Telling The Fans:: Pregnancy

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these are like blurbs

michael: i feel like he wouldn't know how to tell everyone and he'd just be himself and say something really strange like "I IMPREGNATED HER" or something at an awards night or on keek

ashton: would probably be so proud like he'd post a picture of your stomach even if it was like still flat with some heart warming caption not to mention a dirty line at the end hello dadDY ASH

luke: would be really awkward but really excited so it would all tumble out and he'd announce it without asking you first and it be in a keek or on a twit cam but he'd get so much shit from the boys about it but he'd make it up to you

calum: i feel like calum would leave hints for the fans or like if papa caught you two shopping in a baby store he wouldn't deny or admit anything and then eventually once you properly started to show he'd act as if every knew the entire time like "yellow or pink shoes for the babes first concert"

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