Friend by day Vigilante by Night

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Chapter 22

“It was deliberate.” Paul said to Drew’s tense back. The coordinator had sought refuge in the gardens and had begun putting his Roserade through the paces when Paul stumbled across him.

Paul knew he did not need to guess too hard to why the coordinator had decided to hide here among all the rose bushes from May. It was one place she would not check, or had check already.

“I thought so.” Drew replied his back still to Paul. His Roserade remained frozen in place waiting on its next instruction. Paul shoved his hands into his pockets there was no way Drew would leave it at that. Drew was like him so many ways.

“Roserade, we’ll continue this later. For now thanks.” Drew said returning his flower Pokémon to its pokeball. He shoved his hands into his own pockets and turned to face Paul.

“Was it a joint effort or was it solo?” He asked a battle raging on his face.

Paul sighed his own irritation returning. “I got from Blue that it was their effort and they thought it was harmless, but Brendan was still the messenger.” Paul gave a half smirk when Drew whirled away with a curse.

“That tower king.” He snarled clenching his fists. “He is the cause for this. I wish I figure out what he’s thinking, what he wants with HER!” He finished punching a rose bush angrily.

Paul rolled his eyes and approached Drew so they were both looking down at the same rose bush. “He’s a King, she is the princess of Hoenn for the contest world. No way he isn’t thinking of making her a Queen somehow.” Paul noted Drew’s automatic flinch at his words.”

“Don’t tell me you hadn’t considered it.” Paul said disbelieving

“That doesn’t mean I’m ready to hear it. I can’t compete on a King level. Even in the contest world I’m a prince. How can I beat a King? You can’t just defeat a King Paul.”

“Ever played chess before?” Paul answered back his tone sounding contemplative. “Checkmate is there for a reason. Just that both of you would be the Queens trying to capture the King. It would be a three-way chess game. Against each other and May.”

“I don’t particularly like chess.” Drew said shaking his head.

“Better at least know how to play it. Would it not be shameful if Brendan got May because you wouldn’t play the game?”

“You can say that, you don’t have any competition.”

“Not true.” Paul said feeling his irritation rise higher. “I have to compete with her, her sense of romance and those that came before me, the boy she competed with and perhaps the one that saw me as his idol.”

“Him?” Drew said sounding disbelieving.

“Yes. Like Georgio it is one sided, but I don’t know about the other.”

“Paul.” Drew said looking at the other teen and rolling his eyes. “You have it easier than the rest of us. She knows you like her and you know she likes you.”

“Who said so?” Paul said turning back to walk away. He was not surprised when Drew fell into step beside him.

“You are saying otherwise? We all know you want her. You would ignore her otherwise.”

“Wanting isn’t enough.” Paul said feeling bitter. “She wants what Georgio did. She was impressed with what Georgio did; she likes the effort Ash went to. She would want me to fight for her.”

“You saying you wouldn’t?” Drew asked a smirk on his face. “What is yours stays yours.”

“I wouldn’t fight like Georgio. He is pathetic, but I’d leave a lasting impression. I wouldn’t go to the lengths of Ash without a reason. I don’t know what I would do.”

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