Ash guardian of the weak and weary

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Chapter 17

There was nothing Drew abhorred more than unnecessary violence. Until he met this, that Brendan. A new player to the game, and Drew certainly meant new to himself because this guy was definitely an old master in this game.

The fact he felt comfortable enough to handle May so familiarly. The fact that he claimed to be May’s good friend. How good a friend could he be? Drew had never met him! The fact that he was making her laugh and smile. The irritating fact that the two were dressed so similarly had Drew’s vision flashing red behind his clenched eyelids.

Just who was this guy and what was his connection to May? Drew hated himself for even wanting to know that much.

“Wait just a minute.” Ash said stepping forward causing Pikachu to wobble on his hat. The rodent was sprawled over the hat peering at Brendan sharply.

“You say you are May’s good friend? As in a close friend?” Ash continued pointing a disbelieving finger at the boy now beginning to rise to his feet.

“That’s right Ash. May and I are a very close.” Brendan looked away from Ash to wink at May.

“Sorry, but I find that hard to believe since I never met or heard about you until now!” Ash said stepping closer.

“Because May and I met when you were not around anymore. We saw more of each other recently though. I even got to travel with her for quite some time. A good time to get to know someone would you not say?” May smiled and flushed with Brendan’s last remark causing Ash to be rendered speechless and Drew’s anger to be ignited even further.

“But first before we continue with this.” Brendan said easily brushing aside Ash’s hand that had gone lax. “I want a closer look at this Pikachu. My Uncle told me quite a lot about it so pardon me while I examine it closely.” Brendan finished as he easily removed Pikachu from Ash’s head.

They all fell silent as Brendan carefully but expertly examined Pikachu. Pikachu was allowing himself to be examined rather calmly as if it was a routine check by a doctor or professor. And from what Drew had heard from Ash, Pikachu very rarely allowed himself to be checked over by just anybody so the guy had to be good. And not an evil person.

Just an unknown in this game he was playing. A new variable that was late in the game. Nothing Drew would not be able to conquer. Especially after, he managed to divide the two from being so close. It was nauseating.

“Hey, Brendan. You look rather familiar, but we have not met.” Ash started slowly seeming as if he was organising his thoughts slowly. The guy was really dense. “You battle well, you know a lot about Pokémon and they seem to trust you almost immediately. And your face, I can’t help but think I know it from somewhere. No I know I know it from somewhere! It all fits. Your last name, it is Birch isn’t it? You are Professor Birch’s son!”

“You got most of it right.” Brendan replied quietly as he allowed Pikachu to return to Ash. “But I’m his nephew though. Not his son, but I did grow up around him most of my life.” Brendan nervously played with his hat as he met Ash’s eyes.

“I have to admit I know quite a lot about you, from my uncle, from May and from all the places I passed through that you already went to. I really in some ways followed in your footstep Ash.” There was a small pause as Ash looked at Brendan as if he was some sort of alien.

“Follow in my footsteps? Like some sort of fan?” Ash asked looking more alarmed by the second. “But why? I know a whole lot more people who are talented and stronger than I am.”

“Must take a lot of you to even say that Ash.” Misty laughed causing the black haired teen to clench his fists and glare at Misty.

“To tell the truth, when I watched your first time challenging the Elite Four it really inspired me. Even though you did not make it all the way. I saw everything that my uncle taught me was in you. You valued your Pokémon they were your friends. When I set out on my own journey after you finished challenging the Johto League, I was so determined to put everything you tried into practise.”

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