Not how they thought it would go

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Chapter 7

“Piplup whirlpool!”

“Piiiiipppluppppp Pipluppppp” A whirl of water controlled by the water Pokémon appeared in its arms. Water Pokémon flaunting its power, Misty felt a catch in her throat. Dawn had raised an awesome Pokémon that was for sure.

“Now let it go and jump in!” Misty felt her eyebrows rise significantly. Now just what was Dawn doing? She had agreed to referee her match with May, not a match of madness!

“Come on Wartortle!! Don’t be afraid, jump in that Whirlpool with Piplup!” Misty rolled her eyes, contests might be interesting in their own way, but these battles seemed to be missing the point, what next, were the Pokémon going to engage in a dance?

“Use Aqua tail! Stir it up more Wartortle!” May cried out. Misty watched in amazement as the whirlpool picked up speed and ferocity. Piplup was being dragged and thrown around the whirlpool instead of just swirling as before.

“Piplup!” Dawn cried out one hand reaching out for her Pokémon

“Wartortle use Ice beam now!” A stream of ice started freezing the swirling water. If it caught Piplup that would be the end of the battle. The Pokémon would be unable to move. Misty found herself holding her breath for Dawn’s move.

“Drill Peck!”

Misty found herself smiling. That was unexpected, she watched as Piplup sent the ice into shards before they spun into the air. They glittered and whirled Piplup looked almost powerful the way it was surrounded by the glittering flying ice shards.

“Rapid Spin then Bubble Wartortle!” Wartortle started its spin causing Piplup to dodge, but it was too slow to avoid the bubbles coming from Wartortle’s shell and Piplup flinched.

“Don’t let that stop you Piplup! Ignore those bubbles and Headbutt!”  As Piplup launched itself at the bubbles and Wartortle Misty caught a smile on May’s face. It is a set up. Misty realised

“Freeze those bubbles Wartortle with an Ice beam!”

“Noo Piplup! Drill Peck!” But it was too late. Wartortle had already frozen the bubbles and Piplup had slammed right into one stunning it. As it started to fall, May called her last move.

“Skull Bash!” And that was all she wrote. The move hit Piplup solid and it was down for the count.

“And that’s that you guys.” Misty said stepping forward. “Time for Piplup to have a good rest. And hey you didn’t use up five minutes May!” Misty knelt by Piplup who had already started to stir, she ran her hand over it and smiled. It would be fine.

“Piplup!! Are you okay?” Dawn knelt next to Piplup and took him into her arms. Misty and May exchanged a grin Piplup was in obvious heaven. It was no big secret how much Piplup adored attention from Dawn.

“Thanks so much Wartortle!” May said to her Pokémon who had walked forward. It blushed from the praise and hugged her legs. Misty shook her head; just looking at the display had her stifling laughter. These Pokémon had just put 100% into their battle just to impress their trainers; it was so cute.

“Maybe you should take a rest now Wartortle, I couldn’t have done this without you.” May smiled. Upon receiving a nod from Wartortle she returned it. Dawn on the other hand seemed to be smothering Piplup with hugs and kisses, not that the Pokémon was looking to complain if anything it looked like it was in heaven.

“Now take it easy okay? We are going to have you looked over by Nurse Joy, my strong Piplup, I’m so proud.” Piplup shoved its chest up high with pride causing all three girls to laugh. “Now take a rest now okay? Return!”

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