Don't Forget About Me| August...

By MeMe_Alsina_

1.9M 71.9K 27.8K

My name, is Armani- meaning shy, unique, and for those I care about, relentless. I'm from downtown New Orlean... More

Ok so heres the deal!
Just Ashamed!
It's out my loves!
Final Thoughts


27.8K 973 338
By MeMe_Alsina_

Mama Sheila in the mm

Wazzam, Ma Dukes

August (POV)

It seemed like forever until we finally pulled up to the house. Mel hopped out the car and grabbed Kali walking right into the house, since mama rarely locked the door.

I hopped out the car as well, making my way to the front door, but stopping once I seen that Mani wasn't right behind me.

I could've sworn I woke her up

When I looked back she hadn't even moved from her position inside the car. She was still sitting there with her body slumped against the door of the truck. I jogged back over towards the car and opened my side back up leaning over into the truck, preparing to punch her then run so she could chase after me like usual.

However, soon as the door swung open, I seen her leaned up against her door frame. She quickly looked up at me with scared frantic eyes— eyes that were almost on the verge of tears. I put down my fist and reached out my hand gesturing her to come here.

"Aug! I-I can't- Ahhhh!" She screamed as she tried to lean over towards me, but quickly yielded her attempt.

I closed the door and rushed over to her side. I swung the door open letting her body fall limp into my unsuspecting arms.

"Ma c'mon, talk ta' meh'. What's wrong wit'cha."

She looked at me and let the tears escape from her eyes, she tried to raise her hand to wipe them and lean over towards me again, but winced in pain quickly putting her arm back down. I sat her back inside the truck and stood in between her legs so that I could wipe her tears away. I wrapped my free arm around her waist so she wouldn't fall flat on her back; being that she couldn't control her body.

"Baybeh I can't help ya' if I don't know what's wrong, talk ta' meh'!"

"Aug I can't move! ery'thang hurtin', I-I need help!" She screamed as tears continued to flow down her now red cheeks.

Without a second thought I scooped her up bridal style and walked her to the front door, she whined a little as we walked but I had to make sure she got the care she needed.

I opened up the door and hurriedly walked her into the kitchen since that's where all the muffled voices were coming from. I stopped at the door frame trying to catch my breath as my moms and Mel ceased their conversation and looked at us.

"Aye mane we need ta' head ta' the hospital she can't move, she in pain and she and....and she gotta get help!"

"What'chu mean she can't move, bessfran' whats goin' on'?" Mel asked concerned, but right now we didn't have time for no damn questions.

She tried one last time to raise up to speak but cried out in pain as she fell back in my arms.

"Mane look we need ta' go now and ask questions later, we ain't got time fa' chitchat dis' girl need help, let's go!" I yelled.

They stood there with wide eyes while Mo's pain began to grow more and more  by the second. I bucked my eyes at them looking at the two adults like they were crazy. I watched as Mel ran out the kitchen and up the stairs, my mother then grabbed the keys off the counter to Mel's truck since we blocked her car in. She ran out the house and I was hot on her tail running to the back door with Mo' still in my arms.

Mama opened up the door and carefully got in so I wouldn't drop her, I set her in my lap and let her body fall into mine—head ended up resting on my shoulder as she cried.

My mother put the keys in the ignition and flicked her wrist clockwise, which brought the car to life. I looked up and seen Mel coming out the house with an alert Kali in his arms.

He hastily made his way to the passenger side and held Kali as my mama rushed to the hospital.

"Aug what's wrong wit' me?" She asked the question that I'd been fearing.

I gazed down and watched the confusion and fear swirl around in her eyes. The scared little girl was starting to resurface; and I honestly didn't know what to say. I would open my mouth to answer her question but nothing came out. When She saw that I was struggling to answer her question, she dropped her head back on my shoulder and allowed her cries to grow louder.

C'mon Aug, you juss' gotta reassure her...

"It's um, it's ok mama,"I started," See ya' juss' worked ya' self too hard, even da' strongest people in da' world need a break. I thank this juss' yo' body way of tellin' ya' it's had enough, but we finna get ya' some help aight everything gone be ok."

"Ery'thing be a'right." Kali said encouragingly, poking her small head over the passenger seat to peer at her sister.

Mani looked up at Kali and then to me and let out a small weak smile.

"Ya' promise meh'?"

I smiled as well,"I promise ya'."

We pulled up to the the hospital in less than five minutes and I rushed Mani straight to the emergency entrance doors. I heard her crying into my chest as I ran but I had to get her to some type of help. I started yelling and screaming throughout the hospital, but as I continued to run I felt Mo' shaking uncontrollably in my arms. I looked down and found her slobbing blobs of bubbles and mucus out her mouth. Her eyes had rolled to the back of her head and she was chocking on her own tongue.

I placed her down on the floor as fast as my shaken up body would let me. Soon I was soon joined by Mel, my mama, and Kali who was now more alert than ever and crying her heart out for her big sister. I reached for Kali while Mel went and cursed out the nurses for not helping us sooner. After a few seconds a swarm of nurses and doctors swooped Mo' out of our sights rolling her to the back where we could no longer follow her.

We were told to sit in the waiting room for what seemed like hours— just waiting for an update on the whereabouts and well-being of Mo'. I thought this would be an overnight stay and we would just wait for her to be stable enough to see us.... that is until I heard a voice that made me fume with anger. I turned towards the front desk and there the Devil's daughter was in the flesh. I wondered why she was even here— how did she know? But then I  recalled to myself that the hospital keeps a emergency file with an emergency contact inside, just in case something happened.

She glanced over at us and a look of hate crossed her face, she made her way to my mother with her hills clicking hardly again the marble floor. I felt Kali clutch on to my arm before she buried her head into my chest.

"Bad peoples,"She whispered for only me to hear,"She part of da' bad peoples."

"Excuse me ma'am but may you please tell me how do you know theses hoodlums, they came into my home and ransacked the pl-,"

My mother stood from her chair and pushed her out her face, causing her to stumble a bit with a face of horror.

"I don't really appreciate ya' callin' my kids hoodlums,"My mother mugged," But if you'll excuse me, I'll like ta' see 'bout my new God baybeh."

"She called me a hoodlum,"Mel said a bit surprised,"I cleaned dat' bitch face off and she done sat hea' and called me a hoodlum. Hmph, she juss' too ungrateful."

Mo's grandmother looked taken back by her and Mel's words, but she still got the fuck out my mama face. She began to look around yelling for help.

"Can someone please help me find my granddaughter."

I quickly stood to my feet about to go confront her, but Mel snatched me away telling me him and ma would handle it. I just followed closely behind them as they made their way to her.

"So you da' bitch?" My mother yelled causing us to gain a few stares.

"Bitch?"She placed her hand to her chest, as if she were astonished,"No ma'am I am not, but I think you need to get your ghetto ass out of my family's business and let me tend to my granddaughter."

"Oh dey' ya' granddaughta's nah', ya' wasn't tendin' ta' ha' when ya' pitiful excuse of'a husband was touchin' ha'."

"Or when yo' sick ass son hurt her, did you?"

She turned around and looked at my mother like a deer caught in the head lights. She took a few glances around the hospital making sure no one was looking, then she cleared her throat. She stepped towards my mother and opened her mouth.

"Look-" she started to say but Ma dukes cut her off with the quickness.

"Nawl you look, as much as I would enjoy ta' beat yo ass and yo' bitch ass husband I'm gone let God handle y'all, but as far as dem' two lil girls, I strongly advise ya' ta' sign dem' papers ma' son gone bring by ya' house givin' meh' custody of'em so I'ca show dem' a real lovin' home. But if ya' decide ta' refuse," she paused letting out a small chuckle," I will contact da' police but imma beat ya' ass before dey' can even get ta' ya', da'choice is yours baybeh'. Nah' your dismissed."

Tell dat' bitch OG Tripple OG!

My mama waved her off with her hand causing the bitch to scoff, she looked as if her eyes were daggers and my mama was the target. She decided to turn her attention towards me and Kali and turned her nose up in disgust, glaring at us.

"Bitch ya' betta' get yo damn face in check, I'm not in da' mood." I said to her through clenched teeth.

Ma and Mel looked at me, but I just stared straight ahead not even caring that I cursed.

Mo's grandmother seemed defeated and just huffed out a breath.

"Fine you have the little brats they were no use to me anyway." She stated and turned to leave.

My mama hurled towards her but Mel held her by her waist, trying to calm her nerves. We went back towards the waiting room and reclaimed our seats as we waited for an update on Mani.

A few minitues had passed and I peeked down the hall and seen a tall light skinned man coming towards us, I watched as he pulled out his clipboard and a pen getting closer and closer to us. He soon stopped at the front desk an gave the nurse the clip board. She glanced over the continents sprawled across it, then looked up at us.

"Family of Armani Anderson." She yelled towards us.

I quickly rose to my feet awaiting to hear any good news about Armani.

"Hi I'm Dr. Williams, may I speak to her guardian."

My mother stepped in front of me and held out her hand for him to shake.

"Hi, I'm ha' soon ta' be legal guardian, what's wrong wit' ha'?" He looked at her and dropped his face a little not wanting to answer. I felt my blood begin to boil each second that I didn't know what was wrong with my Mani.

"Well ma'am she has been diagnosed with a condition called Rhabdomyolysis you see when a muscle is damaged, a protein called myoglobin is released into the bloodstream. It is then filtered out of the body by the kidneys. It then breaks down into substances that can damage the rest of the cells through her body, which is the cause of her seizure, if she wouldn't have gotten here when she did.... we may not have been able to help her."

I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest as he spoke. I can't believe that all this is happening to her because of these fuck ass people she had to call a family. They mistreated her and abused her all her life and now they're the reason she's laid up in the hospital. She, nor Kali, deserved any of this shit— if anything they deserved to be treated like queens, not like they were the peasants.

I felt Mel grab my shoulder and start talking to me but I couldn't hear him, I just wanted to get to Mani.

"So whatcha' sayin' doc, is she gone be aight?" I asked growing frustrated with him beating around the bush.

He let out a deep sigh and turned towards me

"In her case it's tricky due to how long this has been going on she may or may not recover from this. She has clearly been pushing herself to her limits without even knowing it,"He sighed," We were able to get her stabilized but as of now all we can do is treat her and hope for the best. Me being a strong believer in God, at this time I feel we should pray for her recovery."

My mom stormed off trying to control the anger that was soaring through her veins, she was cursing and stomping just as mad as I am about the whole situation.

"Aye Doc, I can see ha'?"

"Sure son, just talk to the nurse at the front desk, she'll tell you her room number."

I walked over to Mel, who was trying to calm our screaming mother down, while she repeatedly asked where Mani and Kali's grandparents lived. I told him what the doctor just told me and he nodded his head and took Kali out of my arms.

"Aye Aug, gone on go see Mo' while I handle dis' lil situation." I nodded and made my way to the front desk.

"Hey um, I need ta' know what room Mo- I mean Armani Anderson is in please."

She typed some things into her computer then looked up at me and smiled.

"She's in room two zero three, right down da' hall sir."

I thanked her and I walked down the hall passing by all the rooms until I seen '203' written on one of the doors in fancy writing. I peeked my head into the room and saw her laying there as beautiful as she was the day I met her; only now she looked even more tired— and most likely she was— but right now I had to make sure she was okay. I walked a little further into the room noticing her eyes were closed.

"Mani ya' up." I asked softly walking closer to her bed side.

She opened one of her eyes and gave me a faint smile.

"Da' names Mo' my nigga." She said trying to sound like she did when we first met.

"Awww,"I nodded,"You got jokes I see."

She chuckled a little before groaning in pain. I pulled one of the chairs off of the wall and sitting it beside the bed before plopping down in it.

"Mani ya' scared me man, ya' can't be doin' dat' shit."

"I know, and I'm so sorry Aug I didn't-,"

I got up from the chair and hugged her softly, making her breathing level increase. I only wanted to feel her; to actually feel that she was okay and still hanging on to life. I finally pulled away and grabbed her hands, pressing a tender kiss on her warm forehead, holding her hands close to my chest.

"Can I tell ya' sum'n?"

She rose her head towards me not wanting to move that much and smiled.

"Of course, anythang."

"I- ," I was cut off when ma and Mel came in being as loud as ever. They walked over to the bed and Mel set Kali down and she quickly scurried over to Mo's side cuddling up close to her.

"Is dis' my beautiful new God baybeh?" She asked as I stood to my feet smiling, I helped Mani sit up in the bed so that she could get a good look at her surroundings and at mama.

"Ma dis' is Armani, Mani say wazzam ta' Ma dukes."

She looked up then quickly turned her head towards her covers— fiddling with them like she was nervous.

"H-Hi I'm Mani, n-nice ta' meet you." She held out her hand, but mama quickly engulfed her in a bear hug- not to tight though.

"Nice ta' meet you too baybeh' and we don't do no hand shakin', we all family roun' hea'."

Armani was acting all shy and closed off... but I'm about to put an end to that right here, right now.

"Don't be actin' all shy nah',"I lightly nudged her," Tell my mama how ya' been beatin' on me since ya' got hea'. Tell ha' how you abuse me."

Hea' it comes...

She quickly turned her attention towards me with not an inch of shyness in her facial expression. I seen the mean mug forming on her face and chuckled a little to myself knowing that her true colors were about to show. I tapped my mama and told her to pay close attention to what was about to come.

"Nah' watch dis' ma." I instructed her. I looked back over at Mani and seen she was definitely ready to explode.

"Aug ya' need ta' shut up! If anythang you be da' one hittin' on me ya' ugly rat, I get so tie'd of yo yellow butt always got sum'n ta' say, well I tell ya' what, next time ya' have sum'n ta' say I'm gone knock da' rest of da' black on ya' bird chest tail." She yelled causing my mother to gasp while me and Mel smirked at each other.

"Thea' my bestfran' go, I see ya' girl." Mel laughed.

"Aug ya' ain't neva' let no girl talk ta' ya' crazy like dat'."

"I was sayin' da' same thang mama. I was I really was." Mel cosigned with a mocking look.

"Hmph, she muss' be special." My mama said while side eyeing me.

I peered over at Mani and, of course, there was a red spot that was gradually growing on her cheeks as she too waited for me to admit the truth to everybody in this room. I took a deep gulp and decided that it was about time that I came clean. I looked my mother in her eyes taking in a deep breath, trying one last time to swallow my next set of words, but failing miserably.

"Yea she is special Ma, I care fa' ha' a lot." I answer honestly.

I heard Kali take in a deep breath and look over at Mel like 'did he just say that' look and I laughed because he gave her the 'girl yes' face. I placed my hands on top of Mani's and gave it a tight squeeze as her cheeks beamed a more visible shade of red.

"Well baybeh' if ya' can get August crazy ass ta' calm down ya' basically belong wit' us, welcome ta' da' family."

Mani finally broke eye contact with me and smile over to my mama, well our mama.

"Thank ya' Mrs. Shelia." She spoke causing my mother to scrunch up her face.

"Ya' family baybeh' juss' call meh' mama Sheila."

I smiled at my family as they conversed and laughed with one another, I started to feel that warm feeling in my heart again, but this time I knew the feeling I was having It was the love that I had for the people in this very room. I sat down and looked at them all, thinking about how amazing our journey was truly about to be.

"Good people." I heard Kali say quietly amongst the chatter in the room.

'Meeting mama......check........keeping these two girls happy for the rest of their lives.......... Well, I'm working on it'


Hope you enjoyed babies!

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