Iris catches a Bagon!

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Chapter 10

Iris was enjoying herself greatly. The group was travelling downhill with her between Cilan and Drew with Ash and Paul behind. Drew was making her laugh as she spoke about his Flygon.

“Flygon was raised for a special purpose, when I want to really shake things up I bring him in. I only bring him in when I’m against a really strong opponent. I try to save him for the Grand festival though, talent deserves talent you know.”

Iris burst into laughter and hugged Axew. “It certainly sounds dreamy Drew! You sound really close to your Flygon.”

“He gives of his best and never gives up, how could I not be proud? I’m close to all my Pokémon but the only dragon type for now is Flygon. He brings me style.” Drew flicked his hair back getting another laugh from Iris and a chuckle from Cilan.

The group was making good time downhill. It was supposed to be a two-day journey downhill but they were halfway down and it was not lunchtime. It could be because of all the shortcuts they were taking. The boys were constantly calling out their Pokémon to make the way easier.

As they continued along Cilan and Drew fell into a deep discussion about style and class. Iris instead preferred to take in the landscape ahead of her. Ahead was a cliff that they would have to pass underneath. Iris was just thinking about how high it would have to be when she spotted a shadow on the edge of the cliff leaning over.

“Wait what’s that?” Cilan and Drew looked up to wear she was pointing. They stopped abruptly causing Ash and Paul to bump into them.

“Hey watch it! Why did you stop?” Ash said pulling his head from where ever it was.

“Up there what is that? Look up there and tell me.” Iris said tugging head in the position that she wanted his to look.

“Where? Wait that’s a Pokémon up there.”

“What? What kind? It’s going to fall if it isn’t careful! Is your Pokedex too far away to figure out what it is?”

“I don’t need to check it I know what it is, and I’m sure it’s going to jump and try to fly. Right Pikachu?” Ash said stretching his arms.

“Piiika.” Pikachu said warily on Ash’s shoulder. The group exchanged looks before turning to Ash.

“Just how do you know that?” Cilan asked

“It’s a Bagon, I ran into quite a few of those in the Hoenn region, all of them tried flying, after you have the hard head hit you a few times, no way you forget it. All Bagon’s are obsessed with learning to fly but the only achieve it through evolving, so when you see one of those and it is somewhere high, it’s going to do a running leap and jump. Like that one is going to right now. We should try and hurry so we can soften its landing.” Ash said tiredly

“We have to save it!” Iris exclaimed shoving Axew into Ash’s arms and taking a running leap.

“Iris!!” Cilan, Drew and Ash yelled as the girl ran recklessly toward the Pokémon that was just taking a few steps back so it could try to achieve its dream.

I have GOT to make it in time, that Pokémon wants its dream so badly it is going to hurt itself. Just hold on little Bagon. I’m going to help you. Iris thought as she ran for the trees. Grapping a vine she swung herself at a fast pace to where the Pokémon would be making a deadly drop to the ground.

Hope I get there in time.

Iris snagged a vine and wrapped it around herself as she tugged it to make sure that t would not break. When assured she stood on a branch eyeing the Pokémon above her. From here, it was all about timing.

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