Travelling with the girls

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Chapter 6

The trip to Beadith City was alot more animated than Ash’s group to their town was. Dawn, May, and Misty had a lot to talk about, and Misty sure had a lot to look out for.

“Eeepp!!!! Oh just a Ledyba. But even that is too much!” Misty moaned leaping away from the direction on the bug Pokémon, her egg safely cradled in her arms.

“Still not over that huh.” May commented barely flicking a glance at the Pokémon a good distance away off the path.

“I will never EVER get over those things!” Misty declared shaking a little bit. “I know how useful they are but I just like to keep a good distance away from them.”

“No need to worry Misty, I know how you feel.” Dawn confessed walking next to Misty. “I had a deadly fear of Plusle and Minun, bad childhood experience.” She joked.

The three of them were making a good pace, good breeze kept them cool which was a good thing considering their clothes.

“Who was it that told me this region snowed again?” May asked adjusting her black and green gloves.

“I don’t remember exactly but I’m pretty sure it was Tracy.” Dawn sighed tugging on her red and black sheath dress, before kicking her boots made of similar colours. She tugged at her scarf worriedly.

“The breeze is keeping us cool, but all I have seen so far is sun, grass, sun, happy Pokémon and sun. Not even a hint of rain or snow!” May fretted.

“Let’s just look on the bright side May, we have good travel weather, and I for one appreciate sun.” Mist said lifting her face to the sky bug Pokémon forgotten. Sun meant Shorts!! Something that Misty made sure to wear no matter what. Her black pokeball shirt was covered by a generous blue weather jacket and her sneakers were for comfort and long walks, not trekking through the snow that was for sure.

May and Dawn exchanged looks. “You’re right Misty.” May admitted. “Let’s just enjoy the fact that we are here we made it, and that we ran into....Drew.”

“And Paul.” Dawn hurriedly put in.

Misty merely giggled. “You two sound infatuated.” She said her eyes beginning to twinkle.

“Let’s not forget who else is here too!” Dawn said. “Ash” She exclaimed with a big smile, she and May exchanged a wink. “And he looked totally like happy to see you.” She finished trying to imitate one of Misty’s sisters way of talking causing Misty to blush.

“I know he’s here, and he’s happy to see me, it’s been, such a long time.” Misty flushed

“And he looks so grown up! All of them do.” May chimed in.

There was a small silence as the three of them contemplated in silence.

“Do you think, maybe that they would have liked us travelling with them?” May asked.

“Ash for sure wouldn’t have minded, but Paul he, he is not really a big group type, or Drew for that matter. They probably thought the group was big enough as it was. “

“Yeah, and I don’t know how I would feel travelling with Drew there.”

“Or with Paul, he seems different now but he has just got that presence around him, makes me want to run away, even though last night he was really nice, and sort of sweet.”

“Aww, Dawwwn.” Misty and May cooed. Dawn flushed.

“It doesn’t mean anything, his attitude towards Pokémon may be changing but he will always act the same way towards people he sees as weak. Even Reggie said so.”

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