They live the way of Pokemon

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Chapter 38

Paul felt the atmosphere heated up by a lot after the boy’s last words. To be honest he thought the boy was too sweet and soft in the head. Had too many candies or something but with that last statement. He just proved Paul right on how strange this whole thing was.

Something was wrong with these people, this town everything. After all the police might not have noticed something was wrong but he sure had. On their way down there was not one sign of life.

Absolutely none. Biggest sign of trouble if he ever knew one. Then the feeling of being watched. Paul had slept many a time in the wilderness. He knew when something was keeping an eye on him. it was a skill one developed to survive.

So as they headed down the tunnel he had known and he knew Drew had know. The guy had to run from fan girls all the time. He was always aware of his surroundings. He just pretended not to be aware for situations. The guy was a good actor.

Gary himself had given a sign he knew they were being watched. Cilan as well. Ash however seemed to have known the longest. All this time Paul would have sworn that Ash was trying to figure it out. Seemed Ash was trying to pinpoint it.

Who would have guessed all this time the people were right next to them the whole time. Keeping an eye on them. For all the enlightened thing the boy was just saying. One did not make a whole tunnel for nothing.

These people wanted Misty for this touched reason the boy was babbling about. Paul knew that Ash was touched. Touched in the head because the guy was really crazy but to think he was taking this so calmly.

This was not Ash. In fact if this was what Ash was really like when he got serious and calculative and used his brain. Paul would rather keep the laughing idiot around who just wanted to make friends. He was not the only one thrown off.

Gary was sneaking creeped out looks at Ash too. This Ash was abnormal. If all of this was for Misty and they had not even gotten to first base yet Paul certainly did not want to see an Ash after he managed to lock Misty down for good and someone tried to take her.

Ash just might get sent to a far off prison after rescuing the girl. He was so cold and deadly Paul was unable to figure out why he never saw this side of him before. He had seen pissed Ash, guilt stricken Ash, disgusted Ash.

But he just could not figure out who this Ash was. For the life of him, Ash’s mood was unknown but he seemed deadly and cold. He was talking calmly but the question was when would this guy snap?

“When you say they are touched.” The Lab coat spoke up. “You are talking about legendary Pokémon aren’t you.”

“You, I’m saying he was touched by the great guardian ones. The creators the watchers. Those who are born from energy itself.”

“Like Suicune.” Gary offered.

The boy paused. “The clean water spirit blessed her.”

“And him.” Gary pointed out. “Others too right? You can somehow see that he has been in contact with various rare powerful Pokémon.”

“And that one somehow watches over him. when it should be us!” The boy cried out. “He, it is not right! They said we would be watched over and protected and blessed yet he somehow has touched fire, ridden thunder, embraced water and soared with dragons. One like him, from above.” There was a pause before the boy burst into noisy tears.

“You were not supposed to talk to them!” Another voice came from the wall and another boy stepped out. Older this time and not amused at all. He sent a frown towards the younger boy.

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