Gary, rival from the past

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Chapter 25

It had been a long bus ride. Keeping in mind that stopping to relieve oneself was a luxury not granted Ash had refrained from even drinking anything. However maybe it had not been such a good idea to eat so many salty stuff on the way to Rhagous town.

Ash felt that his tongue had turned to sand paper. He had stealthily stashed away the remainder of the chips back in his bag after a while but he suspected he had been spotted by Pikachu. The mouse rarely missed these sorts of situations.

It was not that he was embarrassed that he had messed up. It was just that after all his effort to look mature in the eyes of Misty and the others he had messed up like the kid they called him so often.

Misty on the other hand had smartly gotten something to balance out everything. Chips and some gummi snacks to keep her along with cornflakes.

He had to be the only doofus that got chips, popcorn, peanuts, crisps and pretzels. He thought he had been so smart to be keeping his liquid intake to a minimum. Yet again he was showing, even in a small way how far away he was from an adult level.

Looking over Misty’s shoulder to the outside, Ash could see how orange the outside looked. Evening was coming and they finally made it into the town. It was a long ride he guessed because of the detours that they had gone through.

Though not really detours but the scenic ride. If it had been a straight route they would have made it to Rhagous town a long time ago.

Misty was silently contemplating the area outside a contemplative look on her face. Ash was not bothered because he fine with her silence. It was not like that silence that made one itch to fill it needlessly.

It was more like a silence you could bask in and use the time to settle and really think. Pikachu stretched himself out Misty’s lap causing Ash to cast a look at him.

He was not bothered or jealous, but Pikachu’s blatant preference for Misty was going to cause problems eventually. When boarding the bus to come back May had remarked on it. It had been waved away but Ash knew that it was in the back of everyone’s minds.

Pikachu never exerted such behaviour. Ever. Not once with the girls. Sort of with his mom but Pikachu always came back quickly. Pikachu’s preference for Misty was almost something he could not wrap his head around.

It could not be a case of wanting to switch trainers. Ash knew that the thought had bothered him a bit. This kind of behaviour was abnormal.

It was one thing to miss a friend but Pikachu had never been the clingy type even as like Ash he hated to say goodbye.

Watching the mouse roll over and curl around Misty’s Pokémon egg protectively Ash was left thinking some more.

Those two had always had a suspicious relationship but it was becoming even more suspicious. Thinking harder Ash heard echoing in his mind something Misty and Professor Oak had said repeatedly.

Pokémon when with a trainer a lot start acting just like their trainers, taking on their characteristics.

Ash glanced towards Pikachu again. Could it be that Pikachu was so much like him now that this was something new. Maybe if he was in Pikachu’s position he would be like that. Or Pikachu was showing what he was thinking.

He did not want to lose her again. He wanted her in sight where he could see her and touch her. Hold her or be held. Just like they used to.

The bus jerked to a halt surprising Ash. He never even noticed that they had made it to the Pokémon centre.

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