Don't Forget About Me| August...

By MeMe_Alsina_

1.9M 71.9K 27.8K

My name, is Armani- meaning shy, unique, and for those I care about, relentless. I'm from downtown New Orlean... More

Ok so heres the deal!
Just Ashamed!
It's out my loves!
Final Thoughts


31.1K 983 348
By MeMe_Alsina_

What Are You Doing To Me

August (POV)

I was awakened by my mother lightly shaking me and telling me to get my ass up. I waited a few moments until I got up, trying to give my eyes a chance to adjust from the blurry state they were in. While taking in my surroundings I realized we were still at the hospital in Mani's room. I stretched in my seat and stood up so I could get a better view of her and make sure that she was alright.

As quick as I looked I had to take a second glance to make sure I was seeing correctly, Mani was no where is sight. I sped walked to the bathroom and swung the door open seeing she wasn't there either, I looked at my mother knowing she had an explanation as to what the hell was going on.

"They took ha'." She simply stated while picking Kali up and heading towards the door.

I bit down on my bottom lip so that the unholy words that were waiting at the entrance wouldn't escape. I mean of course they took her, that much I can see, but I need to know where, why, and when is she coming back.

She may not know it yet but that girl is the definition of strong, hell, beautiful too. And she was gradually becoming a new person. She wasn't being a lil push over anymore, she was standing up for what she believed in and what she loved. But even if that wasn't the case and she still decided to be that shy timid girl, I would still make it my job to protect her and guard her like I plan on doing now.

I looked up at my moms trying my best to hide my irritated demeanor.

"Wea' dey' took ha'?"

"Ta' run some test so they could get da' proper amount of dosage fa' ha' medicine."

"Well I'll juss' wait fa' ha' ta' come back." I went to go sit back down in the hospital chair in her room-awaiting her return.

"August you not stayin', you got school in da' mornin' and Kali is exhausted."

I heard what she said but I wasn't listening at all. At the moment, school is the last thing on my mind. I'm not trying to worry about square roots and shit, I'm trying to make sure my Mani is okay and out of harms way.

Mama let out a deep sigh while also letting go of the door knob so she could turn towards me.

"August I know you care about ha' but ya' can't stay, nah' c'mon."

"But what if she-"

"Nurses." She stated

"But she gone need some-"


"Ooou what bout' when da'-


"Ma please!" I begged hoping she would let up.

"Aug I know ya' wanna stay, but it's twelve o'clock and I promise ya' she is in good hands. She has ta' stay hea' so she can get da' care she needs and you have ta' come home so ya' can help meh' get dey' room ready. Ya' want'em ta' be happy dontcha?"

I nodded my head knowing she was right.

"Well c'mon so we can make everything nice and homey fa'em."

She left out the room and I reluctantly followed, lagging behind until I seen the same nurse from earlier at the front desk. I glanced at my mama to make sure her attention wasn't on me and, to my advantage, it wasn't.

I jogged over to the nurse and asked her to relay a message for me to Armani. She gave me a notepad allowing me to write down what I had to tell her. Once I'd double checked the note and thanked the nurse I walked away and headed towards the entrance. I stepped out the hospital looking for Mel's truck but soon spotted my mama getting into her own car.

I guess I was sleep longer than I thought...

I made my way to the car and got in, making sure I slammed the door- I was trying to let her know that I was livid; and I think I got my point across.

"Boy if ya' slam my damn do' again you gone be da' one in dis' hospital."

We got to the house and I ran up to my room slamming the door not caring about my moms previous threat in the car, I laid down in the bed staring up at the ceiling just thinking, thinking about everything that has happened in this short amount of time, I might be young but I'm old enough to know that a lot of people don't deserve the life they are given.

When I say a lot of people I mean the good and the bad, in the situation that I've been exposed to, Mo' and Kali didn't deserve the life they were given because they were to precious. They deserved a life of lavish and luxury they deserved the best in life considering all the hardships they been put through, but then when I look at their so called family members, they just didn't deserve a life at all if they weren't spending it eternally in hell where they belonged.

Me and my family may not be the closest, but when push comes to shove we have each other's back. We may throw low blows from time to time, but we love each other none the less.

That's what families are for,to pick you up when you have fallen not to kick you when your already down. Sure we talk about our aunts and cousins, but those same aunts and cousins we talked about are the same ones we'll go to war for because they are our family. Just like Armani and Kali are our family.

I felt a heaviness take over my eye lids as my body grew weak, it's been a long day and I just wanted to sleep with Mani in my arms again.

I got out the bed and made my way to the girls room, I slowly opened the door and seen Kali sleeping peacefully under the covers I crept over to the bed and bent down to my knees saying a quick prayer for Mani. I stood up gently kissing Kali on her forehead as she slept.

"Luh' ya' baybeh girl, sweet dreams." I whispered

I tip toed out the room and back down the hall to mine, I slipped under the cover trying to find a comfortable position. While I started to grow frustrated with not being able to find a good position. I heard thunder roaring throughout the house as if it was a message from the Gods.

I got up stripping out of all my clothes letting all my glory be free in the open, I climbed back in the bed and almost instantly got comfortable. I slid the covers over me and allowed myself to fall into a deep sleep while thinking about Armani.




I woke up and I was in the same pissed and hopeless mood I was in when I went to sleep.


I slowly rose up from the bed and slid my boxers from last night back on. I dragged myself to the bathroom, quickly doing my morning routine; ready to just get this day over with. I hopped out the shower drying my hair and the rest of my body as I turned the nozzle to the sink on preparing to brush my teeth.

Once I finished with my business in the bathroom I walked back into my bedroom. I went over to my dresser and began to ramble through the draws trying to find something to wear that was simply and not too flashy.

I settled on an all white v-neck with my black Levi jeans. I looked under my bed and pulled out my all white forces. I put my clothes on first and sat on my bed so I could put on my shoes.

After I was all done, I gave myself a once over in the mirror attached to my dresser. Satisfied with my look, I walked out of the bedroom and into the girls room across the hall. I leaned over the bed and kissed Kali's forehead as she slept.

"Have a great day beautiful, luh' ya'." I whispered.

I walked down the hallway to the coat closet and grabbed my all black jacket. I headed towards the front door and yelled letting my ma know I was leaving.

"I'm out Ma."

"Ya' don't want no breakfast? Ya' always eat breakfast."

"I'm not really hungry." I mumbled.

I walked out the door before she could say anything to me and started towards school. It felt like I was walking for what seemed like miles until the school finally came into my sights. Any other day I would be ready to come to school to turn up with my niggas and fool around with my girl, but today is not the day. I don't wanna be near this school or anyone in it. I just want to be with Mani right now. And I guess that's just too much to ask.

I walked through the double doors to the school and immediately felt even more irritated than I already was; hearing all the yelling and screaming the kids were doing was making me sick. Even though any other day I would be one of those kids, today was not one of them.

I quickly headed to my first period, pushing girls and all out of my way. I made my way to the back of the class and sat in one of the seats in the corner. Not wanting to be bothered. Since I came to class so early I was one of the first ones here, which I was grateful for. I had time on my hands to go back to sleep, hopefully making the day go by faster.

I was about 10 seconds away from sleep when I heard loud voices followed by even louder laughter. I rose my head, looked up, and rolled my eyes once I seen it was Sneak and Twan's stupid ass. I was tempted to go lay them both out, but at the state I was in, I knew I would probably kill them.

They looked around the room briefly and stopped once they seen me. They looked confused for a moment and slowly came to where I was.

"Yo Aug why da' hell ya' back hea' lookin' like a loner?" Twan asked.

I looked over at him and rolled my eyes yet again.

"Juss' don't feel like fuckin' wit' y'all or nobody ta'day."

"Ooooooh yo' period popped on, yea?" Sneak snickered while nudging Twan in the arm.

"Ya' need'a tampon or'a pad?" Twan ask while laughing along with sneak

'Welp there goes the little remainder of tolerance I had left'

I raised my head giving them both a death glare, causing all their laughter to come to a halt. I wasn't in the mood and I was pretty sure I made that shit clear, but I guess I gotta break it down for tweedle dee and tweedle dumb.

"I recommend y'all get da' fuck out ma' face fa' I fuck around and have ya' mama's cryin' at ya' damn funeral, nah' I told y'all bitch ass niggas I'm not in da' got damn mood so get ta' steppin' before I actually get mad." I gritted

I watched as both their faces dropped and their cheeks flushed with fear. They nodded their heads and gave me a quick apology before turning and heading towards the front of the class to their usual seats.

I don't care if I sounded harsh or mean I just wanted to be left the fuck alone, and thankfully that's exactly what they did for the rest of the day. They even left me alone at lunch not saying one word to me.

It was finally the end of the day and I was in seventh period, anxious to get home so I could head right to the hospital. I was zoned out until I heard a conversation that I didn't too much care to hear. I listened in closely making sure I was hearing correctly.

"Mane I'm still mad ain' see da' lil prissy bitch again today." Twan said a bit agitated.

"Yea, lil hoe pro'bly tie'd of gettin' ha' ass beat." Sneak laughed.

"Actin' like she betta' than everybody."

I felt my eyes start to burn from the rage I was feeling. I began to franticly bounce my leg as a mechanism to calm myself, but it didn't work. Even before I really got to know Mani I always felt some type of way about them bullying her the way they did.

Like damn, she's already a girl, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't weigh no more than 100 pounds. What was their point? Because she wouldn't talk to you? Who would talk to some idiots like them.

I turned around so that I was facing them completely, ready to let my anger seep out.

"Y'all some pussy ass niggas bruh, ya' call ya'self a man but a damn man don't beat and harass on lil girls! If anythang y'all some muthafuckin' cowards dat' need a good ass whoopin' dat' I promise ya' gone receive if ya' touch dat' girl again."

"Babe,"Crystal called,"Chill, it was juss' a lil joke. Plus she da' one dat' let'em do it. She muss' like it." She shrugged.

"Who da' fuck- Crystal fuck off bro, cause ain' fuckin' wit yo ass right nah' eitha', ya' sound dumb as fuck! If ya' had two big ass niggas beatin' ya' ass ery'day would you like it? Would you take it as a lil joke?"

She looked down at her desk and played with her fingernails.

"Oh ok den', fuck outta hea!" I yelled

She opened her mouth to speak but I raised my hand stopping whatever argument she was trying to start. I just stared at the lil lesson on the board and thought about what I just did. I didn't even plan on getting this hype today, but these bitches were pushing me today.

I know I said I would protect and defend Mani and Kali, but I honestly didn't expect my defense system for them to kick in like a second nature. I mean this girl had me around here mopey and snapping on people around me- not just anybody either, but my boys and my girl, all because I couldn't see her.

What is she doing to me

Mo' (POV)

Here I was laying in this hospital bed, not knowing when I would be able to go to my new home. I woke up a few hours ago since I couldn't really sleep do to the weather last night. Honestly, I hated hospitals it was like a place for people to die, I hated it even more knowing this is the place that my baby sister was handed over to the devil themselves.

I know it's wrong to say, but I hated my family with every breath in my body, they destroyed me in a way that is unforgivable. All those nights my father would beat me just to take advantage of my body has led to this, me in a hospital bed with unbearable pain all throughout my body.

He has broken me in ways a father should never do to his daughter, his seed, I am a piece of him. How could you do this to something that you help create, I was his child, but to him I was nothing more than a possession he could control. I was broken. I was damaged. I was torn. I was nothing.

I heard the door open and in came one of the many nurses that have been coming in to check on me. She smiled and walked over to me with a sheet of paper in her hand.

"Time fa' ya' medicine Miss. Anderson."

Finally, because this pain was starting to become more than I could handle.

She took out the needle and put the substance into my IV, I let out a breath of relief as the warm feeling took over my body.

The nurse smiled at me and disposed of the needle. She reached in her pocket and pulled out the note she brought with her.

"Someone left a message fa' ya'." She cheesed.

I looked at her a little skeptical, not really understanding what she meant by a 'message'. I held out my hand and thanked her for everything before she walked out. I then turned my attention back towards the note that she handed me. I was curious as to who would leave me a message, since I didn't really know too many people.

I slowly opened the paper and began to read the words that were written upon it.

Dear Armani,
Sorry we had to leave but my Ma wouldn't let me stay with you, trust me I tried. I really hope you feel better baby girl imma be sure to pray for you when I get home tonight. I also wanna let you know that what I said was the truth, when I said you special to me and I care for you. Even though I'm sure you already knew that because of my eyes being the windows to my soul and all. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I love you Armani and I won't ever let you or Kali hurt again. Get some rest baby girl I'll be by later on after school to visit you beautiful.
                  Favorite bird chest nigga,

I laughed a little at his playfulness and tried to stop the smile that was forming on my face. Just reading the things he said made my heart feel something that it hasn't felt in a long time, my heart felt loved. I have always had so much love to give but Kali was the only one that I could give it to, but now just reading this made me feel something. It made me feel that maybe— just maybe — I could give my love to someone else without them hurting me.

I heard the door open again and was greeted by a happy Kali and Mel.

"Awww I missed ya' guys so much!" I squealed.

I quickly put the note under my pillow and smiled reaching for Kali so she could cuddle with me. I gave Mel a tight hug and raised up in my bed looking around Mel's tall frame waiting for August to waltz in but soon laid back down disappointed that he wasn't here like he said he would be.

Mel looked at me and smirked. Ugh my messy bestfriend is always implying something.

"What bessfren'?" I asked already knowing his answer will have something to do with you know who.


"Spit it out bessfren'." He sighed and look towards the door, then back at me.

"Ya' miss August, huh?"

"What?! Nawl, hell nawl!"I let out a nervous laugh, then mentally slapped myself for not being more convincing.

"Oh ok well let meh' take ma' unwanted ass home!"

I looked so I could match the voice I was hearing with the face. I knew without a doubt who that voice belonged to and my heart knew so as well. I gazed at the door and was met by a happy smiling August, munching on some hot fries.

I rose up as fast as my body would let me and reached out for him. He walked over to my side of the bed and gave me a kiss on my forehead, I'm sure turning my cheeks the color of his chips.

I felt someone else's eyes on me and looked up to see Mel smiling down at me and August.

This nigga so damn- ugh

"Bessfren' I'm finna kill ya'."

He chuckled at me and held up his hands in surrender.

"Aight, aight we finna' head out, c'mon Unc' baybeh'." He said reaching for Kali

"But ya' juss' got hea'." I whined.

"Yea but we gotta help ma finish up wit' y'all room, we juss' came ta drop yo future husband off."

I giggled when August tensed up at his statement, he seemed so uncomfortable. It was kinda funny seeing him so on edge over one of Mel's little jokes.

"Mane gone on Mel getcho' ass out bruh."

Mel laughed and picked Kali up out of the bed, but not before she hugged me and kissed my cheek, repeating her actions with August. They told us they loved us and left out of the room. I scooted over in the bed a little so August could climb in with me. He set down his chips and dusted off his hands before slowly climbing in the bed.

"So how was ya' day lil mama?"

I let out a deep sigh because my day was tiresome as hell.

"Ova' a hundred damn test and questions, like damn, juss' give me a prescription and let me go home."

"I'm ready fa' ya' ta' come on home too, I need somebody ta' wrestle wit'."

"Oh shut da' hell up, always wanna fight on me,"She laughed,"But how was yo day?" I asked.

I felt his demeanor change instantly from happy and playful, to irritated and angry. He shifted a little on the bed gently pulling me close to him. He let out a soft chuckle followed by a long sigh.

"I had'a pretty good day, can't complain." I could tell that was a lie just by how his eyes darted around the room.

"Lie ta' meh' again lil boy."

He smacked his lips and sighed loudly.

"Shhhhh fine, so I woke up in a real shitty mood cause I wanted ta' stay hea' and be by ya' side but Ma was like nawl you commin' home." He said trying to mock her voice.

"So I juss' went ta' school ain't eat breakfast or nun I juss' went, so I get thea' and I guess Sneak and Twan ain't get the memo cause dem' muthafucka's decided it was play time."

"Oh my Gawd, Aug whatchu' do ta' them?" I asked becoming amused at his story.

"Shidd', I put dey' ass in check and told'em get da' fuck out my face." He stated calmly.

"So what dey' do?"

"Dey' left me alone til' seventh period. I overheard dem' tum'bout chu' and I juss' snapped like fa'real, I told'em I was gone beat dey' ass if dey' touch you again. Hell, I even snapped on Crystal dumb ass fa' jumpin' in sum'n dat' ain't have nun ta' do wit' ha."

He did what?

I looked up at him amazed at the words that just left his mouth. He actually defended me. I know he said he got me and all, but I didn't expect him to mean it .

"T-Thank ya' August."

"It's nothin' baybeh." He shrugged.

We sat in the hospital bed talking for what seemed like hours. He told me about how his mother went through abuse with her ex, and I told him about my mom and dad, not everything, but enough. He told me about how ma was painting the room purple for me, since Mel told her that was my favorite color. I smiled at the fact my Bestfriend remembered all the things that I told him so long ago.

I seen it was getting late and looked up at August, who had his eyes closed playing in my hair.

"August it's pretty late, how ya' gone get home." He opened up one eye and smile down at me.

"It's Friday mama, I'm stayin' hea' witcho' ugly self."

"But what bout' da'-"

"Da' nurses, yea I already asked. Dey' said long as I stay in hea' I'm good."

I nodded my head relaxing more into his chest as I heard the pellets of rain beat against the window. I hated this stupid weather with a passion, but for someone reason it didn't bother me tonight.

"Ya' got my message baybeh?" He said breaking the silence.

I smiled remembering all the sweet things that he said in the note he wrote me.

"Yes I did, it was the sweetest thing eva'." I said while pinching his cheek.

"Ya' know I meant what I said, I do luh' ya' and I won't let ya' eva' hurt again."

I rose up from his chest and turned towards him, I placed his face in between my hands so that he couldn't move or avoid making eye contact with me. I focused my gaze on nothing but his eyes— not caring about anything else around us but his eyes.

"Nah' say it again." I coached.

He raised his hands and rested them on top of mine.

"I luh' ya' and I won't eva' let ya' hurt again." He spoke never breaking eye contact.


I let go of his face and gave him a peck on the cheek, laying back down. I snuggled into his chest smiling from ear to ear, my cheek bones were screaming in pain.

"Ya' keep smilin' so hard ya' damn face gone lock up Mani."

"Aww shut da' hell up Aug, always ruinin' the moment."

He chuckled and pulled me in close to him, kissing the top of my forehead.

"Luh' ya baybeh girl."

And as if it was a reflex I said it back with no hesitation.

"Luh' ya' too baybeh boy." I raised my hand over my now ajar mouth and let my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

Why did I say that to him? I don't even love myself ,yet, I can tell him so effortlessly that I love him. Not in a romantic way but in a way that I would always be there when you need me. I love him in a way that I would be his shoulder to cry on and diary to vent to when he needed me. I loved August in a way that I wanted to be loved, not how I loved Kali, in a different way. An unexplainable way.

August looked down at me and chuckled a little, he removed my hand and wrapped it tightly around his torso. He kissed my cheek then bent down to my ear.

"Don't worry you'll get use ta' dat' feelin'." He whispered, I just nodded my head unable to speak.

What is he doing to me


Excuse all mistakes

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MeMe loves y'all
Just a real nigga commin' through... 😜

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