Your favourite non alcoholic Drink

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Luke: Lemon Lime Bitters - you first had it with your dad when you were 12 years old before he passed away. the flavour bought back a lot of happy memories that you always smiled at which made luke smile because you were happy aswell.

Calum: Tea - your english backround may or may not have helped bring this on, but tea helped you feel calm and relaxed. Plus it always smelt like heaven. It was your favourite too because you could carry it in a cup everywhere and was sweeter then coffee. it was your go too.

Michael: Apple and Guava juice - this is because you learnt how to make it yourself and its pretty easy so you have heaps of litres of it in your storage fridge so lucky you and michael both enjoy it with breakfast lunch dinner and in a waterbottle.

Ashton: Ice coffee - you loved coffee a lot but in the hot summer of australia hot coffee isnt really a good thing which is why you turned to ice coffee. not only is it coffee its ice cream and its cold keeping you feel refreshed. its even good in winter.

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