Craig of the creek oneshots b...

By FeelingxP1nk

97.5K 1.3K 861

Hello there other Craig of the Creek fans,feeling bored? Do you need a gosh darn break from school work? Don'... More

Welcome Y'all
Real friends
Training wheels lyris prank (Craigson)
Requests please :< i'm running out of ideas
Tired!George X reader Part 1
Tired! George x Reader Part 2
Stinky Jason edit
Angel x Reader
Another Jason edit
COTC charaters as vines lol
Soda Drama
Sorry guys,I was bored :p
COTC characters as vines Part 2
Jason fanart
Jane x Male! Deaf! Reader Part 1
Jane x Male! Deaf! Reader Part 2
Jane x Deaf! Male! Reader Part 3
Mark x Reader
COTC charaters as vines Part 3
K-12 (Prolouge)
k-12 Part 1 Wheels on the bus
K-12 Part 2 Class Fight
K-12 Part 3 The Principal
K-12 Part 4 Show and Tell
K-12 Part 5 nurses office
K-12 Part 6 Drama club
K-12 Part 8 Lunchbox friends
K-12 Part 9 Orange juice
K-12 Part 10 Detention
K-12 Part 12 High School Sweethearts
K-12 Part 13 Recess
K-12 epilogue
Surprise y'all(Authors note)
Mark x Female! Reader
Maya x Omar (Free music)
Cotc charaters as vines Part 4
COTC Charaters as vines Part 5
Requests come at me .-.
David x female! Reader Part 1
David x Female! Reader Part 2
A quick thank you (Authors note)
COTC charaters as vines Part 6
Yandere!George x Female!Reader Part 1
Yandere!George x Female!Reader Part 2
Slay Jason!
Comfort Zone
COTC characters as vines Part 7
Tony x Female! Reader
Maya x reader
COTC characters as vines Part 8
Yandere!Tea Timers prefrences
Tsundere! Mark x Female! Reader
A day with Adele
100 Votes?!
Adorably Sick (Raj x Shawn)
Sick! Mark x Female Reader
Kit x Arist! Reader
Protective! Green Poncho x Anxiety Prone! Reader
Faraday X Reader (Valentines Day special)
Kelsey x Female! Reader
Bernard X Female! Reader
Wren X Gender Neutral! Reader
Tea Timers at a fast food job
Tony x Dancer! Reader
Jane and Eliza x George
George x Female! Reader
Pullstring x Abused! Runaway!Reader
Feel the same (Handlebarb X Warpspeed)
Green Poncho x Female! Reader
Bitterest Love (Craigson)
High School Sweethearts lyrics prank (Craigson)
Sticky Stuck (Gordy x Keef)
COTC charaters as vines Part 9
Kelsey x Non binary! Reader
COTC characters as vines Part 10
Tea Timers slumber party pillow fight
Little nightmares (Geliza)
Tea Timers stuck in an elvevator
Tsundere! George X Reader
Barry X Gender Netrual! Reader
Gordy X Hurt! Demi-Girl! Reader
Yandere! Horse girls prefrences
COTC charaters as vines Part 11
Yandere! Xavier X Demi-Boy! Reader
George is the new siri
203 votes?!
Tea Timers at a Senior Citizens Home
Yandere! Alliance Of Science Prefrences
COTC charatcers as vines Part 12
Secret Keeper as a waiter
Handlebarb X Female! Reader
Slumber Party Part 1
Slumber Party Part 2
Eliza X Reader (Mothers day special)
Ring Pop (Gordy X Keef)
Racin' Heartbeat (Craigson)
Secret Keeper reads a bad review
The Junior Forest Scouts as substitute teachers for a day
Tea Timers at a movie
Yandere! Turner X Female! Reader
Dancing with swords (Tony X Kelsey)
I'm laughing, I'm crying it feels like I'm dying....
Leader Trio at a drive thru
Coraline Part 1
Coraline Part 2
Coraline Part 3
Coraline Part 4
Coraline Part 5
Coraline Part 6
Coraline Part 7
Coraline Part 8
Coraline Part 9
Coraline Part 10
Coraline Part 11
Coraline Part 12
Coraline Part 13
Coraline Part 14
Coraline Part 15
The King X Gender Neutral! Reader
Jason + Female! Reader (Sickfic)
Can't shake you (Craigson)
Junk Lord X Male! Reader
Michelle X Gender Neutral! Tall! Silly! Reader
Alone Time (Craigson)
Green Poncho X Gender Neutral! Reader
Bobby X Gender Neutral! Reader
Tony X Gender Neutral! Reader
Cute as a button (Tony + Jason)
Lookin' good in red (Craig X Jason)
Cheyenne X Reader
Blossomed love Part 1 (Keun Sup X Paloma)
Blossomed love Part 2 (Keun Sup X Paloma)
King Xavier X Gender Neutral! Reader
COTC charatcers as vines Part 13
Maya X Female! Reader
Sk, Stacks and Jason's lemonade stand
Stacks X Female! Shy! Reader
Flowers (Craigson)
Omar X Female! Reader Part 1
Omar X Female! Reader Part 2
King Xavier X Female! Reader!
Secret Keeper X Nonbinary! Reader
A special someone (Keun Sup X Paloma)
Keun Sup X Female! Reader
Hanahaki disease! Kelsey + Demi-Boy! Hanahaki disease! Reader
Xavier dyes his hair to blonde
Update on requests
Heartbass (Craigson)
Wildernessa X Female! Reader
Wish Part 1
Wish Part 2
Maya X (It/Its)! Reader
Omar X Reader
Understanding Tony Part 1
Understanding Tony Part 2
Understanding Tony Part 3
Omar X Nonbinary! Reader
Kelsey X Female! Wheelchair! Reader
Oh-so awkward
Fading hate (Craigson)
Xavier and Mayas most controversial debate ever
Maya X Demi-Girl! Reader
Deadly romantic
COTC characters as vines Part 14
Line without a hook lyrics prank
Movie theater kiss (Craigson)
Bye y'all

The King X Female! Reader

861 11 6
By FeelingxP1nk

Requested By:Tsumugi_kinnie
(Y/N):Your name
Also, this'll have Hanahaki disease involved so if you don't like that, this story isn't for you. The song at the top is what inspired the storyline.

You walked with Xavier to his house, you couldn't help but stare into his eyes. You almost couldn't believe that you actually befriended the fallen king and offered to help him change his ways. You remembered the day you first met him and he confessed about how he used to be, how he used to be a controlling wannabe king that couldn't see the other kids weren't happy when he ruled, even though he dressed everyone up all fancy and gave them candy no one was happy. At first you couldn't believe it, but you though things through and agreed to help him change.

You taught him everything you knew, even though you thought it wasn't gonna be easy. He was your friend and friends help each other out.

But during that process, you had developed some feelings for him. You loved how much he was actually trying to swap and start over, that Craig kids words actually stuck to him, you couldn't believe Xavier almost punched him off the treehouse.

But there was one problem, you didn't know if your feelings were shared. You've been crushing on him for a bit, but you wondered nonstop if he felt the same, and that caused you to doubt if he liked you. But now you have two things to handle, a bad cough and so called one sided love.

"You alright, (Y/N)?"Xavier asked opening the basement door for you now that you and him were now in the basement in his house. "O-oh...I'm fine, why ask?"You lied not wanting to stress out Xavier. Xavier closed the door and walked with you to where the tv was to play power punchers. "Well, I wanted to make sure you're okay. Isn't the first step of being a good kid being considerate of other people? That's what you told me"Xavier said setting up the video games. It felt good knowing he cared about you of course, you just hoped he cared about you in a romantic way like the way you did with him.

Time Skip

When it was now dinner time, you had to leave Xaviers to go back to your house to eat dinner. But today, dinner was your least favorite part of the day, you didn't understand you loved your parents cooking but you just didn't have an appetite anymore. You didn't wanna hurt your parents feelings and totally ignore their hard work to make sure you're fed so you just ate what they put in front of you.

As you walked home, your cough came back but worse. You weakly tried speed walking to your house as you violently coughed, a shiver went down your spine as well, even though it was supposed to be hot due to it still being summer. Luckily you made it home in time you tried to keep your cough down in front of your parents so they wouldn't ask you a million questions. You went upstairs to your bedroom and looked at yourself in the mirror, no wonder Xavier asked what was wrong, you looked awful. You looked like you had a fever, well you did feel like it.

You rushed to the bathroom to freshen up, you took out your phone and looked at the picture you took with Xavier. You couldn't believe a boy that treated you like a princess used to be an awful 'king' that only cared for his own happiness and sugar coated his behavior by spoiling everyone. "(Y/N)! Come downstairs dinner is ready!"Your mom called out from the kitchen, you gulped and put your phone away. "Coming!"You said rushing to the kitchen hoping to get dinner over with.

The next day

You walked to Xaviers house the next day to hang out with him, you started coughing as you knocked on the door. You wondered why you were coughing so much since you started to doubt Xavier liked you. You immediately tried to stop when you heard footsteps coming near the door to answer. "Hey, (Y/N)!"Xavier eagerly greeted, you smiled and waved at him. Xavier walked you to the bedroom to hang out like usual and shut the door behind him to have fun with you.

While you guys were hanging out, you were wondering again if he liked you back. Until, you gathered your courage to ask how he felt, "Hey uh...Xavier, can I ask you something?"You asked scratching the back of your neck, "Oh yeah, of course"Xavier smiled ready to hear what you needed to say. "Hey, uh...Xavier, do you uh...Like me in anyway...? You know..."You said fiddling with your hand nervously, "Oh of course, (Y/N), I like you! You're my friend after all!"Xavier said not knowing you were asking if he like liked you. But you had no idea that answer was a lie.

A friend? You were asking if he like liked you, you felt slightly upset that he didn't take the hint. "Why'd you ask?"Xavier asked curiously, "Xavier...I wanted to ask because-"You tried to say realising your 'hint' didn't work and tried to tell him in a lot more simple way. But was cut off by your cough, but your cough got even worse. You felt some wallflowers come out your throat which caused you to be until you speak, there goes your confession.

"(Y/N)!"Xavier shouted in panic as you vomited out wallflowers and blood on his bed. Xavier moved from the bed and got his phone, luckily he wasn't mad you got a little blood on his clothes he focused on making sure you're okay.

Xaviers POV:What the heck happened with (Y/N)?! As I was punching in the number to an ambulance, I realized why (Y/N) asked me that question...She likes me back...The only reason why I said she was my friend was to confirm she was special to me...Not cause I see her as just a friend...This is my fault, a king knows if something is up with someone, and I was the most clueless person ever...

Time Skip

After an hour later on the ambulance took (Y/N), I stared in horror and guilt at the now washed sheets that was once stained with (Y/N)s blood...I shuttered remembering how painful it must have been for her...And I could've prevented it...I knew her blood would be there forever even though my sheets were washed, history is forever. Like my history of corruption...Even though the creek is fine now that I left, no one will forget what I did, and I doubt I'll be given forgiveness either...

I'm the reason for her Hanahaki...Why did it need to be her anyways? I'm so much worse...

The next day

I woke up early to see (Y/N) at the hospital, the last time I saw her kept me up at night. So now, I'll give tell her one final thing before she might die...If she does die at least I got to tell her how I feel...

I was originally gonna bring her flowers as a romantic gesture but then I remembered what happened she'll think I'm mocking her. So, I just got her something else I knew she'd like.

I walked to the hospital where she was and gulped before entering, I can do this...With all my courage gathered I walked inside the building and took the elevator to her room. But when I was about to step inside, I saw some other kids from the creek, ah shoot...They can't see me.

Luckily the elevator opened up before I got noticed, I pushed the buttons to (Y/N)s hospital room and when the elevator took me there, I knocked on the door. "Come in..."(Y/N) said from her room. I gulped and walked inside, I saw she was in her bed and a few wilted petals on the bed as well. "H-Hey, (Y/N)...Look, (Y/N) when you asked me that question back there...I uh...I'm sorry I didn't understand at first, but thats not the point. (Y/N), were you asking me that cause you uh...Like me...?"You 'asked'.

(Y/N) looked surprised then looked at me, "Do you love me too...?"(Y/N) asked, I gulped getting ready to finally say what I've been wanting to say for awhile, "*Sighs* Yeah...I said that you were my friend because I thought you just saw me as one and you asked me that cause you wanted to make sure I wasn't using you, I'm sorry for being so clueless..."I sighed.

"Oh Xavier...It's not your fault...But after all...Thank you for the present..."(Y/N) thanked looking at the gift I got her not even knowing her face was red.

3rd Person

You looked rather thankful and happy with your gift, there was a comfortable silence between both of you knowing you both shared feelings for each other. But, Xavier stopped the silence by kissing your cheek, now your face was really really red. Until, Xavier thought that was a stupid idea to kiss your cheek. "Uh...S-sorry! That was dumb of me...So...Uh...See you later...?"Xavier said rather awkwardly almost as red as you. Before you could speak, he bolted out there feeling like an idiot.

You held the cheek he kissed and smiled watching him leave, your romantic moment with him wasn't as bad as you thought.

Time skip

You saw Xavier waiting for you when you walked out the hospital, it was the day you could finally go home. It turned out Xavier returning the feelings cured you, they weren't kidding when they said true love broke the spell. Xavier smiled seeing you okay, "You ready?"Xavier smiled, he was about to walk you home from the hospital after all, it was the least he could do. "Yeah, I am"You comfirmed holding onto Xaviers hand and let him open the door for you.

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