Come Home To Me (Elizabeth Ol...

By GingerNinja93

341K 9.1K 1.2K

This is a fan fic on how Y/N and Lizzie meet one night at a bar and slowly fall for each other. But there are... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chaptet 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100

Chapter 8

4.5K 116 7
By GingerNinja93

Y/N Pov

As I make my way up to Lizzie's door, I rub my clammy palms on my thighs to try and calm my nerves. I take a deep breath before knocking. As lizzie opens the door and I'm just standing there speechless. After what seems like forever I'm finally able to speak.

"Hi" I said with a shy smile.

"Hi" lizzie greeted with a bright smile.

We both just stand there for a moment until MK decides to break the silence.

"Hi, so you're the mystery dude that's got my sister smiling like a goof?" MK asked with a teasing smirk while I just shuffled my feet nervously.

"Seriously MK. This is why I don't let you come to see me when I have dates." Lizzie told her while she rolled her eyes.

"Hi, I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you" I said while I held out my hand out for her to shake which she took.

"Thank you its nice to meet you too. Well I'll let you get to your date. Bye now" MK said as she made her way past me to the door.

We both laugh and watch as she makes her way out of the door to her car.

"I'm sorry about her, she doesn't have a filter" she said with a chuckle.

"Oh no, it's fine she seems nice. Oh and you look beautiful." I told her as I felt the heat rise up my neck

"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself" she said while blushing.

"Well we should get going then" I said as I held my hand out for her to take which she did.

We both make our way out of the door to my car. I open up the passenger side for her to get settled in the passenger seat. When she's settled I close.the door and make my to the drivers seat. As were driving towards my apartment Lizzie is the first one to break the silence.

"So how have you been? We haven't spoke much this week" she asked while she looked at me while I was driving.

"I've been great. What about you? You've been working all week right?" I asked her as we stopped at a red light giving me a chance to glance at her.

"It's been great, just work is really tiring it takes alot out of you." She said with a sigh.

"Well at least you get a break after filming right?" I asked her with a smile

"Yes, only a small one then it's the promos and interviews and travelling. It's all tiring but I love it to be honest. I've always wanted to act since I was a kid" she told me with a bright smilem

"It is amazing when you finally make your dream job" I told her with a proud look.

"So where are we going?" She asked while giving me a curious look

"Were just going to have dinner at mine, we should be there soon. If that's OK? I'm just not really good with the whole organising dates, if you would rather go somewhere else that's fine" I told her nervously waiting for her answer.

"No its perfect actually. I'd really like that." She told me with a look of adoration.

"That's good. I was just really nervous. I haven't really dated anyone forba while." I told her with a nervous chuckle

"Well if I must say, you're doing great" she told me while taking my hand in hers.

"Thank you. Anyway here we are." I said as I was pulling up.

I pulled over outside of my apartment building and quickly made it over to Lizzie's door to open and held out my hand to help her out of the car. We both made our way into the building and made it up to my door. After I opened it and let her walk in first, she was looking around.

"You've got a nice place here" she told me while she was looking around.

"Thank you. I know it's not much but it's home" I replied with a smile.

"No its great." She said whilst taking my hand in hers.

"Would you like a tour?" I asked with a smile.

"That would be great" she beamed up at me.

"Well you have the living room and kitchen/dining area, and through that door on the left is the bathroom and the other door is my room" I told her as I walked her through my apartment.

"You don't have many pictures do you?" She asked with a shy smile.

"I only really have pictures of the people who mean everything to me. And that's not really alot" I answered while looking at the ground.

Lizzie stops in front of one picture me and Jamie when we were kids.

"Is this you?" She asks with a smile while pointing at the picture.

"Yeah that's me and my lil bro jamie" I told her with a smile looking at the picture

"Wow you 2 look like you could be twins" she said while looking up at me.

"I could say the same with you and MK" I teased with a smirk.

"Oh my god, she is so embarrassing" she laughed while shaking her head.

"She seems nice, she seems to really love you" I told her with a bright smile.

"Yeah she is great, she's always looked out for me since I was little. I was closer to her than I was with Ashley." She told me while turning to face me.

"Well that's older siblings for you, as much as sometimes I hate Jamie I'll always look out for him" I said with a small smile while looking her in the eyes.

"Yeah it's definitely right" she laughed.

"Well I'm gonna go sort dinner out, is pasta OK? It's like the only thing I can cook besides frozen pizza." I said with a laugh.

"Yeah that's perfect" she said before giving me a kiss on the cheek making me blush like an idiot.

I leave Lizzie to keep having a look around to go and take the pasta out of the oven and set the table for us both. I make my way back to Lizzie to tell her that it's ready and I find her looking around at the pictures my bedroom.

"Dinners on the table" I whisper in her ear as I wrap my arms around her waist.

"Is this you?" She asked pointing at a picture on my desk.

"Yeah that's me and my unit" I told her while giving her a kiss on the cheek

"Wow, what's it like being in the army?" She asked while she turned in my arms to face me with her hands on my chest.

"It's amazing, I've always wanted to join since I was a kid. As soon as I left school I signed up" I told her while I started to sway us both on the spot.

"How long have you been doing it for now?" She asked while looking me in the eyes

"Around 10/11 years now" I told her with a thoughtful look on my face

We make our way to the dining table and I pull out her chair for her.

"Would you like a drink?" I ask her before going to the kitchen.

"Yes please. Do you have red wine?" She asked me with a smile.

"Yes I do, I'll be right back" I told her as I gave her a kiss on the cheek before going to the kitchen.

I make my way back into the kitchen to get us both our drinks. A red wine and a bottle of beer for myself.

"Here you go. Hows the food?" I ask as I set down her glass in front of her.

"It's great thank you." When answered with a smile before taking a sip of her wine.

"That's great. I was really nervous about making it from scratch. I'm not used to cooking." I said while looking down at the table ready to start eating.

"Well I could always teach you sometime if you like?" She said with a bright smile as it's something she loves to do.

"Yeah that would be great thank you." I replied returning the smile and admiring the sparkle in her eyes.

"So tell me about your family?" She said which made me shuffle in my seat before answering.

"Well that's pretty much just Jamie. He's in college at the moment studying law. He's a smart kid." I told her with a smile thinking about Jamie.

"That's amazing. What about your parents?" She asked with a smile with the question I was dreading.

"Yeah we've not spoke for years. We didn't exactly part on the best of terms." I told her with a small smile while avoiding eye contact.

"I'm sorry for bringing it up" she said with a sad smile.

"No its fine don't worry about it. Anyway what about your family." I asked her with a smile trying to ease the tension between us.

"Well they're great. MK and Ashley they're awesome, they've always looked out for me since I was little. It was hard though growing up living in their shadow. I almost didn't pursue acting because I didn't want people to think I was only doing it to follow them. But I got over that and just went after my dream and I have no regrets about it." She told me with a bright smile before continuing to eat.

"Wow. You're pretty awesome to overcome all of that and become the person you are." I told her which made her blush.

"Thank you" she replied shyly.

"Would you like a drink and maybe watch a movie or something?" I asked her while scratching the back of my neck.

"Yeah that would be great" she said with a sweet smile.

"well you go make yourself comfortable and i'll go and get the drinks and I'll see you in a minute" I told her as I stood up collecting our dishes.

I cleared the table and cleaned our dishes. I decided to take some snacks as well to the living room with the drinks. I looked over at the time and it was only 8.45pm. As I made my way over to living room I noticed she had made herself comfortable and flicking through Netflix to pick something to watch.

"Hey I  brought some snacks if you want some." I told her as I passed her her drink.

"Oh yes. You can't watch a movie without some snacks." She said with a giggle.

"so what are we watching?" I asked her while grabbing the remote.

"Is there anything in particular you'd like to watch." She said while looking.

"not really. I don't really watch TV. I usually prefer playing on the Xbox so you pick." I told her handing her the remote.

"So you really didn't know who I was when we met." She asked me still dumbfounded.

"no I really didn't" I answered with a smile while looking at her.

"Wow. We really need to change that and get you to watch more TV" she said with a laugh.

"Ok then pick your poison" I told her while taking a sip of my beer.

It took a while for her to chose something for us to watch. She finally settled on a comedy for us both to watch. Halfway through the film she was making her way closer to me and put her head on my shoulder. I froze at first and then decided to put my arm around her and snuggle her closer. When she laughed at the funny parts of the movie, her laugh was like music to my ears and I just couldn't help but smile wanting to hear it all the time. I noticed her yawn letting me know she was tired.

"Hey, are you tired there?" I asked her as I placed a kiss to her head.

"yeah just a little" she answered me while looking up at me with a tired smile.

"would you like me to take you home or would like to stay over. Only if you want to." I asked her while looking away worried that I was overstepping my boundaries.

"well we've both had a drink. Only if you don't mind me staying." She said with a shy smile while blushing.

"well come on, let's get you some comfy clothes for you to sleep in." I said while giving her a sweet kiss on the lips.

I stood up and held out my hand for her to take which she did. I led her to my bedroom and got her and myself some clothes for bed.

"there's a spare toothbrush in the bathroom for you and the towels are on the rack in there behind the door." I told her while handing her the clothes for her to take.

"thank you." She said sweetly with a tired smile.

As she was getting herself ready for bed I quickly got changed and got myself the spare blanket and pillow and took it to the sofa. As I was making my make shift bed I heard the bathroom door clicked open and shut.

"well the beds all sorted and ready for you." I told her while making my way to the sofa.

"you don't have to, I can sleep on the sofa" she offered with a smile.

"nope, your staying in tge bed and I'm staying out here. End of." I told her while fixing the sofa up for me.

"OK. if you insist." She said with a smile knowing she lost.

Lizzie made her way over to me. I suddenly froze in place as I could smell her perfume. It seemed stronger and more intoxicated than before. Before I knew it, she was stood right in front of me, and we held eye contact for a brief moment before we both started to lean in. We closed the gap between us and our lips locked together in I slow but passionate kiss. She put her arms around my neck and I had my hands on her hips holding her close. We both pulled away for air and locked eyes again.

"I had a really great time. Thank you" she said with a bright smile.

"It was great. Thank you for agreeing to it" I said while my hands still rested on her hips and hers around my neck.

"well I'm off to bed" she said before giving me a quick peck.

"goodnight Lizzie" I said as I watched her walk to my bedroom.

"goodnight" she said before closing the door.

As she left to go in the bedroom, I layer down on the sofa with a smile on my face. I wasn't sure if it was gonna ever be more than this, if she wanted it. I was just so scared to talk to her about it. I really hope she is willing to go the distance with it because she is most definitely worth it, but hopefully soon I will grow some balls and ask her.

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