Rocket Dreams

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Chapter 27

Ash was enjoying the feel of grass at his back as he stretched out by a river. This was a feeling he loved quiet, peace, thinking space. But Pikachu. Pikachu was not here with him. Sitting up the landscape spun around.

Forcing himself to his feet Ash looked him. Where was Pikachu? They were usually together. Or had they gotten into a battle and Pikachu was being treated? Could it be that?

“Ash.” A quiet voice called jerking him away from the thoughts of Pikachu. Looking around him, he saw nothing or anyone. Just a peaceful lonely landscape. The wind blowing the grass.

“Ash. Ash.” The voice came again. Ash gritted his teeth. He knew that voice, where was it coming from. Stepping forward Ash halted when he heard movement behind him.

“Ash?” Misty’s voice. Turning He looked around to see Misty in swim clothes a towel slung around her neck looking at him quizzically.

“Misty, what are you doing here? Dressed like that? You are going to catch a cold like that.” Ash said feeling ready to jerk off his jacket and cover her. She looked like she had just climbed out of the pool. Her hair wet and face flushed.

Misty frowned at him. “What are you talking about Ash? It is normal for me to be like this. We are at the gym. You know I use the pool a lot.”

Stepping back himself Ash glanced around his surroundings which had drastically changed. He was no longer standing on the grass by a soft river. He was standing right beside the pool in Misty’s gym. He had been here a few times to recognize the place.

It made no sense why he was there. Was he not by a river a few seconds ago?

“I guess, I mean you won’t catch cold after all.” Ash stumbled trying to think and answer her at the same time.  Rolling her eyes Misty began to dry her hair with the towel.

“You are always so clueless. Couldn’t whatever it was wait until after my morning routine?” slinging the towel back around her shoulders Misty winked at him. “I mean I didn’t know you got up at this sort of time unless something really important was involved.”

Startled Ash’s gaze flew to the windows in the gym. She was right, it was that darkish light outside,  the colour outside held in the very early morning. Just what had he come here for?”

“I guess I wanted to see you Mist.” He said slowly. That must be it. Sliding so he was sitting on the ground, he peered up at Misty who had frozen and was toying with the ends of her hair with the towel.

Flushing Misty ran her hands over her one piece before slowly sliding to her knees in front of him. Her gaze was averted as she sat back on her heels and had her knees on the floor. A blush began to spread across her face.

“I’m really happy to hear that Ash.” Misty said softly. “I mean, you wouldn’t expect that from you. Here so early just to see me and without Pikachu too.”

“I didn’t want to wake him. And I wanted it to be just the two of us.” Ash heard himself say. Inwardly he frowned. Just what was he getting at? This was not him at all. The effect on Misty was amazing though. Ash watched as Misty shifted, obviously feeling flustered.

“But it’s never just the two of us.” She giggled nervously. “Didn’t you think it would be sort of awkward? My sisters are gone too so it really is just the two of us.”

“Huh, I didn’t think of that Mist. Just wanted to see you.” He said slowly. Her eyes were so glassy, she was embarrassed. He liked the embarrassed look on Misty.

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