Pikapal Secrets and a solution for the Destiny Knot

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Chapter 9

Paul was stuck at trying whether to read over the article he had been reading for a tenth time or stripping out of his clothes and gorging his eyes out. He was seriously deciding on the latter when he sensed Drew approaching.

“How’d it go?” Drew said dropping in a chair next to him.

“Most of them were pathetic, but I won, stretched out the last battle to give Froslass more practice.” Paul spoke keeping an eye on Drew from the corner of his eye.

Drew flicked back the front of his bang. “As expected. This IS a training ground, some these people here I feel have never won a battle in their LIVES! What about Ash?”

“He won his too.” Paul turned his full attention to the article again. Just what was he going to do with his prize? Why was it even a prize?

Drew leaned forward so he could see the article that Paul was studying. “What are you DOING? What is this ‘ish?” He asked at the last minute spying a woman and her child passing them on their way to Nurse Joy. “What do you want to do with a Destiny Knot?”

“It was the prize today.” Was Paul’s terse response. Drew flinched.

“It’s a useful item if you are being attacked by attract all the time, but how often do you run into that in battles?” Drew said as he flicked his hair back again. Paul paused as he remembered his third battle in the tournament. The girl had used attract constantly and he had ordered Froslass to used Ice Shard and Hail as a shield. When he was confronted with that move, his usual habit was to treat it the same as normal status effect. He did not use it himself, as it was too much of a risk; but he was here to shake up his strategy.

After all, he had promised that Froslass could keep the thing after all. And to tell the truth it would make a good defence once he could get Froslass to work pass the influence of Attract. Paul did his own hair flick as his features brightened.

Drew eyed him warily before breaking down in laughter. “I just helped you in some way then huh.” He said then laughed harder to Paul’s nod.

“Guess you’re gonna hold onto it for a while longer then, but you have to train your Pokémon in a way that they will be able to work past the influence of Attract. Me I just have to worry about ruining my opponents attempt at it, but I just may try what you are thinking.”

Paul was not surprised that he and Drew were on the same wavelength, in some ways they were more alike than people would think. Shutting down the terminal Paul went looking up for the others and saw Ash and Iris apparently in some sort of a beginning of a standoff with the stuff shirt nearby his nose in a tour guide book, except the book was upside down.

Interesting...Paul thought. There may be something here if I care to look closer.


Dinner in the Pokémon Centre was something that Iris loved. Surrounded by Cilian, Ash, Drew, and Paul to her the conversation flowed marvellously. Sometimes Cilian seemed a little out of it but Iris was certain that was because he was thinking about his own competition coming up. She sure was. The next town held a tournament for her and she just could not wait. It was a downhill journey so she was planning to walk down with the others.

Especially as Drew was such good company. She was just elated when Drew had admitted to owning a dragon Pokémon; he spoke so fondly of it. Iris shivered a little thinking about it. Another Dragon lover was in her mist.

He had spoken seriously when she had admitted her dislike of ice type Pokémon. “That makes no sense, they can’t help how they are, and the more you know about your weakness the easier it is to make it your greatest strength!” He had told her.

Pokemon........ A Training Start (Pokemon Watty Awards 2013)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें