Emolga and Bagon are Attract-ing!!

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Chapter 13

“Froslass standby for battle.” Paul said coldly as he released Froslass in the courtyard behind the Pokémon centre. Iris flinched at the sight before stepping forward and withdrawing her pokeball.

“Come on out Emolga!” there was a flash of light and Emolga flew forward, delighting in her freedom.

“Emmoo! Emolga!”

“Pikachu!” came from Pikachu waving from his seat in Misty’s lap. Next to her Ash chuckled as he held Axew.

Emolga made to fly over to Pikachu and Axew but Iris stopped her.

“Emolga, I brought you across so that we can use that secret weapon of yours. I want to use your attract on Froslass to help Paul train.” Emolga nodded in agreement.

“Why don’t you let out your other Pokémon?” Drew said releasing his Roserade and Absol.

“Good idea. They can observe and learn something.” May said releasing her Blazikin and Wartortle. Cilan nodded and released his Pokémon next followed by Iris, Dawn and Paul. Looks were cast towards Misty and Ash.

“I only have Pikachu on me remember?” Ash said inching his way across the bench so he was pressed up close to Misty.

“Marill is with Nurse Joy, and somehow I don’t think Psyduck is going to learn anything. It doesn’t even have much sense most of the times.” Misty laughed.

“Okay then.” Iris said turning back to Paul. Keeping an eye on her Dragonite she saw it immediately slump to the ground looking for a rest, sighing she called the little Bagon over.

“Watch this battle Bagon okay? Make sure you look closely.” Nodding in obvious excitement the Bagon stood right next to Iris.

“I will be the referee of this match.” Cilan announced. “This match is to be a one on one training battle, when one Pokémon cannot continue the battle is over! Begin!”

“Emolga, use Attract!” Iris cried out.

“Froslass take it!” Paul said no emotions crossing his face.

“Eeemo! Emo!” Emolga said as she spun around and winked at Froslass. Hearts spread out and began to circle Froslass. Iris held her breath as she watched the ring of hearts circle and tightened. The hearts sank into Froslass and she was ready to wait on Paul’s next move when she realized something.

“Froslass isn’t infatuated Paul!” Ash yelled. “That means that both of them are girls!”

“Oh boy. Iris said tiredly. Now what are we going to do? Suddenly Bagon leapt forward.

“Bagon!” it cried out before twirling and winking at Froslass. Iris found herself watching in shock as hearts appeared and circled Froslass before sinking in to its skin.

“Fross.” Froslass dazedly said.

“Bagon just used Attract and it worked!” Misty said her eyes widening. “That means Bagon is a guy!”

“But what is a guy dragon Pokémon doing learning a move like Attract?” Cilan said asking the question that was haunting Iris at that moment.


The battle was adjourned until Iris was able to gather her wits. She found herself with Misty contemplating Bagon while Paul kept watch over Froslass.

“I still don’t get it, why would a male Dragon Pokémon go out of his way to learn such a move?” She confided to Misty worriedly.

Misty sighed, “Why else do Pokémon learn moves? Maybe it was useful to its environment.”

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