Silent road travel

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I would like to thank everyone for sticking with me so far :) comments are definately welcome and I would like to thank you for reading this story

Chapter 5

To Cilian the journey seemed to be going fine, they had food, no wild Pokémon had attacked them, they were making good pace. It was just that the group were not in very much in good spirits. At least the boys were. Iris was having the time of her life as usual.

Almost as if summoned Iris swung overhead on a vine laughing and enjoying the day. Cilian sighed. Meanwhile he was quite firmly on the ground with the two new ones that looked like they did not enjoy conversation, and Ash who seemed to be firmly buried in some sort of deep thought.

It certainly was making the travelling dull, and for someone who appreciated the spices in life Cilian was not planning to tolerate it for much longer.

“How about we stop in a bit and recharge and take in the view.” He suggested to the group at large. Iris immediately dropped from her vine to the ground below her eyes shining.

“That’s a good idea Cilian, I could collect some fruits!.” Axew appeared from her hair and waved his arms in apparent agreement. Drew and Paul just shrugged, the break not really mattering to them. Surprisingly Ash was the one with an objection.

“Hey Cilian, why don’t we stop by a river or something, it’s not like we are really tired or anything. Why don’t we just keep going till we find a good place to rest?”

Cilian had to admit, Ash had a good point. However it meant travelling with the bland ones until they could stop. He stifled a groan, he really hoped either a distraction appeared or a river did, the whole group was torture.


Drew may have appeared to be silent and sullen but he sure was not. All the time that they travelled his mind picked out everything that they passed. How the light illuminated that rock, how the beautifly looked taking off from the bushes. All things he was planning to use for combinations.

The terrain they were on was a good one, forest, the occasional plain, then forest and thick bush all over again. He could see now why they were instructed to travel in groups, the whole set up could end up being confusing.

Since Roserade and Absol were the Pokémon he decided to use only on this trip, Drew knew he needed to be doing some serious thinking for how to show those two off. A Dark type and a Grass type people would defiantly expect a dark type move with a grass type move for sure, but that is certainly not how Drew operated. Definitely not. Drew let a smile cross his face, May was not the only one looking for the style that was theirs and theirs alone, he was too. Drew wanted to create something that would have others thinking that it would be illegal if they used it even if it was to be in battle to throw him off.

I want to be able to have people feeling that they could never pull it off like me, that they are inadequate and should never try to match me. It might be vain but that is how good I want to be. Drew glanced over to Paul who was deep in his thoughts next to him. I remember Paul telling me he had used a style that Ash created himself to throw him off and because it was useful, but Ash still threw him off when they last battled. I sure do not want that whatever move I come up with I have to be prepared for others trying to turn it on me. So It has to be deadly as well as the thing to show off my Pokémon, but it has to be different than my usual work. This is going to be harder than I thought.


Paul was arguing in his head as they trudged alone at their pace. He thought they could go faster but he was not going to offer his opinion. There was no real way to offer it that the new girl and the stuff shirt guy would be able to accept it.

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