me, follow me- whatever you wanna call it kml. Go ahead and do that now so you will be notified of the next update because *pops collar and wipes nose* That shit bout' to be lit dawg. A bitch is coming through for y'all next chapter, so follow me so you guys can see it my loves.



That Afternoon
At The Hospital

Armani (POV)

"Mani!" Kali yelled jumping into my arms, squeezing the life out of me.

"Mmmmm I missed ya' so much my Kali!" I mumbled pulling her in closer to me.

"I missed you too sista', you know I hate bein' away from ya'!"

"I know mama, I know." I cooed as if I was flattered.

We held onto each other for a while until she pulled away and gave me a toothy grin,"I luh' you dummy head!"

"I luh' you too, stupid dummy head!" I yelled making the two of us laugh, while the nurses and doctor Morris smiled at our mini reunion.

Them my baybehs right thea'." I heard August whisper to one of the male nurses.

"You're a lucky man." He laughed.

"Mhm, I know. We gettin' married." He whispered again.

"Okay Miss. Anderson it looks like you guys are all set and ready to go." Dr. Morris said handing me Kali's discharge papers.

"Thank you so much for everything."

"As always you are very welcome, but you should really be thanking Mr. Alsina over there, he's........he's something," she chuckled," but he's a real life saver." She smiled over at me.

That he was. even though he did leave us behind, if it weren't for him and Mel being our blessings, I don't know where me and my Kali would be. Sometimes I think back to those terrible times and the nights that my life seemed so worthless and non-existent. I always find myself tracing over my scars that seem to have faded into my skin- the same ones that I allowed August to see. Oddly enough as I'm grazing over my permanent reminders of the past I thank God for the light that he gave me, I thank him for Kali and August and Mel; and everybody else he blessed me with. I even thank him for my mama and daddy.


Because if it weren't for them being the way they were, I would have never known how a happy home is suppose to be. I would never know happiness and how a father is suppose to treat his child. Thanks to my sperm donor, I know that a man- a real man- is suppose to be the exact opposite off his bitch ass and his father. I now understand that every man is not the same, and should be a king with a heart of gold such as Mel. As for my mother, she taught me that in the blink of an eye one wrong turn can change your life, one fucked up decision can keep you from seeing the signs that your broken daughter is giving off. She taught me that everything that sounds and feels right isn't anywhere near good for you. She taught me that to a mother, your child should be your everything. Never let materialistic, man-made obstacles drive a wedge between you and your sanity.

Most importantly though, she taught me to never lose yourself; never forget who you are and what your dreams in life are. She taught me that even greatness can be tarnished and thrown away, but sometimes you have to push pass that. Even though my mother was a strung out drug addict, she had the wisdom of an old forgotten soul who had seen every inch of the world and had over a million stories to share. She showed me the ropes without even being there to do it. When I needed something I fought for it, and when Kali needed something I fought ten times harder for it.

I said all that to say, I thanked God for them because they taught me how to survive when you have nothing. Nothing but an ounce of hope and a small piece of happiness to hold on to.

That is until those two tall, silly, dramatic monstrosities came along..... they gave us a little more to hold on to.

"Mani?" August called breaking from my thoughts.

Clearing my throat I turned towards him,"Yes?"

"Wea' ya' went ta', we been callin' you fa' a good three minutes." He spoke in a concerned tone.

"She was daydreamin' as usual." Kali chuckled sliding out of the hospital bed.

"Was not!" I yelled.

"Was too!"

"Was not!"

"Was too!"

"Was no-,"

"Was shut da' hell up and get ready ta' go." August butted in.

Not responding to his smart remark, I handed Kali her clothes and shoes so she could change out of that dreadful hospital gown.

She grabbed her clothes and went into the bathroom leaving me and August alone, in silence.

"I got a surprise fa' you." He spoke slyly with a smirk creeping across his gorgeous face.

"What surprise?"

"I can't tell you, but it is gone make you stop hatin' me'."

I sighed heavily as I averted my gaze to the ground,"August I don't hate you. I could neva' hate you. I juss- I'm juss', I'm a bit hurt and I need you ta' unda'stand how deep dis' shit goes. You left me with a wound dat' has been open fa' five years and even though you say you didn't mean to, it still hurts."

He peered deeply into my eyes as he cocked his head to the side.

"Well what I got planned gone take all'at away, it won't even leave a scar it's gone be healed so good." He smiled pulling me into a hug.

"I hope so." I sighed against his chest.

"Goalsss!" Kali sung walking out of the bathroom fully dressed and heading towards the door.

"Dat' lil girl is sum'n else."

"Who you tellin'." I mumbled following her lead out of the room.

We all walked out of the hospital and looked around the parking lot to see where the hell we had parked, that is until I heard someone calling my name.

"Is dat' Chris?" I asked walking side by side with August.

"Yea, I called 'em up since he goin' on tour tomma' and I won't be able ta' join."

"And why won't you?" I queried looking over at him with a cocked eyebrow.

"Because our trip is mo' important than dat'."

He left me standing there as he joined Kali and our friends in the parking lot. I can't stay mad forever and with a man like august I won't be able to, but I can't just allow my anger to take over the good feelings that he's been making me feel either. I have to let this hurt go and just accept it for what it is. Yes he forgot us, but at least he's trying to make up for it. The important thing is, I got my crazy baby daddy back.

"Hello my sweet treasure!" Kali cooed bending down in front of Royalty and kissing the top of her head.

"Hey sis, yo' girl in the car." Chris told me puling me into a side hug.

"Why she in da' car?"

"She say she don't want you to see her cry."

I pouted as I turned toward the car,"My baybeh."

I swiftly walked to the backseat and opened the door to see my bestfriend crying out her eyes in a fetal position.

I climbed in, not saying a word to her, just leaning over and wrapping my arms around her petite frame.

"W-What if you never come back, w-what if you stay with them a-and forget all about me?" she cried.

"You're the only friend I got Mani, I can't lose you."

I could never leave her behind, she was my bestfriend - the only one I had who was still here with me.

"How could I fa'get you Jazmine, you're my bestfren'. I luh' you girl."

"But Mani they're your family-,'

"And you're my best fuckin' friend dat' no one can eva' eva' neva' replace, you dont have ta' worry about me forgettin' you, or if I'm goin' ta' come home, because I am baybeh. I'm gonna be right back hea' in da' next two weeks and as soon as I touch down me and you are goin' on a date."

She slowly rose from her position on the back seat and wiped the tears away from her puffy red eyes.

"Y-You promise?"

"I promise lil baybeh."

"Alright now, you do know I'll rape you keep talking like that." She smiled.

I laughed as well until I heard the girls screams and quickly snapped my head in their direction thinking that something was wrong. But that thought quickly vanished as I seen the four of them playing.

"Girl look at them fools." I said referring to August and Chris who were having the time of their lives hurling the girls into the air.

"Lord what are we going to do with those two?" She asked gazing at the sight.

"Make'em sprung."

"Hell yeah! Now lets get out of this car before they kill the kids." she laughed wrapping her arms around me as I did the same to her.




March 31, 2016
6:30 A.M.
At The Airport

August (POV)

"I got it." I told Kali who seemed to be struggling with her luggage.

"No, I got it," She shot back,"I got dat' Alsina blood in me rememba'?"

"You betta' tell'em baybeh!" Mani encouraged her.

I looked between the two of them and rolled my neck as I proceeded my walk into the airport.

"Well excuse me fa' tryna be a gentleman."

"Auggie Pooh you too skinny anyway." Kali added.

She been feeling herself I see.

"Kali you been comin' fa' me a lil too hard lately."

"Not really, I just been statin' facts my love."

"I can't wait ta' tell mama on you bruh, cause my heart cant take no mo' of yo' jokes."

Her and Mani both laughed at my remark as we made our way to the front desk in the airport.

"Hello Mr. Alsina we've been expecting you." The dark skinned woman behind the desk said causing me to smile.

"Is it ready fa' take off?"

"It certainly is Sir, right this way."

"C'mon." I nodded towards Kali and Armani.

Of course them being the skeptical observant people that they are, they stayed rooted right where they were. I figured they knew this wasn't the way to the gates to be boarded, but little did they know we wouldn't be flying in one of those airplanes today.

"Aug what's goin' on?" Mani asked first.

"Da' otha' planes are dat' way Auggie Pooh."

"I know," I spoke loading our suitcases on to the dolly that the woman had given me,"But who said we were gettin' on da' otha' planes."

"Then what are we gettin' on?" Mani asked.

"Follow me and I'll show ya'."

They reluctantly followed behind me until we were outside- isolated no planes no people, just us.


"It's right over there sir, there are workers waiting to load up your bags and your other items have already been placed inside." She smiled at all of us,"Enjoy your flight you all."

"Thank ya' baybeh."

I scooped Kali up in my arms and held on to Mani's hand as I walked us around the corner where my private jet soon came into view.

"I-Is dat' a-a jet!" Kali screamed.

"Mhmm, only da' best fa' my best."

"Oh my goodness, Auggie Pooh you juss'....C'mere!" She yelled tackling my face with kisses.

"A jet, dis' nigga got us in a jet." Mani continued to mumbled walking ahead of us over to the steps of our transportation.

"Ya' like?" I asked joining her at the steps of the jet.

"We love!" Kali chimed in hopping out of my embrace and running up the steps.

"Omg, omg, o...m...g!" She yelled,"There is a freakin' bed in here!"

I heard her little foot steps vastly approaching until she fell, but quickly got back up,"Dudes its a whooole bed back thea'! A bed! Like who thought- who even- how.........gosh!" She exclaimed fanning herself.

Mani grabbed my hand causing me to look over at her, while Kali rambled on about all the things in the jet that fascinated her.

She stood on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek making my insides grow warm- even though it was a simple peck on the cheek it still had an affect on me.

"Thank you fa' this." She spoke looking into my eyes.

"Anything fa' my queens."

"Let's go check out dat' bed she so excited about." She smiled.

"It depends on what we finna do in'nat bed."

"Moment ruined." She said letting go of my hand.

"Aww c'mon, ya' know it wouldn't be me if ain' get a little nasty." I laughed behind her.

"Get on my damn nerves."

"You still luh' me, so shut up."

She stopped bickering with me and came to a halt once she approached the door to the room where the bed was.

"August..." She gasped,"This is so-so beautiful."

"Yea I figured you guys would wanna rest up befo' we got thea'. So I thought dis' would be a pretty good way ta' do dat'."

I slid out of my Nike slides and climbed into the bed.

"Come lay wit' me."

"You betta' not try nothin' slick." She warned climbing into the bed next to me.

"Nah' when have I eva' tried sum'n slick." I closed my eyes.

I felt her rise from her position and sit up against the head board of the bed looking down at me.

"What?" I questioned popping open one of my eyes.

"You know what."

"No I don't." I said innocently as I snuggled into her chest.

"Oh so all yo' memory came back except fa' da' ones dealin' wit' our handshake."

"Handshake?" I screwed up my face," Mo' what is you talkin' bout?"

"Goodnight August."

"Maybe if you remind me, I'll recall dat' memory." I tested.

"Night, and don't let Kali eat all dem' snacks I saw on my way back hea'."

"So yeen' gone remind me Mo'?"

No response.

"Mo'?" I called out only to get another no response.

A few minutes passed by and soon her steady mellow breaths started to fill the room. She squirmed and whined for a bit until she had positioned herself directly underneath me, clinging on to my body as if it would fly away.

I peeked out of the door and seen Kali was into the Movie that she was watching and Mani was sleeping peacefully. So I better call Travis while I got the chance.

The phone rung three times in my ear before his southern accent graced my ears.

"Wazzam Yung'?"

"Wazzam big bruh, you did what I asked." I questioned.

"Yep, da' whole fam hea' and waitin' fa' y'all's arrival."

"Yeen' tell'em bout Mani and Kali did you?"

"Nawl dey' think its juss' yo' scrawny ass," He sighed,"I still can't believe you got'cha girl back man." He chuckled.

"Me eitha' fam, I mean dis' shit feel so unreal," I smiled looking down at Mani,"She still dat' crazy ass girl dat' I fell in love wit' Trav."

"Yea I know dat' feelin' trust meh', but you know what gotta be done now dat' y'all back at it right?"

"Yea, I know dat's part of da' reason I'm comin' back home, I gotta settle dis' shit befo' it get outta' hand."

I be damned if I let a mutha'fucka fuck wit' my queens.

"Ya' know five'o fo' gotcha back, when'eva ya' need it."

"Fa'sho, but aye, imma see ya' when I get thea', I gotta cuddle wit' my girls right nah'."

"Get'cho real gay ass!" He yelled causing me to laugh before hanging up the phone.

"Aye Kali!"


"Get'cho sleepy behind in hea' and lay wit' some self made niggas."

She soon came around the corner and into the room with us and swiftly climbed into the bed with me and Mani,"Don't mind if I do Auggie pooh."




Armani (POV)

"Wow, I-I can't believe how much I missed dis'." Kali cooed out of the window.

We had landed a good two hours ago and after we got our hotel situation settled August decided that it would be best for everyone to get their water works over with now. So currently we were on our way to Mama Sheila's house. Well actually, we were pulling up to mama Sheila's house.

The car came to a stop and I noticed that we we're in front of the house that the best memories of my child hood were created in. My palms became sweaty as I watched August unbuckle the seatbelt of the car he had rented for our trip.

I was nervous and scared and just- I don't know! I just knew I wasn't prepared for what lied on the other side of that door.

I'm guessing August picked up on my flustered state, because he stopped getting out of the car and looked over at me with sympathetic eyes."Mo', what's wrong?" He asked pushing my hair out of my face.

"What if they hate us now, what if we-we not considered family no more?" I cried.


"I juss' left and neva' called or nothin', but it was all so-,"

"You could protect them, we know dat' Mani. Look," he sighed," We got a lot ta' discuss on dis' trip, but I can assure you everybody in'nat house missed and love da' hell outta y'all."

"Yea sis, we got dis'." Kali encouraged from the backseat.

Looking from the house then to August, back to Kali- I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to relax myself before reopening them.

"I'm ready...."

We all made our way out of the car and walked slowly over to the door.

The closer we got the more my anxiety seemed to grow inside of my stomach.

I couldn't believe that after all these years I actually would be face to face with my- our family. The ones that gave us hope and love when we thought all was lost. They gave us a home and love beyond measures and I pray that they accept us still.

August knocked on the door and soon we heard Travis's loud ass mouth coming from the other side.

"Hea' I come!"

I looked down at Kali and seen the little beads of sweat forming on her forehead as she began to fidget with her fingers. Noticing how hard her chest began to heave up and down, I quickly bent down to her level and placed my hands on her shoulder.

"Stop ova' thinkin' it Kali, we will be fine."

"I-I juss' hope dey' still rememba' me, what if they don't love me?" She cried.

"My love-,"

"Wazzam ya' big headed mutha'fucka!" Travis yelled pulling August into a hug.

"Mani I can't!" Kali frantically said darting her eyes around my face."I'm scared." She whispered.

"I'm good, but give us a minute, we'll be in shortly." I heard August telling him, before the door shut.

"Say munch, what's goin' on wit'cha?"

"I can't do it, I can't go in nea'." She croaked.

If anyone could get her up, I knew August could, him and Mel were one in the same.

"What are we Kali, me and you?" He asked.

"Human beings."

"Nawl baybeh," He shook his head kneeling down in front of her,"We are self made, so words such as can't, don't exist in our vocabulary."


"Now what if Mel heard you talkin' like dis', what if he seen you actin' like dis'? What'chu think he would say?"

"He would make me suck it up and face my fears." She said softly.

"So what'cha gone do lil munch?"

"I'm gone make my team proud." She said wiping away her tears.

He smiled and held out his fist,"Fa' Melly B?"

"Fa' Melly B." She smiled bumping his fist.

He grabbed her hand and stood to his feet slowly opening the door.

"Uncle August!" I heard my babies yell as soon as the door was wide enough for him to walk through.

Mel's Angels...

"Hey Bro!" I heard Jamal say.

"What it do Yungin'?" Sneak and Teak asked in unison.

"Whaaaaan! we got my nigga inna' buildin'!" I heard no one other than Twan stupid ass yell.

Everything seemed to be going in slow motion right now. Even though they didn't know we were here just yet, it was still so much love and warmth in the air. And that right there is what I loved about them; they were so caring and big hearted. It wasn't a day that went by that me and Kali ever felt unloved. Or a day we didn't laugh. A day we didn't make a memory worth remembering and cherishing. The people in this room made that possible, and even though my childhood was ruined- being with them kinda made up for that.

Being with family.

"Uncle August why we ain't been hearin' from you? We missed you." I heard Chay ask, and I didn't even have to see her face to know that she was pouting.

"Well dat's kinda what I got ta' tell y'all." He spoke.

It quickly grew quiet making me want to hide behind him until this whole damn trip was over with.

"I found somethin'- somethin' dat' was lost-,"

"Nigga dis' ain't amazin' grace, c'mon out wit' it!" Travis yelled.

"Shut cho' ass up!" I heard her say.

Hearing her voice made tears spring from my eyes. This woman made my life into something that my own mother never could. I don't even know where to begin with trying to thank her, but somehow I will.

"Mama!" Kali whispered with excitement next to me.

"As I was sayin' I found a few things dat' really missed y'all and want ta' know if y'all missed them just as much?"

"Baybeh what is all dis' about?" Mama asked.

Without saying a word he stepped to the side revealing the entire family and our friends.

"Kaliana!" We heard surface from the crowd.


In a second they were wrapped up in each other, crying out their eyes to one another.

"I missed y-you so much!"

"I missed you too brit brat, I neva' got anotha' bessfren' my love."

"Me eitha' Kali, nobody can replace you!"

They finally released from one another and stood beside me and August, while the rest of the family simply stared at the two of us, not moving, not blinking-nothing.

I was about to walk out, but I felt an arm latch on to mine and soon I was spun around and looking into Mama Sheila's beautiful face.


"Is it really you?" She asked tears streaming down her face as she placed one hand on my cheek.

"It's me mama, i-it's me." I smiled through my tears.

"My baybehs." She cooed pulling me and Kali into a hug,"Aug you brought me my baybehs!" She yelled breaking down onto us.

"Y'all- Y'all it's my baybehs! My got damn baybehs!" She exclaimed as tears of joy fell down everyone's faces including my own."Oh my God! I'm so sorry!" She cried.

"We sorry too." I cried with her.

"I-I luh' y'all so much!" She yelled making me hold on to her tighter.

Soon everyone came rushing over feeling me and Kali up with all the love we could ever ask for. Even the girls remembered us. Mama Janet and Lucky- everyone remembered us, but most importantly they still thought of as family. We still had a place in their hearts.

I smiled as I looked over at August who stood of to the side with Travis just watching our reunion.

"I told you so." He mouthed towards me with glossy eyes and a warm smile.

"Whaaaaaaaaaan!" Someone in the crowed yelled making the whole family erupt in similar yells.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaan!" I heard all of my girls yelling up towards the sky.

I looked back over at August. He threw his hands up and looked at me with a dumbfounded look; I guess questioning me if I was going to turn up with our family or not.

"What'cha gone do Mani?!" He yelled over the crowd.

Little did he know I was way ahead of him.

Licking my lips, I smiled at everyone around me as I wiped my tears away and threw my hands up towards the sky."Whaaaaaaaan!" I joined in with everyone.

We got our family back. But in all honesty they were never gone, they were always with us every step of the way- in our hearts.


I know I'm goofy and stuff but guys I know how it is to live in a broken home and not be surrounded by people who love if you have family that love you and care for you... Please hold on to that please don't take that shit for granted, because family is a beautiful thing that many people don't have.

Sorry for getting all Dr.Phil on you guys...... But um

Back in nea' like booty hair? No? Maybe?

Excuse all mistakes!

Share, vote, and comment please!

MeMe loves y'all
Just a real nigga commin' through...👑😹

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