Don't Forget About Me| August...

By MeMe_Alsina_

1.9M 71.9K 27.8K

My name, is Armani- meaning shy, unique, and for those I care about, relentless. I'm from downtown New Orlean... More

Ok so heres the deal!
Just Ashamed!
It's out my loves!
Final Thoughts


24.3K 780 182
By MeMe_Alsina_

My baby in the mm, and what she wore.....body goals😭😭😭


Surprises, Surprises

Later That Day
March 29, 2016
12:13 p.m

August (POV)

"Ya' ready Mo- Mani..... ya' ready Mani?" I questioned hoping she didn't catch my near slip up.

Thankfully she just gave me a strange look and hesitantly nodded her head.

I allowed her to walk out ahead of me so that I could close and lock the door behind us.

We made our way to the car and I opened her door for her, once she was in I jogged over to my side and hopped in as well. I started the car up and began to drive to our destination.

It was starting to get so hard and frustrating to hide the fact that I remembered her....I remembered us. I've noticed that she's not the same person anymore- she's scared to let go and be free. She thinks that if she allows herself to relax and be happy that she will lose yet another life that meant something to her. She's my Mani, but from a distance. She doesn't interact with me the same, but who could blame her.

Its not all my fault but I do have a role to play in the reason she acts this way- I was her King that was suppose to help her sculpt a kingdom, help her build up her inner beauty until she seen it cascading out of her like a sea. All her dreams, I was suppose to make them come true.

And that's what I plan to do.

"Hey um, Mani?"

I wanted to question her about something that's been floating in my mind, but I had to find the right words so that she wouldn't grow suspicious of me. I had to play things cool so I wouldn't peak her interest....too much.

"What if I juss' started ta' rememba' y'all, like one day all my memories were would dat' make you feel?" I queried as I took a few glances at her.

After it grew silent in the car I figured that my question must have upset her in someway. That's not what I was trying to do, but I understand where she's coming from.

Most people don't really understand how close me and Mani were back then, how close we had become over those years- and then for me just to up and forget her. After playing with her fragile heart for years and then letting my feelings be know a few months before I leave, it was selfish. I've always been so selfish when it came to her.

Imagine your mother forgetting you after she cared for you, showed you love out of this world, gave you everything, but then forgot you and left you on your own.......

Well that's how Mani feels, so I understand why she wants me to remember her so bad, but what she doesn't know is-

I already have.

"I would be pissed ta' be honest," She spoke catching me of guard as we pulled up to a red light." I would be so mad not at da' fact you fa'got, I'm ova' dat', I would be mad at how long it took ya' ta' rememba' me, yo' girl. I mean I can literally picture myself cryin' tellin' you how hurt I was. I would be mad, ya' know?"

Which is exactly why I ain't tellin' yo' crazy ass, not finna' kill me!

"But I would get ova' dat' shit wit' da' quickness,"she spoke looking away from the window and making eye contact with me," because I would be so fuckin' happy ta' have my baybeh back like-like a bitch gone be jumpin' ta' da' moon cryin' tears of joy. I would get ova' it Aug....because my king would be back by my side wea' he belongs. So yes I would be mad, but my temper has a short fuse."

"Ok take dis' chance you can do it, c'mon Aug!" I coached my self in my head.

"Mani I got ta'-," a horn honking from behind me caused me to cut my sentence short.

It also caused me to roll my window down and let out a piece of my mind."Bitch do ya' know who I am-,"

"Mutha'fucka dat's August Anthony Alsina Jr. You honkin' yo' raggedy ass horn at!" I heard Mani yelling from the passenger window.

"What'chu say lil'll what......beat me and his ass?!" Mani laughed at the woman and her friend.

"Bitch stawp!" I yelled out towards her followed by a neck roll, I seen a few people recording us, but this moment was priceless I couldn't stop laughing.

The tabloids and E-news were going to have a field day with this one, but I didn't care.

"Bihhh we got bandz, show meh' yo' pockets.....oop, neva'mind I can tell ya' broke by da' car you ridin' in!"

"What is dat' anyway?! A tricked out mini van?! Shits kinda dope, you did good fixin' up yo' great grandaddy shit!" I yelled making Mani fall back into the car laughing at me.

"Fuck you!" The driver retorted.

"Oh Fa'real- Hol' up! Bitch is yo' titty leanin'?! Aww man nawl nah', fix it Jesus! Mel help ha' out man she need it bro!"

"Go to hell!"

"Fuck up, wit'cho botched ass!"

I laughed and climbed back in the car and quickly stepped on the gas while Mani bent over into the backseat trying to calm down and catch her me the perfect view of that ass.

"You told Mel.....t-ta' ha'.....Aug I'm finna die!" She said losing more and more oxygen the more she laughed.

"Mani, baybeh don't pass out in da' car."

"Oh man,"She breathed," ha' really was leanin'!"

"Fuck dat' da' fact dat' yo' crazy ass got out da' window."

She slowly face the front and leaned into the seat as her head rested against the head rest.

She wiped away all the tears that had fallen out of her eyes and blew out a breath that she had finally got a chance to catch.

"I mean... I can't let nobody get all crazy wit' you."

"Why not huh?" I tested.

"Cause at da' end of da' day, I'm still yo' partna' in crime, you rockin' I'm rollin'."

Til da' mutha'fuckin wheels fall off baybeh.

All this time I was searching for what Mel and Chandra had, but too foolish to realize I already had it. I had a girl that was waiting for me to return. I found a girl that I meant the world to, that was down for any and everything I could conjure up. I had my ride or die right by my side. I found my Bonnie.

"You holdin' a nigga down like dat'."

"I'm holdin' on til fa'eva and a day ova' wit."

Keep talkin' and I'm finna' pull dis' car ova' and fuck some up.

"That's a bet thea'." I nodded.

I pulled into Chris's circular driveway and smiled knowing I was about to get my baby girl.

"Why you so happy?" Mani questioned before getting completely out of the car.

"I juss' really missed my Kali dat's all...I'm happy we gettin' ha'."

She looked at me with happiness forming all over her face and a glow that made my mind and heart grow with anticipation and love all at the same time. How she did it is beyond me, but she made me fall for her every time she looked at me. Each and every day I fell harder for her.

She leaned over the arm rest and kissed my cheek,"I'm sure she missed ya' just as much." She beamed a smile at me before hopping out of the truck.

Leaving me staring after her, not even looking at her ass, but looking at the woman that she'd become. She had come so far and even without me present she still managed to make it out of those streets we called homed.

She made it, but now we can all make it together.

I got out of the car and quickly made it to the door where Mani stood.

She knocked for a second time and soon the door opened reviling a more than happy Jazmine.

"Bestie I missed you so much!" she screeched engulfing her in a hug,"Where have you been?!"

"Juss' fixin' a few things dat' were broken." She said gazing over at me sending a small smile my way, making me smirk to myself.

I guess Jazmine caught on because she started looking between the two of us with wide eyes.

"Oh hell no! Bitch! Tell me everything I wanna know- oooou did y'all fuck," She whispered then fanned her own question off. "August go find Chris or something, me and my bestfriend gotta have us some well needed girl time."

"Ain't gotta tell me twice,"I smiled down at her," Imma be back, aight?"

"Ok we'll be in da' den."

"Coo...I luh' ya' Mani."

"I luh' you too." She spoke as if it was second nature.

I smiled and made my way up the stairs, heading for my first destination.

"Bitch oh my goodness, y'all acting like y'all ain't gone see each other again, talking about I luh' you. Hell, must be nice, I can't even get a text back." I heard Jazmine yapping.

I silently chuckled to myself at her crazy ass. She was a pretty wild chick, but she was a good person.I liked her for Mani and Kali. She was there when I wasn't and for that I thank her.

"Kali?" I whispered as I stepped into Royalty's room.

She had her back turned towards me and Royalty was too wrapped up in what Kali was telling her to even notice me.

"And do ya' rememba' what I told you about yo' uncle Mel?"

"Mhm, he angel in sky....."


"And him our gaurdin' angel." Royalty smiled.

"Dat's right! And fa' how long?"

"Ever and a day!" She screamed as she jumped into Kali's arms giggling up a storm.

I closed the door and went to sit on the steps, reevaluating my thoughts that seemed to be spiraling out of control. I couldn't believe that my Kali was keeping my brothers name alive. It touched my heart; it made me fill up with a sense of stability and love to know that after all this time she still considered him to be her uncle... Her team. And the fact that she's instilling his memory into another life makes it that much more touching. I wanted to cry, but the only thing my emotions allowed me to do was smile.

I seem to be doing that a lot around these two.

"It's hard when I look at him sometimes, cause I gotta question is da' love real or am I juss' seein' things." I heard Mani's faint voice say filled with sadness. I knew she was talking about me so I listened in a little while longer.

"Mani what I saw in that Man's eyes was nothing but love, I know I'm crazy and stuff, but I'm serious when I say that man love him some you. He's called Chris crying his eyes out about you girl....he hurts because he can't remember you. He's confused on why he loves you so hard, but doesn't remember you."

Thats exactly how I felt, confused as to why I loved someone, I thought, I didn't know. I just couldn't understand why my heart was so willing to feel love towards her when my head couldn't even put a complete name on her.

"I know Jazzy, its juss' nerve wreckin', ya' know? He just doesn't know he has my heart and everything else I have ta' offer....I luh' dat' stupid ass man." She let out a small chuckle.

"And I luh' yo' lil mean ass." I mumbled lowly to myself.

I rose from my seat and went to the backyard where Chris was sitting overlooking the pool.

I took a seat next to him after I took my shoes off and let out a deep sigh while the cool water rose up my exposed legs.

"Wazzam man."

"Livin', trying not to kill Jazmine loco ass. But what about you Yungin'? How things going with you and my girl?"

"Betta' than ya' think, we workin' on all dis' shit goin' on... It's a process, but we a couple of strong willed people, so I know me and Mani gone make it."

He squinted his eyes looking over at the glistening water a little harder than before. "So ya' finally remember them, huh?" He questioned nonchalantly catching me off guard.

"What, how da'...nigga what?!"

He chuckled as he looked over at me,"For starters you talking about working on something with Mani...and that look in your eyes when you just mentioned her name let me know she right back in yo' heart where she belong,"He paused with amusement on his face," That and yo' ass ain't face timing me crying no more so that's sort of a give away too."

"I got a look?"

"Hell yeah, yo' ass whipped man! Look at Mani got my man kissing her feet."

"Shut up gay ass."

"Gay?!" He gasped," Would you like to know what I did last night?"

"Nope, uh-uh, keep it ta' ya'self!" I waved him off standing to my feet and grabbing his dry off towel as I made my way to the table.

"So how she been acting since you remember and everything?" He questioned joining me at the table.

"See dat's da' thing, I um- I haven't actually told ha' I rememba' yet..."

He set his lemonade on the table and looked at me with his best 'really nigga' face.

"Yo' dumb ass ain't tell her!"

"Shhhhh man! Keep yo' damn voice down!" I gritted, looking around to make sure nobody heard us.

"Stop spittin' on me bruh!"

"Shut up then!"

"There you go spittin' again, I can shut up without you spittin' all on a nigga!"

"Chris." I monotoned

"Aight, aight seriously you gotta tell her bro.

"I know man it juss',"I sighed," Sometimes when I look at her she look so sad like-like her world juss' crumblin'."

"Imagine living under the same roof with the person who ripped your heart out, but can't even remember doing it....shit you'll be eating a few buckets of ice cream too."

"I know man, trust meh' I know- I'm juss' scared ta' see da' outcome, ya' know? She already told meh' she gone be pissed when I rememba'."

"That's all the more reason to tell her. You digging yo'self into a deeper hole Yungin', you not telling her is only gonna make her blow up even worse."


"I understand you scared and you don't want the blow up to happen at all, but you gotta understand its gone come. That's inevitable. You forgot the love of your life for five years Aug; she is gone be mad, she got a right to be, but no doubt she'll get over it...she loves you. But the longer you hide the fact that you remember from her, the more the hurt is going to build up in her heart. Once you tell her she'll finally be able to release that pain and anger towards you and y'all can move on from this."

I sat back and took in everything that Mel- I mean Chris said to me.

It was like everything he had just told me, I could mentally hear Mel telling me the same thing. I knew then that if I didn't let Mani know that I remembered her and Kali, that- that would be just another let down to the fam. And quite frankly I've done enough of letting down the people I love, who love me just as hard. I'm not going to run from this shit anymore. I am a self made nigga; I'm going to own up to what I did and I'm going to make amends. It's time for me to get my girls back....completely.

True, she will be mad, shit I would too; but no matter how big her tantrum is I'm not ever walking away from her again. That's just not an option.

Giving up is not a fucking option.

"Aye I'm finna head out, aight?"

"Its coo', get'cha girl." He smiled.

I gave him a manly hug and thanked him for the advice that I so desperately needed to hear. I walked back into the house and heard laughter coming out of the den.

I crept into the room and looked at Mani and Jazmine laughing at Kali and Royalty reciting some dance I'm guessing they made up. Her smile was so beautiful and contagious. And Kali the gift of wisdom and knowledge, a soul that guides you in the right direction without even knowing it.

I was about to say something, but of course Mani was the first one to sense my presence.

She smile up at me and all of a sudden I felt my world stop right there, everything that was just going on stopped. The room's movement.....stopped. As if in that moment the lights from the heavens had shined down on her- my soul had jumped out of my body just to reach hers. Like my body couldn't be supported with just my limbs, but hers as well. If she would have walked away from me right now she would be taking my entire heart with her. Not a piece, not a half, but the whole damn thing. Right now she effortlessly had me tangled within her web and to be honest there's no place I'd rather be.

"Hey you!" She said breaking me from my outer body experience.

Even ha' damn voice give me chills dude.

"Wazzam baybeh."

I walked over and sat beside her on the couch and called over my baby,"Kali! C'mere and gimme some luh'."

"Hey Auggie Pooh!" She squealed jumping into my arms.

I held on to her little body like my life depended on it- I just couldn't let go.

"I missed ya' so much, ya' know dat' my love? Don't eva' leave me fa' dat' long again."

"It was juss' a day Auggie." She giggled.

"I don't care man, I need you wit' me, aight?" I held her closer to me,"I luh' you Kali."

"I-I luh' you too my love."

I pulled away and seen all eyes on me.

"Um, y'all ready ta' head out we gotta head ta' da' mall still?"

Mani continued to stare at me until Jazmine nudged her arm, knocking her head back on.

"Uh yeah yeah, we ready. C'mon Kali let's say bye ta' Chris."

I watched as she quickly grabbed Kali's hand and jetted off to the back where Chris resided. I turned to follow them but Jazmine yanked my hair back making Royalty fall out into a fit of laughter at my reaction.

"I'm finna beat-,"

"You remember." She stated pointing her finger in my face.

"What, no I juss- look I don't know what-,"

"You remember them, don't you?"

"Nawl man."

She looked at me for a moment then over at Royalty who was enjoying her barbie doll house.

"So is we don-,"

"I know you remember her, the way you look and act is completely different from before. But I also know since you do remember, you know telling Mani would be an explosion waiting to happen." She looked up at me with seriousness woven across her face," but august you have to do this, you have to. It's the only way to fix what you did. She hurts, and you're the only one who has the key to take that hurt away. Now I won't say anything to her because that's not my job, but you need to let her know before its too late to get what's rightfully yours."

She walked over to Royalty and hoisted her up on her hip,"Better act fast brother in law."

And with that she left and joined the rest of the gang in the back.




"Are you cheating on Miracle Watts with this beautiful young lady?!"

"August is the little one secretly your child?!"

"Do you plan on leaving your fans in the dark about this mystery woman?!"

"August is it true that this young woman is your mistress?!"

Left and right the paparazzi threw questions in my face making me speed up my pace to the entrance. I kept a tight grip around Mani's waist and an even firmer grip on Kali's hand. But once I seen the nauseous look that swept across her face I let go of her hand and buried her head into my torso, blocking all the lights that were going off in her face.

Finally making it to the entrance I allowed them to go in before me and quickly I stepped in behind them.

"You go through dis' everyday?" Mani questioned.

"Yea, it's juss' somethin' dat' come wit' dis' lifestyle." I shrugged."But is Kali bug aight?"

"Yea, she juss' hate flashin' lights, she get real bad migraines."

"Oh aight."

It was so many questions I wanted to ask her so many questions about their lives now and how did they make it. What's your favorite things, or are their hobbies still the same as they were. I wanted to know everything that I missed out on.

Did they still love joy riding at night, just to feel like they were chasing the stars?

Did they still sleep in the same bed when one was missing the other?

Was I on their minds when I never returned to them?

"August!" Mani yelled bringing me back to reality.

Clearing my throat I smiled up at them,"Wazzam?"

"You neva' told us why ya' brought us hea'."

"Yea, what's da' big idea?" Kali said skeptically.

"I told y'all, ta' go on a lil' shoppin' spree."

"But why?" Mani questioned further.

"Well," I smiled taking each of their hands into mine,"I'm takin' my baybehs on a lil trip."

"Really! Wea'?!" Kali yelled.

"Well we um, we-we goin' ta' Nawlin's baybeh."

"What?!" They yelled in unison anger etched in Mani's voice, while Kali's held a more excited tone.

"Surprise!" I yelled awkwardly.

I know you don't wanna go but this is the only way that I can fix going to where it all started. By going-Home


Feel like I haven't told y'all in a while, but I truly do love you guys mwah😊😘

Anyway Aug on his Bryson Tiller shit... My nigga comin' back fa' good and Mani let them niggas know you his.

Next update gone be in 2018...bye😐

I'm lying bitches.......

Excuse all mistakes!

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MeMe loves y'all
Just a real nigga commin' through...👑

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