SCHOOL AU: asking you to the river cruise YR10

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in year 10 in australia we do a thing called a river cruise its like half formal half social on a boat usually in a river ;)

Luke: I feel like Luke would be hella shy, and kind of pull you away from your group of friends in the cafeteria and ask you polietly but being the leader of the football team everyone would stop to listen and watch and he'd shake a bit but he'd ask and you'd say yes straigth away bc crushing.

Ashton: I feel like Ash would be nevous but his excitment would over ride that and on monday morning he come bounding over to you his girlfriend and just like blurt it all out in one word and you'd say yes even though you had no idea and everyone would cheer for you

Calum: Cal would be the captin of the soccor team and you'd be like his nerdy girlfriend but everyone accepts you bc no judgemental hoes at your school and cal would stop like the grand final of the school soccor season and call you out of the stands whilst his coach was yelling at him and like youd be hella nervous but he'd rant into the microphone then get on one knee and ask you and everyone would awe and youd say yes bc the principle otp  - how romantic

Michael: I feel like michael would be really sweet about it, and like youd open your locker an find a rose with a note and have to go on a journey throughout town using the clues he left at each place you went and then like you would see him on the school oval and with your cheerleading team behind him trying to spell your name in a stunt like feature and he'd have a bunch of roses your favourite flower and then ask if you had all the clues then run off bc u smart

no im kidding hed ask if you got everywhere alright and make sure you were safe before singing you a song like act my age one direction then proceed to ask you and afte ryou say yes he'd announce it to the whole school over the pa

just some thoughts like i want all 4 .....

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