How he wakes you on Christmas Morning

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i know christmas was last month but i got some ideas 

Ashton: Ashton wakes up at the crack of dawn to gather up last minute presents he got for you after even promising only 1 present for each other, he would also make a big pancake breakfast with bacon and eggs, then he would bring all your presents into your shared room and dump them on the bed then bring in breakfast which would wake you up straight away though he’d usually cuddle you first.

Michael: Michael would snuggle into you and place kisses all over your face and neck shouting ‘WAKE UP ITS CHRISTMAS BABY GET UP’ then he would start jumping on the bed squealing which was over throwing your groan for him to shut up and come back to bed. you wrap your self up in the blankets again pushing and flicking his arms away. Mikey would lay ontop of you ‘come on baby, lets see what santa bought us’ you whined and sat up a little pushing him off you. ‘okay’ he giggled and dragged out of bed. 

Luke: He would pull the blankets off you, causing you to shrivel up into a ball from the coldness, it was only sunrise so you didn’t plan on getting up. You’d reach for the blanket but he’d throw it to the other side of the room, then he’d pick you up as a little ball and take you to the living room bringing you a blanket to wrap around yourself a coffee and a tiffany and co box.

Calum: He would wake up hours before you and make the room all pretty, with mistole toe and tinsel and fairy lights. He tripped over the cardboard box filled with tinsel causing his to fall over jerking you awake. Your rubbed your eyes before bursting out in laughter at the sight infront o fyou. 'Happy Christmas Cal' you said helping him up. 'Sorry for waking you and merry christmas y/n'

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