Don't Forget About Me| August...

By MeMe_Alsina_

1.9M 71.9K 28K

My name, is Armani- meaning shy, unique, and for those I care about, relentless. I'm from downtown New Orlean... More

Ok so heres the deal!
Just Ashamed!
It's out my loves!
Final Thoughts


18.7K 796 184
By MeMe_Alsina_

Let Me Do This


August (POV)

"No, we're not goin'."


"August what did I say, we are not goin'."

"But dis' da' only way ta'-,"

"I'm not goin' back thea', end of discussion." She stated sternly, like she really just did something.

"Hey guys I-,"


"August I said no."

"We goin', end of discussion."


"You not da' boss of me! If I say I don't wanna go then guess da' fuck what I'm not goin'!"

"We all need dis' though, its not juss' about you dude!"

"Shut da' hell up!"

"I bet'cha won't say dat' ta' my face."

"Um you guy-,"

"Ain't nobody scared of yo' skinny ass!"

"Stop bein' so damn stubborn dawg!"

"We not goin', if you would rememba' then you would know why!"

"I do fuckin' rememba' Armani!" I yelled causing everything that surrounded us to stop moving, everyone looked over at us and instantly I wished that I could rewind time. The whole point of taking them back home was so I could settle everything down- let her know that I did remember her, let her know that I'm sorry.

"Mani I-,"

"You wha-,"

"Guys I don't feel so good."

We both looked over at Kali to see her body falling to the floor while her eyes became completely white. Her face looked as if all the life had been flushed out of it. Like she was some type of ghost.

I quickly caught her head before it hit the marble floor and picked her small body up from the ground. I wrapped my arms tightly around her and dug in pocket and tossed the keys to Armani.

"Mo' go get da' car!"

Without hesitation she rushed to the exit of the mall and ran until she was out of sight.

"C'mon Kali, stay wit' me gotta stay fa' me."

She tried to speak but it all came out as gibberish that I couldn't make out.

I picked up my pace to the front doors and opened them to a billion flashing lights and mics being thrown in my direction.

"August what's going on?"

"Is your daughter okay?"

"Why is your mistress crying, did you break up with her?"

"Bruh get da' fuck outta' my way wit'chall stupid ass!" I yelled at all these messy ass reporters and paparazzi.

I pushed pass the crowd and spotted Mani driving recklessly towards the entrance.

I hopped in the back seat with Kali still in my arms and tried my hardest to get my mind to wrap around what was going on. If my memory isn't mistaken-Mani was the one who stayed in the hospital because of her condition, Kali's condition was always under control.

Actually, when I come to think of it, I never really knew how bad Kali had it, or what it was called. All I knew it that it didn't cause her to have spasms like the one that she's having now.

"August keep her awake, ya' have ta' keep her awake!" Mani panted franticly as she drove through two red lights."Kali sis you hea' me?! Baybeh girl ya' hea' me?!"

"Kali baybeh, talk ta' me.... C'mon Kali bug."

"Mani she not- she not sayin' nothin' ta' me what I do? I don't know what da' fuck ta' do!"

I was scared as hell right now I couldn't lose my Kali nor Mani, but the way that their past was set up-it took a toll on them. They couldn't do certain things, they always had to take precaution when it came to their own lives. Always being reminded of the things they went through, because it was apart of their everyday life; the past they could never forget because it was apart of them. They couldn't even live freely without the fear of collapsing or dying because of some shit their 'family' brought upon them.

"Mani?! She not-,"

"August calm down fa' me." She spoke calmly.

Whatever it was about her voice it made my nerves become a little less jittery and made the ball of frustration that was forming in my head somehow become smaller.

"Grab da' water out of my purse and pour it ova' her face."

I did as told, but still my baby didn't move-my baby was just there.

"She didn't wa-,"

"She's not goin' ta' wake up, that was juss' ta' keep her cool. If she gets too hot she would have started seizing, that's why you have ta' keep her awake."

"What's wrong wit' my Kali Mani?! What's wrong wit' my baybeh?!"

"August you have ta' stop ok, don't get ova' worked I can't have you freakin' out I know you scared I am too, but we gotta stay strong fa' our Kali." She said looking back at me through the rearview mirror.




"Sir we're going to have to ask you to stay here."

"You got me fucked up dawg! I'm goin' back thea' wit' ha'!" I yelled at one of the nurses that was wheeling an unconscious Kali to the double doors in front of us.


"I told yo' ass I'm goin' wit' her!"


"Thank you ma'am, we'll be fine in the waiting area." Mani said as politely as her irritated demeanor would allow.

"No Mani, I gotta go wit' Kali! I can't leave her side again!"

"Aug we can't."

"Mani I got to!" I yelled a little louder than I expected,"I'm tie'd of breakin' my damn promises ta' y'all, I'm not breakin' not one mo'!"

The people that were staring at us didn't phase me, nor did the cameras. At this point the only thing I was worried about was getting to Kali and being by her side.


"What?" I groaned running my hand down my face.

"If anything should happen."

I remained silent, because I knew exactly what she wanted me to say to her, but I couldn't. If I would have told her what she wanted me to say I knew I would have been lying to her.

"If anything should happen, Aug."

"Mani I can't say dat' shit ta' you because I wouldn't be."

"If anything should happen. Promise you'll be alright."

"How do you expect me ta' promise I'll be alright Mani, I won't be!"

"Because you know dat' she is a fighter, and you know Mel lookin' afta' his team, I expect you ta' be alright because you know Mel is workin' on ha' as we speak- he always make sure dat' she pulls through because he knows dat' if she didn't make it-if she didn't make it...... I wouldn't eitha'." She sobbed.

"How many times has dis' happened ta' her?" I questioned.

I guess I had to remember that I wasn't around for five years and a lot has changed with them. I had to remember that Mani has been through this before, she was so calm and knew what to do because her and Kali have been through this.

"With her it's happened fourteen times, countin' today, her heart is juss' so-so damn unpredictable!" She yelled out in frustration," You neva' know when its gone try and shut down on her, but I won't let it." She spoke with determination throughout her voice," I don't give a fuck how many years and how many blood transfusions I have ta' find her, I will do it. I'm not losin' her, not dat' one."


"Family of Kaliana Marie Anderson."

We both stood from our seats as the woman I suspect to be the doctor made her way to us.

"Dr. Morris how is she, is she stable, can I see her?" Mani rushed over to the doctor bombarding her with a million questions while I on the other hand only had one.

"As of now she's fine, but as I told you before she needs to have the operation Miss. Anderson. I know there's a lot of risk, but its getting harder and harder."

"What can I do?"

"I already told you ope-,"

"Otha' than dat'?"

"Well if not that then the only other option is to get her a blood transfusio-,"

Mani quickly held out her arm exposing the inside of her elbow," Take all da' blood ya' need." She said with no hesitation.

"Miss Anderson," The doctor said in a tired tone," I've told you a million times, you and the other people that you have tested are simply not a match for her, you don't have the same blood types as her. Not only that but your blood type can not be donated to hers."

Mani groaned out as tears sprung from her eyes."C'mon please juss' take it! Please!"

"M-Miss Anderson I wish that I could. I wish that it was that simple, b-but it's not. If I were to use your blood in a transfusion it would, it would only worsen her condition- and in these circumstances that could lead to something neither one of us wants to happen."

"Doc she all I got!"

Not able to fight the urge building up inside of me, I wrapped my arms tightly around her body and allowed her to break down unto my chest.

"Say Doc, what's wrong wit' her?"

"Sir with all do respect, that's classified informat-,"

"It's alright docta' Morris, he's family."

"Very well,"She sighed as she turned her attention to me," She has Complete Atrioventricular Canal Defect."

Oh, well thanks bitch, dat' really explains everythang I need ta' know.

I took a deep breath as I contained the words threatening to come out of my mouth,"Ma'am explain ta' me what all dat' shit mean please."

"Sir CAVC is a very rare heart defect that if not treated the right way can and will lead to death. As I'm sure you've seen, when this certain defect takes place the heart can choose when it can no longer support the rest of the body, thus causing you to rapidly lose oxygen and disturb the flow of blood throughout the body."

"What-What exactly is it, like.....what does it do?" I questioned realizing how serious and deadly this whole situation really was.

"Its a hole, a rather large hole, right in the canter of her heart."

"What?!" I yelled as Mani's cries grew louder.

She nodded,"In a healthy heart there are four chambers, each of those chambers have a job to do. They separate the rich blood from the poor blood, and pump the rich blood throughout the rest of the body, but when you have CAVC all four of these chambers are affected. Because of the hole in her heart the blood that is suppose to stay divided are now being mixed together and distributed into the body, not only that, but it's being distributed incorrectly. Instead of these chambers being divided, due to the hole, they are all in someway combined- which causes the blood that is already tainted, to be released back into the body improperly."

"So what can be done?"

"The only long term solution is open heart surgery, it's risky and it's time consuming, but the outcome of it all will be a life that was saved and here to see another day."

I furrowed my eyebrows at her, before shaking my head."Alternatives?"

"Blood transfusions, but even that is another mountain to climb."

"How so?"

"Her blood type is the rarest blood type we've come across, and its getting harder and harder to find a match."

"It's you bro. Keep dat' promise , go save my team."

"What's her type?" I questioned feeling as if I knew the answer.

"AB negative."

I unwrapped my arms from around Mani and rolled up my sleeves to my hoodie." Take as much blood as ya' need." I informed.

"Sir I would hav-,"

"Ain't no need fa' test, ain't no need fa' medical records, ain't no need fa' none of dat'; my blood type is AB negative, and I'm sure dat' you know, my blood can only be donated to two types which are AB negative and AB positive. So you can really go get'cho needle ready."

"Sir I understand that, but I can't just-,"

"Look," I sighed looking at her,"that's my world back thea', my baybeh girl, my family. Now I done already let ha' down once, I can't do it again. Ma'am....... I'm beggin' you from da' bottom of my fuckin' heart," I cried grabbing her hands," Please let me save my Kali, please let me do dis'."

Wiping away the tears that fell from her eyes she motioned for me and Mani to follow her,"Come with me."




"Take some mo'."

"Um that would be a bit dangerous for you Mr. Alsina I do-,"

"Will I die?"

"Excuse me?"

"Will I die if you take mo'?"

"Well no, but-,"

"Then get ta' takin' Doc."

After I signed the form giving her the authority to take my blood, I wasted no time giving her as much blood as I possibly could without dying. I couldn't die, I had to live so I could give more blood when it was needed.

"Doc if yo' scary ass don't stick dat' needle in my arm, I'm gone do it myself."

As the doctor sterilized the needle I looked over at Mani, who seemed to be spaced out this entire time. Like she was in deep thought about something. Most likely at the fact that I actually remembered her. Or Kali.

Either way, I needed to talk to her.

Once the doctor took the last pint of blood, she walked out leaving us there alone while she went and got me some food and things of that nature.

"Mani?" I called tiredly.


"I know ya' upset, but I need-,"

"Not now August, juss' please, not now. Now is not da' time."She croaked.

"I'm sorry." I said before I left the conversation alone.

The doctor soon returned with a large Gatorade and a pack of Oreo cookies. I felt myself growing weak, but as of now, that didn't matter.

"Can we see her? You know, before her transfusion?" Mani asked with hope.

"Yes Miss. Anderson, follow me."

Following the doctor into the cold, rather dark gloomy room, we spotted a seemingly motionless Kali. She looked so worn down, cheeks sinking in and eyes lower than usual. Even the smile she tried to send our way was not her regular happy brightening one, it didn't even reach her eyes. It was crazy how just a few hours prior she was happy and bubbly and now my baby girl is this fragile beaten down person fighting for her life.

"Hey my loves." Her raspy voice coming out pained and forced.

"How ya' feelin' bug? You straight?"

"I'm fine Auggie," She smiled looking over at Mani with glossy eyes " Sissy please don't cry, I can't stand it when ya' cry."

She walked over to Kali's bed and climbed in laying her head on her lap as she cried her eyes out.

"I know dat' ya' hurtin' Kali, I seen it everyday...I see it everyday."

"It don't ma-,"

"It does matta' my love, you matta' Kali.... You know ya' my world, right?"


"Kali I ain't got nothin' else baybeh, you all I got ta' hold on to."

"Big sis?" She called out without getting a response,"Sometimes in life we come across obstacles....and ya' know s-sometimes those obstacles were thrown at us fa' a reason."

"So somethin' or someone can help ya' cross those obstacles - so that somethin' or someone can heal you and nurture you. Sometimes God set da' bad things up, so he can give ya' what ya' prayed fa'." I finished for Kali.

I watched as Mani started to shake uncontrollably and her fist held a death grip on the thin cover that surrounded Kali's body.

"You always say how you know I hurt, but Mani I know you hurt. I'm not all dat' you have no mo'," She smiled looking up at me with her tear soaked cheeks,"These past few months you've been so happy. A-And ya' know why. I know ya' mad, I know ya' hurt. But please, I'm beggin' you- don't push my brotha' away."

My inspiration man, my fuckin' inspiration...

"Mani I know I messed up, but baybeh I'm sorry and I juss' wanna make dis' right, juss' give me a chance ta' fix dis'."

Not saying a word she looked up at Kali, then over to me.

She slowly climbed out of the hospital bed and walked over to the door, leaving me in Kali in a somewhat confused shocked state.

"She hate me." I spoke sadly to myself.

"No she doesn't, she's juss' upset."

"But I was only tryin' ta-,"

"Keep us safe, I know, but not tellin' her you rememba' us is why she's really waited too long."

How did she know I remember?

"I know because uncle Mel told me ta' leave dat' picture on my night stand fa' you ta' see. He was in my dream and he didn't tell me why he juss' told me ta' do it."

"Melly B." I smiled

He knew that if it wasn't for that picture I would have never been able to trigger my memories of them. That was my favorite picture of all of us and he knew that if nothing else brought back my memory that one beautiful picture would.

The door soon opened and in came Mani with a clipboard and a pen in hand." After your blood transfusion your being released tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay." Kali spoke with sadness.

"August." Mani spoke giving me a cold stare.


"Tomorrow afternoon would be da' best time ta' book us a flight back home."

"Ya' mean we really goin'!" Kali screamed.

"Yes my love."


"Not now August, I said I'm goin', there's nothin' more ta' talk about."

A little after that the doctor came in telling us how they had to prepare Kali for the blood transfusion and she wouldn't be able to have visitors til early the next morning.

She told us she would leave us to say our goodbyes and would come back to get her.

"We gone be right hea' befo' ya' even wake up, aight?"

"Okay Auggie pooh."

"And if ya' get scared juss' ask da' nurse ta' call us." Mani added.

"Okay my loves."

"We luh' ya' baybeh."

"I luh' y'all too."

"Fa' how long?" I questioned.

"Fa' fa'eva and a day." She smiled up at me.

"And if anything should happen?"

"Promise I'll be alright." She smiled even wider.

We both gave her a kiss on the forehead and a long hug before walking out of the hospital room.

We made our way out of the emergency room and over to my all black range rover.

I opened the door for Mani and went to my side and did the same.

Once we were both in securely, I started the engine and started the drive back to the house.

"Mani?" I questioned after a few minutes of silence.

She said nothing.

"Mani?" I spoke again only to receive silence.

"I know ya' hea' me."

I sighed,"Mo' I'm sorry, aight? I juss-I juss, I needed ta' build back what we had befo' I told you."

Letting out a deep sigh I glanced at her looking out of the window.

"I luh' you Armani."

".........I luh' you too."

I smiled to myself as I drove the rest of the way home in silence.

Even though she was pissed at me, her saying those words back to me let me know she wouldn't hold that grudge against me forever.

I still had a chance to get my wife.... My love.

"Ya' got dis' bro, make it right fa' meh'.....keep ya' promise ya' made Yungin'."

"I will."


Babyyyyy I like your style.......

Kml what's up everybody? How ya' feeling?

Well here's an update that I hope you all enjoyed....I cried a little but I'm a G so don't tell nobody I was crying ok? Ok.

But I'm out my loves.... But don't worry I'm not gone be gone long.

Imma be in nea' like booty hair with another update.....

Excuse all mistakes!

Share, vote, and comment please!

MeMe loves y'all
Just a real nigga commin' through...👑

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