Good, Great or Perfect Birthday?

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Chapter 30

Misty stayed where she was. Just looking at the Togepi. How could this be possible? This was what her present was? It was wonderful but so gut wrenching cruel. Tears filled her eyes as she watched the small Togepi reach for her.

“Toki?” It questioned and tears began flowing down her cheeks. It was just like before. Just like back then when Togepi had hatched her heart had been filled with nothing but excitement.

She had felt so awed at the new life ahead of her. The egg had finally hatched. That was all her thoughts had thought back then. Now she was just feeling the despair of history repeating.

“Toki toki?” New born Togepi cried waving at her. Tears fell silently as she felt the wounds on her heart once again rip open. Her chest felt so heavy and warm almost like if the blood was dripping onto her lungs.

How could this be happening? Had she known at least in her heart? All this time she had been bonding with the egg, but had she felt some sort of closeness to it. She should have known what it was, had she all alone just been ignoring the signs?

And now, she was alone in the room. Because they knew just how hard something like this would be. Why was she destined to have her heart break on such a day? Looking up at the Togepi Misty was reminded just how cute it was.

It was not the old Togepi, she knew that. Sitting up she extended her shaking hands to cuddle the hatchling.

“Hello there, my little, my darling Togepi.” Misty whispered. “My new sweet Togepi.” She sobbed.

Misty felt arms encircle her before hauling her and Togepi up. “Mist.” Ash said hesitantly.

Tears in her eyes Misty turned to face him cradling baby Togepi. “Look Ash. A Togepi, I’ve got a Togepi all over again.”

“Priiiiiiii.” Came from the Togepi trying to get a look at Misty from its position cradled against her chest. Pikachu on Ash’s hat looked a cross between excited and highly nervous.

“PiPiPi?” Pikachu asked leaning to look at Togepi.

“Will you help me take care of this Togepi Pikachu?” Misty asked her voice shaking.


“Thank you.” She whispered her heart hurting. “Thank you so much.”

“Misty.” Ash said again looking lost.

Turning around Misty took a deep breath. “I know what to do from here. A bath and some warm towels.”

Walking over to where Nurse Joy had left everything before disappear Misty fought to ignore Ash’s presence. She wanted to cry in happiness. Throw herself on the floor and weep heavy tears but not now. She had a baby to check over.

Testing the water to make sure it was not too hot or cold Misty lowered Togepi into the shallow water in the mini tub. Smiling at the happy faces it made as she bathed it.

Just like before. It was like being in a time loop. She had never let the full hurt she felt take over her life but with this. Her new Togepi, the hurt was so strong.

“I still can’t believe Brock did that.” Ash spoke behind her. Pikachu leapt on the table where Togepi was being bathed and peered curiously.

“Maybe he did it because it is a good thing.” She said smiling sadly as Pikachu patted Togepi’s head.

“There is more to this whole thing. Brock did not do this on accident. That Togepi did not come to him by accident.”

“It was Togetic right?” Misty said gently as she lightly pried the Togepi from tangling the wash towel. “Some things a trainer knows you know? And there is no way Brock would give me just any Togepi. It’s not that I’m attached to the Pokémon it’s that I’m attached to the personality itself.”

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