The guys have got their heads on straight....right?

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Chapter 8

Ash Ketchum allowed the chanting of the crowd to carry him a way a little bit. There was something about the praise, the amazement. What he could not understand however was the girls hanging over the railings jumping and screaming. He had this battle to win, then he had to run to catch Paul’s battle, the guy had seen so human like lately he could not wait to see him battle.

And maybe get him to battle him too. A girl in a ridiculously short skirt was screaming Ash’s name and he found himself wincing. Just what was with her? The battle had not even begun and she was acting like he had won. It was cool that somebody though he could to it but he needed to concentrate.

Pikachu was on his arm balanced with a determined look on his face. Ash felt that fire burning inside his stomach again. Taking a deep breath, he lifted his arm and Pikachu used the boost to leap off and slide into the battlefield markers.

“Let’s give of our best as always Pikachu!”

“Piiiikaaa!” The battle was ready to begin. Ash thought he caught the sight of red hair at the corner of his eye but when he turned to look, it was not what he thought it would be. Focus Ash! This battle could determine everything. How your journey will go, and how would it look in front of Paul if he wins and you lose? Focus!

Ash’s opponent was a swaggering tall fat guy that smirked before taking out his pokeball. “A Pikachu eh? Well we know how to take care of this! Go Rhyperior!!!”

The Pokémon burst from its ball with a roar and Ash cleared his mind ruthlessly. There was no acceptable outcome that success he would not have it any other way.

“Pikachu use Iron Tail!”

“Piiika!” The battle had begun.


“Piika Piiika Piika chu!!!” Pikachu was in a great mood, Ash was too. The battle had gone great and they had won. Ash’s opponent for his entire swagger had been pretty decent about the loss insisting that they have a rematch as soon as possible. When hearing Ash had not possessed a Pokegear he had graciously given up his extra.

“No way we ain’t gonna tangle again Ash, I’m Tosh and keep track of my number ‘cuz we gonna battle again and again.” Then he had left leaving Ash clutching the Pokegear and the prize of that particular tournament two Net Balls and two Dive Balls.

Storing his loot in his pack, Ash along with Pikachu were making a pretty fast pace towards Paul’s match at the other stadium. Looking up at the miniature stadium Ash saw on the large screen, that not only was it the final match but Paul was in the last few minutes of his battle.

It made no sense to rush in, look for a seat or spot to sit when it was obviously the last few moments so Ash resigned himself to sitting in the grass to watch, after all not many people could battle like Paul. In fact, he doubted many knew how to get close to defeating him.


The battlefield was covered from the hail Froslass had created earlier. Hands at his sides Paul watched detached as his opponents Kirlia looked around almost panicking because Frosslass had disappeared. His opponent had begun to sweat which was amusing to Paul. This battle could have ended at least ten moves ago. It was just that he wanted to see if he could start to build those bonds, others were talking about so desperately.

Froslass was doing perfect so far but something seemed to be missing. Paul could not seem to figure exactly what it was until he noticed a weakness in Kirlia’s defence again before he could order Froslass to take advantage of it Froslass was already in place.

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