child picks baby name

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i haven't actually edited any of these I'm just copy and pasting from my preferences word document so my sincere apologies. (i used a big word and in the right way too omf be proud) 


with baby number 2 getting closer and closer you were getting frustrated with name choosing. luke and you had gotten into an argument on what to call your baby boy who was due in 3 weeks. your 4 year old daughter melody ran down the stairs shouting after she was supposed to be in bed asleep. "MUMMY I KNOW WHAT TO CALL THE THING!" she said. this will be good you thought but listened intently because your daughter did surprise you. "go on" you said luke coming out of the kitchen to hear what she had to say.

"i think we should name him fletcher you know after uncle ash" you and luke smiled. "i actually really like that well done mel" you said finally coming to a silent agreement with luke not hat would be the name of your child.


you and michael had asked Rian your 3 year old son if he would like a little brother or sister. before he even considered it he said he wanted a brother name Alex. Which came as no surprise because this little rockers favourite band was all time low. 9 months later you welcomed a healthy baby boy whom the moment Rian clasped eyes on shouted "HELLO ALEX" and that was that.


clara had been talking about having a little sister since before you and ashton started dating so once you found out you were pregnant and told her she immediately decided the babies name would be Elsie if it was a girl or Liam if it was a boy because they were her favourite names. Funny story though you and ashton had also decided on Liam but elsie was a pretty choice that you eventually agreed too.

calum: as a surprise you took your 7 year old son Marcus to the gender ultrasound that you had coming up for your second baby. he was excited. in the little doctors office once the doctor announced you were having a little girl marcus immediately said "can we name her robin. because well robin. robin hood?" aside from it being a puny joke you and calum both like the name and agreed to it. and to this day marcus does not let anyone forget he was the mastermind behind his little sisters name. 

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