First Holiday Together

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Luke: Luke took you on a surprise holiday to Bora Bora, you had been stressing a lot with university so he took you there for a week. You swam in the beautiful ocean,  got tanned, ate lots of interesting and exotic food, took heaps of photos and slept in a beautiful resort. You got a massage daily to help relax aswell.

Michael: Took you for a road trip, maybe not counted as a holiday but it was nice an 18 hour drive up the coast to Queensland. You took it in turns to drive an had the radio way to loud, you both lived in sweats and hoodies and order pizza. Once you arrived you stayed in a backpackers retreat and just lazed around at local beaches and pools and went shopping in new places. Just away from your normal beaches and shopping centres.

Calum: Flew yourselves to Japan, you had been studying Japanese sine Year one (first grade idk) so you wanted to see how good you were place it was snowing so You went skiing and snow boarding, 2 hours south of Tokyo. Paradise. You went shopping tried lots of new foods and taught Calum some japanese too. You visited lots of sights too. 

Ashton: Went to Alice Springs, In the smack dead centre of Australia. because it was so remote hardly any stories came from there leaving you both very intrested. You were glad to know it was very similar to your hometown Melbourne and Sydney but so different. Your favourite part was traveling to ularu or airs rock and even climbing the first 20 metres. not that you could. you biked around and same in the lakes and fed crocadiles. even had your phone stolen by a boxing kangaroo. 

my spelling is shit and i also dont care

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