Don't Forget About Me| August...

By MeMe_Alsina_

1.9M 71.9K 27.8K

My name, is Armani- meaning shy, unique, and for those I care about, relentless. I'm from downtown New Orlean... More

Ok so heres the deal!
Just Ashamed!
It's out my loves!
Final Thoughts


29.5K 1.1K 430
By MeMe_Alsina_

I'm here for you

Mo' (POV)

I sat there horrified at the thought of what was really going on, the thoughts in my head had to be unreal, but the feeling in the pit of my stomach was only clarification to the thoughts floating in my scattered mind.

I knew something was wrong with my Kali and I needed to go now. I was brought back to reality when I felt the warm embrace of a body wrapping itself around me. I quickly jumped, but soon relaxed once I seen Mel looking at me just as confused as ever. I don't know why but out of no where I screamed.

"My Kali!"

I guess since she was all I could think about at the moment. I quickly realized what I had to do. I looked over at Mel then at August and seen the confused expressions they wore on their faces, yet that was the least of my concern— I had no time to explain, only time to take action. I quickly grabbed Mel's wrist then ran over to August and grabbed his as well before dragging them both out the door. We were half way to Mel's truck when he abruptly snatched away from me causing me to vastly turn around. When I did turn to face him, I seen him looking down at me, worry and confusion written all on his face.

I let go of August's wrist so that I could face Mel completely, I just gazed up at him with pleading eyes begging him 'please'.

I guess he understood because he gave me a head nod while throwing the keys towards August.

"Start da' car lil bruh." He said while he jogged back to the house.

I sighed relieved that he didn't go any further and decided to take me to my destination. I hurriedly made my way to the passenger side and in no time the doors were unlocked. I hopped inside and watched as August leaned over the drivers seat and started the truck up.

Soon as I seen the interior lights pop on. I then began to put my grandparents address into the GPS built into Mel's truck. My hands were shaking so bad from this growing anxiety within me, I could hardly put in the address, but somehow I managed.

While I finished up with the address I happened to see Mel running out of the house with all the determination in the world. He hastily made his way to the drivers side and hopped in As soon as his door closed shut he switched gears and we were on our way.

I hadn't even realized I was crying until I felt a hand graze my cheek and wipe the tears away. I looked up and seen August leaned towards the front from the back seat and he wiped away my remaining tears.

"Don't cry lil mama, we gotcha', we gone keep ya' safe."

I just stared at him unable to respond.

"Ya' trust us?" I nodded my head immediately.

"Aight then we gotcha, we promise." I looked over at Mel to see him nodding his head in agreement to what August was saying.

I felt more tears come down my face as he spoke those words, I looked between them in disbelief as we drove. Here are two strangers doing more for me than my own family, doing more anyone ever. I relaxed in my seat as much as my jittery body would allow and held August's hand with all my might.

"Juss' hurry, please......she needs meh'." And with those words Mel stomped on the gas making me and August jerk back in our seats, but he never let go of my hand and I never let go his.

10 minutes later

I looked at where we were and realized we were on my grandparents street. I looked at the houses and spotted the one I needed to get to. I quickly let go of August's hand and jumped out the car before it even had a chance to come to a complete stop. As I ran to the front door I could hear Kali's cries, which made me run even faster. If I could hear her out here I can only imagine how loud she must be screaming. I ran to the front door and seen that it was locked. So I banged and banged, but no one answered. The only thing that could be heard on the other side was my sister yelling and screaming out her small little lungs.

I knew it, I knew it! I felt it and I just wish that it weren't true!

"Don't worry baybeh girl I'm comin', big sis comin'!" I screamed as I began to ram my shoulder into the door.

I heard Mel and August running to my aid, but I didn't care my life was in pain on the other side of this door. My baby girl.

I stopped ramming my shoulder into the door concluding that-that wasn't working. I took a few steps back before I lifted my right foot and kicked the that door open almost knocking it off the hinges. I heard Mel and August gasp in a state of shock. Hell, even I didn't know I had it in me, but when it came to Kali I had the strength of a thousand men.

I took a step over the threshold and looked to the left of the door, finding exactly what I was looking for. I picked up the steel bat and ran towards Kali's screams upstairs, but on my way there I glanced in the living room and seen my grandmother curled up in a fetal position quietly crying to herself. In any other circumstances I would have stopped, but I couldn't stop. I would talk to her later after I handled this 'situation'.

I rushed to the stairs going up them two at a time. I finally made it to the top and made my way down the hall to the guest room that they turned into Kali's room. Starting to get closer, I realized just how loud her screams really were, so loud they made my ears feel as though they would burst at the sound. I stopped right infront of the of her room door and twisted the knob to find it was locked.

2 year olds don't lock doors.

In a swift motion I raised the bat and knocked the knob off and kicked the door open— and what I seen made my blood boil with rage. There he was, this sick fuck of a grandfather molesting his two year old grandchild while his other hand held his shaft.

I felt a presence behind me and from the smell I knew it was August. I felt the warmth of anger spewing off of is body as he stepped around me about to go in the room, but I quickly held my arm out in front of him to cease him from walking in.

"He's mine August."

He looked down at me with unsure eyes, I just nodded my head to reassure that I'll be fine.

You see I didn't bring them so that they could help me, I brought them so they could stop me when I got out of control.

He stepped back into the door frame and gave me a head nod, ready to watch the scene unfold.

At that moment I let the rage I'd been holding in show itself. I felt the devilish smirk form on my face as my eyes began to see only one color 'red'. There was a image placed here in front of me of him taking away my sister's virtue. I was ready to let every bit of anger out that I'd accumulated over the years. At that very moment I decided, at that moment, I would no longer be that weak little girl that sat there and cried her eyes out. I could no longer be pathetic and allow my loved ones or myself to be hurt and abused, I had a little girl that depended on me more than she did before. In that moment I was not about to lay back and let what happened to me be repeated. So in other words, in that moment....

'I'm bout' ta fuck some shit up'

As the door slammed against the wall it caused my grandfather to look up as well as Kali. Her eyes were the first ones I looked for and when I made eye contact with her my heart stopped. She looked like a lost child, just lost looking for her place in the world. Just seeing her that way made my rage reach its peak. I grunted out in anger, knowing I had failed her. I turned my attention to the man that hurt my Kal, and before my grandad had a chance to get up off the floor I lunged towards him and connected the bat with the side of his face.

"Bitch ass nigga, what's good? HUH?!" I asked him as he groaned in pain, I didn't give him a chance to recover before I sent the bat deep into his ribs. I watched as he fell to his back and yelped out in pain while covering his face with his hands. I laughed as I watched him, simply because I found it amusing how he tried to cover up something that already looked like it's been through hell and back.

I took the bat and shoved it into his chest, turning it until I heard a loud crack.

"You. Sick. Ass. Bitch!" I struck him with every word I said, each hit becoming harder than the last one. If this bitch thought he was going to get away with touching my sister he had another thing coming. I took the bat and sent a hard lick to his face as he screamed for me to stop.

Hell No.

"Oh and dis'", I stomped my foot on his man hood," Ya' can kiss dis' lil shit goodbye." With those words being said I took the bat and repeatedly hit him in the crotch with all the strength I had in me. I made sure that by time I was done with his ass he wouldn't be able to plant anymore seeds. I didn't know where my strength was coming from, but I knew what was fueling it.

'Keeping Kali safe'

I watched as he tried to close his legs, but I hit his knee cap with the bat; causing him to raise his injured knee up to his chest leaving his member open for one more hit. So I gave it the hardest hit of them all. I watched as he bucked his eyes and let out an ear shattering scream, so loud that I'm sure the demons in hell could hear their comrade's cry.

"Pl-please Mani st-sto-stop, please!"

I stood up straight and looked at him as I clutched the bat in my hand. How dare he ask me to stop, beg me at that. I looked over at Kali to see her quietly sobbing to herself while pulling at the cover on her bed to cover her naked body, just seeing her do that made my heart drop to my feet. She reminded me so much of myself. Lost, scared, the feeling of being exposed, not knowing who to trust anymore— because even family will give you their asses to kiss. Just watching her only reminded me of how I broke my promise to her, to always protect her.

I then looked over at August who looked back at me through wide eyes as he pulled at his shirt collar to loosen it up I suppose. I know that he was amazed at my actions and new found dominance, but the way he holds Mel close to his heart— I hold Kali even closer to mine. I looked back over at Kali and seen that she had scars and bruises all over her. Some were old and she had some fresh ones. He beat a helpless, defenseless two year old child. My two year old sister happened to be that child. I felt my blood boil even more than before as I rose the bat in the air preparing to swing.

"Hell no bitch! Did you stop?! Huh?!" I swung the bat hitting everywhere that could be touched. I felt Kali hug my leg crying as she buried her face in it, but I couldn't stop. I wouldn't stop this was for her, and in some ways, for me. If he wanted to fuck with my little sister I was gone fuck with him until I'm satisfied. Simple.

"Huh?! Ya' sick bitch, when my sista' begged you! Tell me,"I cried,"Did you stop when she screamed!"

I hit him repeatedly when I got no response,"You-You answa' me!" I cried louder.

I felt myself being lifted off the ground by my waist, but I quickly dug my nails into the persons arm and gave that bitch one last bash to the head with my foot knocking him unconscious. I watched in satisfaction as his body fell back on the ground, motionless.

I stood up straight and let the bat fall to the ground and spit on him like the trash that he was.

"You comin'' wit' us, ok my love?" I told Kali not even caring for a response."You comin' wit' big sis." I cooed.

I went to Kali's dresser and got her out some clothes. I turned around and walked over to Kali who had her hands held out letting me know she wanted me to pick her up, I hurriedly scooped her into my arms and sat on the bed so I could dress her.

After I finished I picked her up and stepped over David's body as I made my way over to the door where August was still standing in awe. I just walked past him down the stairs, he soon followed closely behind me. I felt Kali trembling in my arms as we walked and could hear her whines and feel her tears as they stained my shirt.

"It's ok mama I got ya', big sis got ya'." I whispered trying to ease her cries.

She raised her head to examine my face, and I gave her a warm smile. She just collapsed back onto my chest.

I couldn't believe that I let this happen to her.

She squirmed in my arms before she looked up at me again, I stopped on the last step so that I could get a good look at her still frightened face.

"Why papa hurt me." She cried.


The same thing I tried to protect her from still got to her The same thing thats got me messed up in the head got her too. As I looked down at her I seen something in her that I recognized. I seen that she was broken and damaged, she was the smaller version of me basically. I can't believe I failed her. I was suppose to keep her away from this, now look at her. I-I failed.

"Well- um, he um-," I stuttered over every word, because I honestly didn't really have an answer to that. I didn't know why our family was so messed up.

"He, um because he-", I stopped when I heard August interrupt me from behind.

"Lil baybeh ya' grand pops ain't mean ta' hurt ya', it's juss' da' way his mind set up, he sick and needs help. So dat's what ya' sista' gave him, a lil help. But I promise ya' I won't eva' let nun like dis' happen ta' you or ya' big sis ever again." Kali looked at him then laid her head back on my chest, I guess satisfied with the answer she was given.

"But it's ok baybeh girl he hurt'chu, so I hurt him." I said lowly while she cried, I hate seeing her like this. But I must admit, it felt so good to beat his ass and have her in my arms again.

I looked back at August and gave him a small smile mouthing the words 'thank you'

He smiled back down at me. "No pro'lem baybeh."

As I made my way into the living room, I saw my grandma sitting in the recliner while Mel tended to her wounds. I saw her wince as he cleaned her bleeding nose and dab her bloody busted up lip. Once she seen me coming into the room she quickly averted her eyes to the floor— not wanting to make eye contact with me. I walked further in the living room over to the couch to set Kali down, but she clung on to my shirt and screamed for dear life. So I decided it would be best to just hold her close to my chest like she wanted. When Mel saw me he stepped away from my grandmother and over to the living room entrance along with August.

"So how is she." My grandmother asked trying to sound concerned.

"Bit- how da' fuck you thank she is!" I yelled

"Look Armani I'm sorry, I'm so so-"

"Ain' tryna hea' yo shitty ass apology, juss' tell me is dis' da' first time he touched her."

She looked up at me with sadness and guilt written in her eyes. I already knew the answer but I wanted to hear her say it. I wanted her to hear herself from her own lips how she betrayed Kali's love and trust. I wanted to see if she would lie to me like she's been doing for the past month. She stared at me for a little bit longer, probably thinking of a lie.

"Look Mani I know you're upset, but you will respect me I'm still your grandmother."

"Respect! Nah' man,"I shook my head,"Respect is sum'n ya' earn, you don't deserve my respect not at all. You sat thea' and let dat' happen ta' my baybeh girl do you kno-,"

"She's young she won't remember Armani-,"

"Do you fuckin know how dis' is goin' ta' fuck up da' rest of her life. How dat' innocent small fragile lil girl gone be damaged for life, and you think she won't fuckin' rememba'! Huh?! Do you?!"I yelled.

"No you don't,"I concluded for her," Now tell me is dis' his first time touchin' her."

I watched as the guilt started to consume her eyes yet again. I could tell that she was surprised by my outburst, but old Armani is gone so she can get ready to meet Mo'.

She looked backed at the ground and let out a small sigh.

"Yes, I'm so sorry."

Wrong answer!

"How dare you lie ta' me, all dis' time you knew bruh! Ya' knew what he was doin' ta' her. Matter fact, let me tell ya' how I know you a damn liar."

"Armani I'm telling you the truth-,"

"Now first, every time I called ta' speak ta' my sista' you would eitha' ignore my calls or tell meh' she was wit' dat' bitch upstairs. Now don't get me wrong,"I shrugged a bit," Ain' got nun against a lil quality time, but damn! Ain't dat' much time in da' world."

She now looked at me with wide eyes, like I just told her that she won the lottery or something. I knew I had her right where I wanted her.

"And then there's you dear grandmother, look at them bruises on ya' arm and ya' chest, if I'm not mistaken those are some pretty old bruises," I began to pace the floor as I watched her intensely,"Shit even Kali got some dat' resemble those, I know dis' cause I have da' same ones, thus lettin' me know he touched dat' innocent girl over and over and over again in da' past month— while you, her guardian, juss' let'em."

I stopped and starred at her, and I'm sure that if looks could kill she'd be six feet under.

"Now dis' yo last and final chance ta' tell me da' fuckin' truth."

She looked at me still amazed that I knew what he was doing to her and how she let it happen. It didn't take rocket science to put two and two together, I just wish I would have saved her before it even happened.

"Armani I am so sorry I couldn't protect her. I tr-,"


"Why what?"

"Why da' fuck couldn't you protect ha'?"

"He threaten to kill me if I didn't give her to him."

"So you juss' gave him my fuckin' sista bruh, ya' juss' handed ha' ova' ta' him cause of'a damn threat!"

I felt Kali jump in my arms from all the yelling I was doing, she most likely wasn't use to me of all people being loud. As a result I began to rock her in my arms while I started back pacing the floor to calm my anger that was rising back up.

"Mani he threaten to kill me!" She argued

"I don't give not two fucks! Da' day you walked out dat' hospital wit' her in yo' arms, was da' day you should have been willin' ta' lay ya' life down fa' dat' lil girl, no matter what happened."

"I promise you I love you both but I'm not about to sit here and lose my life over you all." She stated in a matter of fact tone.

I just laughed at her. Did she not hear herself? Love- is when you're willing to do anything for someone, you're willing to take a bullet for someone. Love- is when it's not just you that you have to think about, it's you and the person or people you love and care for. Love- is when you put your well being aside for the person you love. I love Kali she doesn't.

"Ha! Nawl youn' luh' me and ya' damn sho' don't love ha', yo' selfish ass sat thea' and let him take ha' innocence away. You don't unda'stand how dat' shit fu-fucks ya' up. Dat' li-little innocent girl is go-gonna be damaged fa' life. Da' day you took her from dat' hospital you were suppose ta' be da' one ta protect ha'! The one she could trust b-b-but look at her."I motioned to Kali," Da' one dat' she thought would l-love ha' was da' one dat' gave ha' away ta da' devil himself. You ain't no betta' than him in my book."

I wiped the hot tears that were cascading down my cheek, as she wiped away her own fake crocodile tears off her bruised up cheek.

"Mani I do love you all, but-"

"But you love yo'self more,"I confirmed.

"Look man,"I sighed, just completely over this woman and her husband,"Fuck ya' husband, fuck you, and fuck ya' bitch ass son. Y'all can all rot in hell fa' all I care, but dis' one hea', she comin' wit' me."

I turned towards the entrance ready to get the hell out of there. I pushed pass Mel and August but right before I got to the front door I heard something that stopped me dead in my tracks.

"My son hurt you didn't he?"

"They aren't right, none of them have ever been right, please forgive me."

I looked at her with tears gathering at the brim of my eye, ready to fall, but I wouldn't dare let them. I looked between Mel and August and hurriedly turned on my heels and practically ran out the door; the expressions they wore on their faces looked as if they'd seen a ghost from what she'd said. I found the car and quickly hopped in the passenger side and held Kali close to my chest as I cried.

"I'm sorry baybeh girl, I'm so sorry. Please please fa'give me.... I know I broke my promise ta' you, and juss' so sorry." I cried kissing the top of her head over and over again.

I heard the door to the house shut and looked to see Mel and August coming out with bags, I'm guessing some of Kali's things. I quickly wiped my tears as they neared the car. In no time they were in the car and we were on our way back to Mel's house. The only thing that could be heard throughout the truck were me and Kali's sniffles.


I'm back and I'm betta'......kml anstyway heyyyy erybody ya miss me I missed you guys so to show you guys how sorry I am I made this chapter kinda long for ya. But I don't really like how I ended this chapter at all. I also decided to put the whole chapter in Mo's POV because I wanted you guys to see how much she hurt and how strong her love for Kali is so I felt like I could only do that by writing it from her side. Don't worry you will hear from August next chapter

Share,vote, comment my loves.

MeMe loves you
Just a real nigga commin' through...😜

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Welcome To The Life Of August Alsina !! Hope You Guys Enjoy , This Is My First Story , Don't Forget To Leave Me Feedback !! - Em