i want to be yours

By angelarmy02

210K 6.9K 1.3K

taehyung a well known CEO and mafia but being taehyung is a mafia, very few people knows about it... love jeo... More

some flashbacks
In present at kim mansion
In jeon mansion
Getting suspicious
Getting suspicious 2
Finally he told everything
Strategy and a big decision
Normal day in both household
Confronting both mothers...
Night out
Night out 2
It's hurts
Marriage Announcement
He don't care
Mind is fucked up....
unknown feelings....
Shopping and preparation....
Shopping and preparations 2
Caught in a trap...
I feel Ease
Engagement ceremony 💍
Engagement ceremony💍 2
Comforting Him...
new story update...
Siblings shopping date
Heading towards Daegu...
thank you 🙏
planning and final preparations
Marriage ❤💍day...
Everybody's attires....
Marriage ceremony ❤
Marriage ceremony ❤... 3
First night....
Honeymoon🏩 2
Honeymoon 🏩 3
Normal Days....
Medical camp...
He care for him
Ignorance and jealousy
Ignorance and jealousy 2....
Why she can't stay away....
Final trap....
Will he able to save him?
Realization 2
I will wait for you hyungie promise...
Finally he woke up
My hyungie...
I am here princess....
I want to become best wife...
I made him upset...
Taking permission and making plan...
Mine (M)...
Taking care of him... (M)
Teasing and having fun....
Second honeymoon...
Sizzling night.. (M)
Dirty desires...(M)
Outing... (M)
Roaming around..
Real monster...
Everything is normal...
Picnic and lot's of fun..
Our time
new story update
Our time 2
Little gesture...
Home sweet home...
He is angry..
I hurt him....
kim jungkook belongs to kim taehyung
Anniversary ❤
Baby planning...
Baby planning 2 .. (M)
Good news..
Good news 2...
Mood swings...
Mood swings 2....
Mood swings 3...
Our happiness...
Bonus 1...
Bonus 2...
Last chapter 🥺

Heading towards daegu 2

1.6K 71 6
By angelarmy02

So basically tae and jisoo was working on sudden work that come in front of them... And doing work he totally forgot that his bun is sleeping alone with teary eyes...but after finishing work he told jisoo to take rest and he went inside his cabinet where kook is sleeping... After seeing kook's teary eyes tae thought he was missing eunwoo... kook promise him that he wants to give a chance but tae can't get over the fact that his bun hate him... So sometimes he neglect small small gestures from kook and started to imagine by his own... But while thinking to much he got sleepy.. So he went inside bathroom for night routine and come again and sleep beside kook but when in sleep kook feels tae's presence he got near tae and cuddle him tightly.. Tae was surprised cuz his back was facing kook but he adjust himself and sleep cuddling his bun tightly....

He didn't notice kook's mumbles... Kook in sleep :- you are only mine hyungie....

When plane was landed in destination at midnight...air hostess comes to woke up everyone... But both kook and tae was sleeping peacefully sohee strictly instructor everyone not to distrub younger couple... And then sohee went to wake up both of them... But when she went inside... She saw heartwarming site... Her bunny is sleeping top of tae and tae hug kook securely close to his heart....

Sleeping position...

Sohee take a picture of them send to their family group... And went to woke up both tae and kook...

Sohee :- tae kook woke up babies we already landed sleep after going home...

Tae :- yes eomma i am up said with closed eyes... But when he open his eyes and wants to sit up but he feels heavy weight on him we he say kook was literally sleeping upon him and that's to infront of eomma... His whole face turn into red shade.. He was feeling shy..

Sohee :- don't be shy.... And haa i am again saying this don't think other things... Bun only love you okay... He will realize it soon...

Tae :- okay eomma ...

Sohee :- baby woke up we landed.. Said with slightly shaking kook..

Kook :- umm mumma let me sleep I am feeling warmth here and he again hug tae tightly and buried his face in tae's neck...

Sohee :- baby you can't hug him more tightly wake up you are top of tae baby... You can't totally immersed in him.. Said with teasing tae..

After hearing this kook open his eye shockingly and first he saw was embarrassed tae and top of that he was top of him and their faces were so close... Then he turn towards his mother who is giving both of thek teasing smile... Kook hurriedly stood up and ran inside bathroom... And tae he don't know what to do..seeing both of them like that sohee started to laugh a loud and shout a little...

Sohee :- kook baby it's okay he is your soon to be husband you can totally immersed in him... You have that rights on tae... After saying this she went out....

They come out from plane and straightly went towards their respective homes... Both jeons and kims are living separately.. Cuz both jun and nam have their own houses here and as they are neighbours so it's not big deal...and they again slept hoping for having blasting wedding... And both kook and tae sleep with butterflies in their tummies...

In morning...

Both kims and jeons gather in lawn... They are discussing about all the decorations arrangements... Security... Everyone is taking part...except tae and kook... But as tae is mafia king he have some responsibility.. So he is instructing jack and taking info about eunwoo too... And now he confirmed that eunwoo is leader of Blackwater gang... When he got to know about.. He messaged both nam and jun to meet him at nearly farm...


All are eating breakfast here including jisoo and jack....

After having breakfast everyone left for doing their respective works...

Nearby farm...

Tae was waiting for nam and jun.. To come he called jack to having brief conversation...

Both jun and nam reach the farm they saw both tae and jack was having serious conversation...

Nam :- tae why you called us here...

Jun :- bear is anything wrong...

Tae :- nothing is wrong but something is very serious...

Nam and jun :- what....?

Tae :- we got information... Eunwoo is the one who is leader of Blackwater gang and mainly he is the only heir of lee industries... And more over that he have wife and a son... Said with blank face...

There were pin drop silence but that broke by jack...

Jack :- tae we got one more info Mr lee went to Italy and eunwoo was trying to reach Russia...

Tae :- okay I have plan for that... Give me sometime I have to call someone and he went to called that person...

Nam :- it's all info is confirmed jack...

Jack :- yes uncle and we already set a trap for eunwoo what if he creat a problem for them so that's why...

Jun :- Jun was in his own thoughts... Thoughts of if he didn't got to know about this sooner then what had happened to his bun... He can't even imagine... But he stilll thanking God for giving him son in law like tae....

Nam :- he saw Jun was in his thoughts.. So he said something... Don't think to much we have our bear okay he will not let anyone to touch his property...

Jun :- i am always Grateful to you Nam... You are taking care of all my children's more than yours and i am greatful that kims are my son in laws... They protect my children's more than themselves...

Nam :- shut up okay now stop being this dramatic... Just relax...

Jun :- jack I am also grateful to you... Thank you..

Jack :- uncle kookie is like my younger brother so have to do that for him na... Don't take a stress me and tae is here.... Said with little smile...

Their conversation was going on when tae came after telling someone something...

What was the thing tae tell on that call... Who he called.. Will eunwoo come to break taekook's marriage or tae have another plan for that fucker let's see....

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