Ideal Date Night described ASH

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Ashton "Come on Y'N! Have you got the sandwhiches?" Ashton laughed as he came bounding down the stairs of your shared apartment. "2 vegimite with crusts cut off?" You asked holding up his favourite sandwhiches. He nodded eagerly and took them out you hands placing them in your picnic basket. "Want to help me make some muffins?" You asked from your spot in front of your favourite place in the kitchen - the pantry. Ashton's eyes rolled as hed giggled getting out bowls and spoons and cups. 

Together you made chocolate chip muffins and a mess of the kitchen. As you placed the muffins in the oven you both ran upstairs to get ready for your pisnic. You choosing a white summer dress and brown sandals, you left your hair down in its natural waves and applied minimal make up to your face. "I HOPE THERE IS NO MAKE UP ON YOUR FACE Y'N THERE IS ENOUGH CAKE IN THE OVEN - WHICH oh shit its BURNING!" Ashton yelled after slipping on a t-shirt. You giggled grabbing your bag and phone letting him sort out the muffins ignoring his request of no makeup. Before you left your tumblr themed room you got out your polaroid camera and a few rolls of the paper stuff. Satisfied you went downstairs and into the kitchen. Helping Ashton ice the slightly burnt muffins. "yum yum" He mumbled licking the bowl. You slapped his hand while snaplocking the lid to the box of muffins shut and putting that in your picnic basket. 

Ashton chucked you a few pieces of fruit and home made lemonaide. "LETS GO!" he yelled. 


You sat on the red picnic rug on the floor of an open box ferris wheel in the center of Sydney. Looking over the Harbour Bridge and the Quay. From where you were sitting you could see a cruise boat docked getting ready for departure and the sun set shinning in through the windows. The panoramic view was beautiful and you were lucky that your boyfriend next to you could book out this whole open box at the top.

"So these burnt muffins aren't actually half bad" He laughed, taking a mouthful of the one in his hand. "I agree, would have been terrible otherwise." You said, taking a bite from his. "I'm sure you still would have eaten them Y/n" he smirked. Pressing play on the little stereo you bought along, You and I started playing. "ZAYN'S HIGHNOTE!" You shouted getting up and started dancing. Ashton stood too after brushing his hands on his jeans grabbing your hand and placing his other hand on the small of his back. You both fingers intwinded danced rather well around your picnic, you earlier had put your phone on a time set and it took the most perfect photos throughout the cute date. As the song ended yours and Ashton's lips collided the iphone camera clicking again. Ashton giggled against your lips pulling out the polaroid. Snapping a sneaky picture he hung it on a piece of string he attched from the bench to the basket next to all the others. You sat back down bodies entiwinded watching the sun set and classical music playing laughing and joking. 

"No seriously! Its Christian bale, you know the actor who played batman...?" You laughed trying to explain your lame excuse of a joke. "Oh you are one special person y/n I love you!" He kissed your temple but you pushed him away whilst fake gasping. Placing your hand on your chest you siad "you dont think my joke is funny **gaspnoise**" he laughed even harder at your attempt of a fake hurt voice but his laugh contagious and it made you laugh. You taking another polaroid.

At the end of the night, you gathered all of your things and took ashtons hand. You were flicking through all the photos on your phone gigling at a few and sighing at your guys cuteness at the others. Sending the photos to your printer at home so you could put them in yours and ashtons photo album.

"They fit perfectly" He said sighing as he put the newly printed pictures in. The last polaroid taking up the last spot of the last page of the book. "Looks like we need a new one!" You exclaimed flciking back to page one. You laughed and giggled with Ashton going through most of the photos as you sat on your couch the tv going in the backround.

Just as you were driting off to sleep wrapepd in ashtons arms the photo album in your lap you could have heard him whisper "a new photo album, means a new chapter in our love story. i'm going to marry you in in the next one I swear" smiling to yourself you went to sleep. not a care in the world.


so the ending was rather cute i reckon anyway

sorry if this wasnt really extended idek

Fee x

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