Hero of the Stars (Male Reade...

By LordGhostTurkey

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In a world of super powered individuals, Y/N stands out amongst his peers. His selfless nature had earned him... More

Chapter 1. Another Day in Piltover
Chapter 2. One VIP Ticket
Chapter 3. Piltover Concert Night
Chapter 4. Curious Idols
Chapter 5. Light Meet Stars
Chapter 6. A Day with the Idols
Chapter 7. Housewife Material
Chapter 8. Long Work Night
Chapter 9. One Awkward Sunday
Chapter 10. The Reward
Chapter 11. New Family Addition
Chapter 12. Freelancer from Demacia
Chapter 13. Time with the Idols
Information and Announcements
Chapter 14. Powerfreak System
Chapter 15. Ionia Beach Trip
Chapter 16. Enter the DJ
Chapter 17. Sona's Curiosity
Chapter 18. Hero's Jealousy
Chapter 19. Marco Six, Going Dark
Chapter 20. Hatred and Obsession
Chapter 21. Fierce Battle at the Monastery
Chapter 22. Xanders Arc Aftermath
Chapter 23. The Ride Home
Chapter 24. Home Sweet Piltover
Chapter 25. Desperate Machines
Chapter 26. Farewell Hextech Academy
Chapter 27. His First Time [Lemon]
Chapter 28. In Your Nightmares
Chapter 29. Memories of Home
Chapter 30. How about Bumblebee
Chapter 31. Visiting Family
Chapter 32. Family Time
Chapter 33. Second Generation
Chapter 34. Not Our Choice
Chapter 35. Consequences
Chapter 36. Taken Away
Chapter 38. Prepare for War
Chapter 39. A Friend Indeed
Chapter 40. Noble Squads First Mission
Chapter 41. Meet the Bee
Chapter 42. Who is Anthony
Chapter 43. Secret Revealed
Important Stuff to Know
Chapter 44. Hunted Survivor
Chapter 45. At War I
Chapter 46. At War II
Chapter 47. At War III
Chapter 48. One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall
Chapter 49. Destroyer and Defender of Glaserport
Chapter 50. Shattered Hearts
Chapter 51. Victory Together
Chapter 52. Void War Arc Aftermath
Chapter 53. Heroes and Reunions
Chapter 54. Dancers Passion [Lemon]
Chapter 55. Ixtal Adventure
Chapter 56. Love in Silence
Chapter 57. Helping Them Understand
Chapter 58. Ze Gourmet Chef
Chapter 59. Confronting Their Feelings
Chapter 60. Accepting Them
Chapter 61. Trouble Brewing
Chapter 62. The Clock is Ticking
Chapter 63. Facing Your Fears
Chapter 64. No Damsel, No Fear
Chapter 65. Giovanni Arc Aftermath
Chapter 66. Easing His Burdens
Chapter 67. Problems with Ahri
Chapter 68. Heated Session [Lemon]
Chapter 69. No Protection Included
Chapter 70. No Room for Failure
Chapter 71. Miracles Born and Made
Chapter 72. Back to Work
Chapter 73. Trouble on Two Fronts
Chapter 74. Piecing Together the Puzzle
Chapter 75. Forcing Them Out
Chapter 76. Her Murderer
Chapter 77. Chasing Horrors
Chapter 78. Overwhelming Desire [Lemon]
Chapter 79. Into the Jaws of Despair
Chapter 80. Desperate Developments
Chapter 81. Takeover
Chapter 82. Against All Odds
Chapter 83. Together
Chapter 84. What Death Fears
Chapter 85. Alive but Without Him
Chapter 86. Tribute (Finale)
Final Notes (Had to repost cause I forgot stuff)
Epilogue: Too Break The Cycle
Sequel is Out
Insider's Notes

Chapter 37. Sentenced to War

2.4K 78 28
By LordGhostTurkey


Today was the day. I'll be heading to court and be face to face with a Summoner. To be honest, I was afraid. Meeting a Summoner is a tremendous honor but in my situation, it was possibly the worst thing ever. If Legends are true and they still possess their god like power from before creating Runeterra, this one could probably blink me out of existence. That's a rather light punishment for breaking their rules though. I got up and stretched for a bit since this room had no furniture or anything. Just an empty room with a containment chamber in the center. Inside that chamber was little ole me and nothing else. There were plenty of cameras and wall mounted guns all aligned at me at all times which was pretty annoying.

After a bit, the very top of the chamber opened up and down came a machine holding a tray with a very basic breakfast. Eggs, bacon, grits and some buttered toasted. I take the tray and the machine holding it retracted up into the ceiling and it closed.

Y/N: Least they know to feed me. Need to recommend some furniture though. Sleeping against the glass or on the cold floor isn't how you should treat people, no matter how bad they are.

As I began too eat, my mind wonders back to what Caitlyn told me. It is true that she was in love with me? I'm not really sure how to approach that. She denied me because she didn't want me sharing her fate and made jokes about it to cover her pain and not rouse my suspicion. Had I known beforehand, I probably would've kept pushing till she said yes. Now, things are different. Would the girls even let me have her and possibly Vi and Jinx? Thinking about it, I can't help but chuckle. What am I, a Harem Anime Protagonist? I've got pretty strong powers as well and a lot of people like me so I could be seen as a Gary Stu in a way. Well, I'm not sure if people will like me once news gets out that I broke the law.

I finish up my food and set the tray to the side where is wasn't in my way. How would the Media take to the Man of Light being a lawbreaker? And if they know about my relationship with K/DA then what'll happen to the girls?

Y/N: Damn it... All these questions and no answers...

Eventually the entrance the the chamber was opened and in came several armed guards with a containment unit, similar to the one they shipped me here with yesterday. This one looked like it was meant to be taken in and out of places though. Seems they believed a pair of power nullifying handcuffs weren't going to work with them. The shove the unit to the door and the containment unit slides open.

Officer: Get inside.

I do as told and walk into the unit and it shuts tight. Activating the force field. With that done, they began to transport me to the courthouse.

Timeskip brought to you by a Raving Chicken...

Evelynn POV

It was time. Caitlyn called earlier and told us the time at which to come. None of us wanted to go since the Summoner could do anything to our darling and we'd be powerless to stop them. In the end, it was Marco who convinced us to come. I don't know what it is about him that rubs me the wrong way. It feels as if he knows too much at times. His every reaction is what gives it away. No matter, I'll investigate once I can catch him alone. On the ride there, everyone was silent. Akali was in the passenger seat with me. Not once did she ever lift her head, just looking at her hands that were currently resting on her lap. Ahri, Kai'sa and Sera all remained silent as well. None of them daring to look around. I sigh, knowing this will have a huge impact on us going forward. We may have to delay our new album for a bit. None of us will have enough care to do it anyway. I just hope Taric understands that.

Once we arrive, Marco pulls up and parks beside us with a yellow and black striped Camaro. We were all confused on how he could afford that but before anyone could ask, he gestures towards Sona who looks away casually. They make an odd pairing. We all head inside and wait for the court to assemble. As we wait, a powerful presence overcomes everyone in the building. The Summoner had arrived and was waiting. I take a moment to glance at the girls. Akali was visibly shaking, Kai'sa looked like she wanted to cry and Ahri was trying her best to keep a straight face. Marco and Sona both looked nervous but Sona more so than Marco. There he is, rousing my suspicion again. He was defiantly nervous but out of all of them, he seemed the most calm. Maybe even calmer than me.

Eventually, everyone was called to attendance and we all entered. As we walked in, we see Y/N standing inside a containment unit in front of where the Summoner will be. He looks back at us and smiles a little. It was reassuring to know he was able to. Most people would probably feel a little hopeless knowing they're about to face a god like entity for the wrong reasons. Everyone takes their seats. The True Damage band was seated opposite of us where Marco and Sona were also. They didn't know Y/N well but they knew enough to be friends with him. The Cop Trio were also present amongst the guards. Me and Caitlyn make eye contact but she looks away just as quickly with a defeated expression. That girl worries me.

Soon that powerful presence washed over us again and it began to form directly in front of Y/N. There was a breath flash of light and there he was. Floating just a few feet away from Y/N.

Logan: I'm not gonna describe anything about what this guy is capable of for Spoilers sake. You'll understand in the future.

Summoner X... There may be hope yet. Out of the Six, he was defiantly more lenient than at least 4 of them. He crosses his arms and looks down at Y/N who made and audible gulp.

X: I am here on behalf of my siblings. To them, they had better matters too attend to other than dealing with such a matter. I pray you have a good reason for what you have done today Y/N L/N.

The way he spoke was like an earthquake. Every word had a strength and authority. His presence alone was enough to make people shake, his voice on the other hand was far stronger.

Y/N: I did what I had to.

X: Is that your reason?

Y/N: What else could I say? Xanders crossed a line with what he did. Had he simply stayed out of our lives...

X: You got involved in his life first. The case with Lunastra was passed over due to a Void Snatcher. She could not be saved. Xanders was a different case. He was in full control of his own actions.

Y/N: But he was helping the Void by feeding them souls and magic. Not to mention he was planning to torment me and Ahri.

X: Where you stand Mortal is none of my concern. Our Children are the Elder Dragons. Family. What they decide is not to be questioned. Xanders helping the Void is a problem but is completely unrelated to your issue.

Y/N: Who cares if it unrelated!

Y/N was starting to lose his cool and his anger was becoming clear. This is not going to end well. I wanted to look away cause I couldn't bare the thought of watching him....

X: You disregarded a Law saying that the Elder Dragons decisions are ultimately above Mortals. Their choices have helped shaped Runeterra to what it is today. Xanders was also of key importance in the Void War and by permanently crippling him, you take his Corporation out of the picture. The call has been put out that All Freelancers be taken to the war front.

Y/N: Wouldn't his activity with the Void shut him down anyway? That's what I'm wanting to know.

X: He started it out of hatred against the mortal world because of your actions. Even if the Void Snatcher was involved. What you did still caused him pain.

Y/N: Too hell with his pain! He was going to ruin more peoples lives if he had continued on.

X: That I doubt.

Y/N: What!?

X: Do you honestly believe that Ahri, a pure hearted maiden would ultimately succumb to his torment?

Y/N: W-well...

Oh no...

X: You have a lack of trust in your relationship. Had you simply let him have her, she would have bared a child of great power. One who could usurp Xanders and expose him in a way that could allow use to keep important resources in the war effort.

Y/N: But Ahri is my-

X: Don't lie to yourself. Had Ahri been killed or taken from you. Actually, all of K/DA. You would've ran into the arms of Caitlyn would you not?

That was low even for him! Y/N couldn't even respond. Only hang his head in defeat. Caitlyn looked stunned at him mentioning her love for him which I was still needing to process. The part of Ahri having a child for that sick bastard made me want to vomit. It was utter bullshit! No way in hell would I ever allow that too happen. We all then heard Y/N growling, a brief black flash came from him. Ahri almost immediately began to freak out and Caitlyn was on the verge of acting but Summoner X raises his hand, stopping her. As Y/N was about to say something, the containment unit shocks him and he winces in pain. Akali in that moment looked like she was ready to tear someone apart but I stopped her. If anyone was doing that, it'd be me.

X: Even now, you can't control your own emotions. A possibility we ignored for a long time. Not this time. Had it been anyone of the other Summoners, you'd probably have your mind shattered and your crazed body thrown into the Shadow Isles but I'm not like my siblings. I see your potential to make a difference. What is done is done and there is no point whining over it.

Y/N: Huh....?

X: I specifically will forgive you enough. Xanders was in the wrong but so were you. However, my brother is capable of seeing the future which allows us to see all possibilities. That is how I knew Ahri would bare such a child.

That part sounded made up. I know Summoners are powerful but even that seems like a bit of a stretch.

X: You will be sent too Ixtal to fight against the Void. You will spend your time there until the war is over or until you die. You are to be shipped there tomorrow evening.

Caitlyn: Tomorrow evening!? That's not enough time to prep him.

X: This is part of his Punishment Caitlyn. He will be given no time to study with the Angels of Bastion to prepare himself. He'll have to learn along the way. This way my siblings won't believe he got away scott free.

Y/N lets out a tch and pops his neck. The Summoner dismisses everyone and disappears in a flash of light. We wanted to approach Y/N and tell him everything we wanted him to know before he was sent away but the guards wouldn't allow us. It was True Damage who had to pull us away in the end. All four of us hanged out heads in defeat. Sera suggested we go back home but before we do, a familiar voice calls out to us. We all turn and see AJ rolling up to us.

AJ: I know this is difficult but I'll tell you all now. He's going to be safe with me. I can at least keep y'all posted.

Marco: That I can get behind. Won't he be with the one Freelancer too?

AJ: Anthony Phillips? Could be but that's if they decide to give Y/N a less forgiving position.

Ahri: That isn't what we want to hear AJ...!

AJ: What else am I suppose to do? Here I am trying to tell y'all I'm gonna do my job as a friend and you're all upset about it.

Just then I grip my clawed hand around his neck and pull him close to my face. My skin was slowly shifting color.

Evelynn: If anything happens too him, there won't be any God that can fix what I do to you.

AJ: I'll get to preventing that, when you let go lady.

He was about to unsheathe his blades but after a moment more, I let him go and go back to my more human appearance. He spits on the ground and rolls off in the direction he came. I felt a hand on my shoulder so I looked back to see Marco.

Marco: Just trust him. Okay? AJ has been with Y/N longer than anyone here.

Evelynn: Why do you have so much faith?

Marco: I may not seem like it but I don't have a lack faith in my his abilities. Unlike some people.

I don't respond. Only stare. I wanted to rip him limb from limb for that but that wouldn't solve anything. I guess I was lacking a little faith. I just hope what I can muster will be enough to get me threw these dark times.

Logan: Am I getting more forgetful or bored? I can't quite tell. I feel as if the quality of these chapters are getting lower and lower but that's probably just me.

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