You're younger then him blurb}}

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fans don't agree 

michael: you were only 18 months younger then michael but fans still didn't approve of it saying you were too young to be in a proper relationship and that you didn't understand. but you just sassed them right back saying "well if i an 18 year old am to young to be dating michael you 14/5/6/7 year old haters are certainly way to young to be dating him :*" to which was what everyone was talking about for ages. you were so sassy every news station was talking about it.

luke: you were 17 and luke was 19. the fans didn't approve mainly because you weren't quite legal even in australia. they didn't approve because they didn't want you to get caught up in stuff. however it was close to yor 18th birthday so you were too worried however the fans still pestered you. 

ashton: fans disapproved a lot because you were only just 18 and ashton 21. the age difference apparently according to so many people was to different stages of life which in some cases yes was true but fans didn't approve because you were also younger the luke. but you told them to stick it because you've known him most of your life anyway. 

calum: you were 16 and a half when you started dating calum. a lot of the media kept an eye out for shitty things to happen and to blame on you. but you got a lot of hate for being an infatuated school girl with a high class celebrity when in reality you weren't even that much of a good girl. you know the song good girls? yeah based off of you princess :* 

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