Hero of the Stars (Male Reade...

By LordGhostTurkey

347K 8.6K 2.5K

In a world of super powered individuals, Y/N stands out amongst his peers. His selfless nature had earned him... More

Chapter 1. Another Day in Piltover
Chapter 2. One VIP Ticket
Chapter 3. Piltover Concert Night
Chapter 4. Curious Idols
Chapter 5. Light Meet Stars
Chapter 6. A Day with the Idols
Chapter 7. Housewife Material
Chapter 8. Long Work Night
Chapter 9. One Awkward Sunday
Chapter 10. The Reward
Chapter 11. New Family Addition
Chapter 12. Freelancer from Demacia
Chapter 13. Time with the Idols
Information and Announcements
Chapter 14. Powerfreak System
Chapter 15. Ionia Beach Trip
Chapter 16. Enter the DJ
Chapter 17. Sona's Curiosity
Chapter 18. Hero's Jealousy
Chapter 19. Marco Six, Going Dark
Chapter 20. Hatred and Obsession
Chapter 21. Fierce Battle at the Monastery
Chapter 22. Xanders Arc Aftermath
Chapter 23. The Ride Home
Chapter 24. Home Sweet Piltover
Chapter 25. Desperate Machines
Chapter 26. Farewell Hextech Academy
Chapter 27. His First Time [Lemon]
Chapter 28. In Your Nightmares
Chapter 29. Memories of Home
Chapter 30. How about Bumblebee
Chapter 31. Visiting Family
Chapter 32. Family Time
Chapter 33. Second Generation
Chapter 35. Consequences
Chapter 36. Taken Away
Chapter 37. Sentenced to War
Chapter 38. Prepare for War
Chapter 39. A Friend Indeed
Chapter 40. Noble Squads First Mission
Chapter 41. Meet the Bee
Chapter 42. Who is Anthony
Chapter 43. Secret Revealed
Important Stuff to Know
Chapter 44. Hunted Survivor
Chapter 45. At War I
Chapter 46. At War II
Chapter 47. At War III
Chapter 48. One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall
Chapter 49. Destroyer and Defender of Glaserport
Chapter 50. Shattered Hearts
Chapter 51. Victory Together
Chapter 52. Void War Arc Aftermath
Chapter 53. Heroes and Reunions
Chapter 54. Dancers Passion [Lemon]
Chapter 55. Ixtal Adventure
Chapter 56. Love in Silence
Chapter 57. Helping Them Understand
Chapter 58. Ze Gourmet Chef
Chapter 59. Confronting Their Feelings
Chapter 60. Accepting Them
Chapter 61. Trouble Brewing
Chapter 62. The Clock is Ticking
Chapter 63. Facing Your Fears
Chapter 64. No Damsel, No Fear
Chapter 65. Giovanni Arc Aftermath
Chapter 66. Easing His Burdens
Chapter 67. Problems with Ahri
Chapter 68. Heated Session [Lemon]
Chapter 69. No Protection Included
Chapter 70. No Room for Failure
Chapter 71. Miracles Born and Made
Chapter 72. Back to Work
Chapter 73. Trouble on Two Fronts
Chapter 74. Piecing Together the Puzzle
Chapter 75. Forcing Them Out
Chapter 76. Her Murderer
Chapter 77. Chasing Horrors
Chapter 78. Overwhelming Desire [Lemon]
Chapter 79. Into the Jaws of Despair
Chapter 80. Desperate Developments
Chapter 81. Takeover
Chapter 82. Against All Odds
Chapter 83. Together
Chapter 84. What Death Fears
Chapter 85. Alive but Without Him
Chapter 86. Tribute (Finale)
Final Notes (Had to repost cause I forgot stuff)
Epilogue: Too Break The Cycle
Sequel is Out
Insider's Notes

Chapter 34. Not Our Choice

2.4K 81 43
By LordGhostTurkey

Logan: Today has been a roller coaster of shit so I decided to do one of the only things that calms me down. Writing of course! I don't plan to upload on Weekends unless I feel like it. There, you have some sort of a schedule that is likely to change later on since I'm going to end up back at work at some point. For anyone who's wondering, I work at a family owned business so I get plenty of time off.

Third Person POV

A robbery happened not too long ago and due to the sheer skill of the culprits. They were able to avoid capture and made off with several thousands dollars. Right now, the group was counting the money when their boss walks in.

Boss Thug: We've struck gold tonight gentlemen! Thanks too the recent activity in Ionia now hitting the PLE file cabinets and the Man of Light being out of town, we've finally managed to hit it big.

Brute Thug: Piltover is a big place boss. With our little genius here, we never would've had such luck.

Genius Thug: It's all about knowing the enemy and your routes. Though I will admit, the recent news has been quite helpful.

Boss Thug: In the end is we have little competition right now due to Highmaul gang being behind bars. Bank Robberies are going to go on with our problem. Start drawing plans for our next target.

???: Please do. I love watching others draw.

All the thugs looked up to the ramparts above too see a man with silver skin.

AJ: Unfortunately, you'll be doing it behind bars.

All the thugs laughed at his statement.

Brute Thug: And what makes you think you can take us all on. I may not be the smartest but I can at least count. There's 7 of us and 1 of you.

???: Make that two.

Suddenly, the Genius and Boss Thugs have a hook shot into their shoulders and they are zipped up into the ramparts opposite of AJs.The thugs looked to see Camille knocking them both out before they can continue their annoying screams of pain and cuffs them. AJ then jumps down and engages the remains 5.

AJ: Lets dance pretty ladies.

The Brute charges him but AJ activates his wheel boosters and zips right past him. A skinny thug pulls a gun out on him and was about to fire but AJ quickly kicks the gun out of his hand and lands a solid punch. Due to his metal body, his punch was able to deliver extra force and knock him down easily and left gasping for air. Camille quickly zips around the room and nabs him, bringing him up to the other two and repeating what she did with them.

AJ: Alright, I give ya one free shot.

Gunner Thug: I'll be sure to make it count then!

The thug then pulls out an assault rifle and unloads into AJ. Unfortunately for the thug, AJ was pretty much unaffected by said bullets. AJ then taunts them by dusting himself off rather casually.

AJ: When I said one, I meant one.

He pulls out a gun from his back and shoots the gun out of the thugs hands before smacking him with the handle of the gun. All the remaining thugs except for the brute got scared and ran off.

Camille: I'll deal with them. Try not to make a mess of this one.

Brute Thug: I'll try not too pretty lady.

Camille scoffs at him before zipping off to the remaining thugs. AJ shakes his head while smirking.

AJ: All brawn and no brains. Something tells me you used that line to your school crush before you got hammered by your bully.

Brute Thug: You take that back or I'll make your death as painful as possible.

AJ: Alright alright, you didn't say it too your crush.

Brute Thug: That's not what I-

AJ: You said it too your sister after admitting you were interested in incest.

The Brute than roared as he surrounded his body in ice armor. AJ was unimpressed by this and shook his head again.

Logan: How heavy did I make that? The insult part of my brain seemed to have some processing issues during that.

Brute Thug: I'm gonna make you wish you weren't born!

AJ: Bet you said that too your sisters baby after she said pay the child support.

The Brute charged at him, roaring in anger with a ice lance at the ready. AJ crossed his arms Wolverine style and out came his blades. Once the Brute got close and went to impale him, AJ ducked underneath it and split it in three before delivering a knee to the chin. The Brute stumbled back and before he could recover, AJ switched one hand to his gun and fired a flash bomb into the Brutes face. Temporally blinding him. AJ got his blade back out and begin to slowly chip at the ice armor at the legs while avoiding the Brutes mindless swipes. Once he chipped it down enough, he thrusted his blades into each leg, slightly piercing the bones and making the Brute scream in pain.

AJ: You sure talk tough but you could use more training.

Camille then came down and delivered a devastating kick to the Brutes head, shattering his armor and knocking him out. She lands rather elegantly and proceeds to check on the money.

Camille: This is everything from the Central City Bank.

AJ: Want me to stay behind and help?

Camille: No. Report back to the chief and inform her that our bank robbery issue has been solved.

AJ: You got boss.

AJ then zooms off back to the PLE Precinct, passing by a couple of Police Vehicles heading to the warehouse Camille is currently cleaning up.

Caitlyn POV

It has been a long day. Karma came a couple of hours ago with information I didn't want to hear. I can't believe Y/N would do something like this. She said she planned to delay the information for his sake a little longer but one of the Summoners were starting to catch on since one of their prized pets was crippled. This was all giving me a headache. Just then, Vi and Jinx walked in with normal expressions that quickly turned into concern.

Vi: You holding up alright?

Caitlyn: Yeah.... I'm fine.

Jinx: Bullshit Caitlyn.... We're both here for you, so you don't have to lie.

Caitlyn: He said the exactly same thing you know.

Vi: Y/N...?

I nod. I look back to that moment every day. I'll be honest, I wasn't actually Lesbian but Bisexual. I know Vi and I were already in a relationship but neither of us were opposed too him joining but due too how things work.... I didn't want him too.

???: You gonna explain your sad face?

We all look to the door and see AJ leaning against the frame with a annoyed look. Great, the thing I've been trying to keep him from finding out has now been uncovered. I mentally curse myself for being unprepared for one moment.

AJ: The bank robbery issue has been solved. Camille sure knows how to work fast.

Jinx: Yeah she's pretty good at what she does. This place would be a mess if it wasn't for her.

Jinx tried to sound as enthusiastic as possible but he wasn't buying it for a moment. I sigh knowing the storm I just caused.

AJ: What the hell is really going on Caitlyn? I've seen it for the past few weeks I've been here. You make me question whether or not you know how to rest.

Vi: Hey! You shut your mouth before I-

Caitlyn: Enough!

The room goes silent and Vi backs away. AJ walks up to my desk and stares at me.

AJ: What are you hiding?

Caitlyn: The truth of my...... Position...

AJ: Truth?

Caitlyn: Do you know what the Summoners stand for?

AJ: I know they stand for Peace and Law. That's about it though.

Caitlyn: They also hold massive influence over the entire Law Enforcement System all over Runeterra. They choose only the right group for the job. The position of Chief however....

Vi: Caitlyn.....

Caitlyn: It's alright Vi...

I rub the bridge of my nose before continuing.

Caitlyn: We Police Chiefs are specially selected individuals to carry the burden of leadership.

AJ: Is that why you lied to him?

Caitlyn: I didn't want to....

He then slams his fist on the table, unsheathing a blade and pointing it towards me.

AJ: You lied to my friend and never told him the truth you whore!

Vi and Jinx were ready to jump him but I raise my hand, signalling them to stand down. They stare at one another before jinx nods and they both stop.

Caitlyn: I told him no because I couldn't stand the idea of him sharing this burden with me. Vi didn't give me a choice and when Jinx wanted to help out.... She found out how the system works and we let her in.

AJ stares before sheathing his blade and rolling towards the door. I call his name and stop him before he exits.

Caitlyn: You're being shipped off to Ixtal next week... I wish I could do more but..

AJ: I don't want you to do more. I want you too tell him the truth.

I stare at him in silence. After a moment, he continues on and leaves. This may be the last time I see him again. He was right though. Y/N will be sent to court where they'll publicly announce his crime to the world and send him to the war front. If I don't tell him soon.... I'll never get that chance.

Caitlyn: I'm so sorry it had to come to this Y/N but it was for your own good.

Vi and Jinx move around the desk and hug me from both sides. I return their hugs, wishing for this too all be over soon. I'm far too tired to keep going anymore.

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