TV show you always watch together

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Luke: Strangley enough the man child had it all going for Pretty Little Liars, and was up to date on everything to do with the show. Each night you would both sith on the couch in jammies with a bowl of popcorn no phones allowed and watch, unless he was on tour then he would live stream all the episodes onto his laptop telling you later on what he thought.

Ashton: Sappy Australian classic, since you had both been watching Home and Away since you were young it was tradition that you both were sat for 7pm on bed or the couch watching it. You often making costume comments and ashton asking your opinoins on the males saying he wants to be like them ahem nate ahem

Calum: Dances Moms all the way, with no shame. You would both clear the living room of furniture and dance along with the girls, and mock the young divas as they pranced around. Usually having your own cat walk and dance off during it.

Michael: Michael was in love with Criminal Minds and really any sort of show around that. You too being a police officer in training loved all these shows so from around 8.30pm no one saw or heard from either of you as you watched these shows often turning to  twitter to fangirl.

home and away is one of my favourite tv shows and has been running for like 30 years hasnt it? and it still goes on. plus nate is 10/10 soo whoop enjoy 

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