Confrontations, Speculations and even more Questions

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Chapter 41

May knew where to find him. even though he had snarled about training and being left alone. Drew was on a bench under a tree relaxing.

Staying just a little ways back May took him in. One leg propped up on the bench and the other flat resting on the seat. The sun shone down on his whole body. That aura about him seemed even stronger.

Drew, he really was amazing. There had been no time for them to talk seriously. But even then she could sense something was wrong. Taking in a deep breath May gathered her courage and approached with a soft smile.

“So who is it that’s awake?” Drew asked her without even looking once in her direction.

“Misty.” May stammered.

Drew sighed and slowly sat up. Zorua who had been sprawled on his chest slowly slid down until she fell into his lap. May guessed the little Zorua was reluctant to move one bit. One could hardly blame her.

“Even though he said he wanted her to be the first thing he saw. He lets he wake first. Maybe it is for the best.” Drew yawned. “She with Pikachu?”

“Yeah. He’s on her shoulder exempt for when she tells him to stick with Ash while she goes for food and the like.” May murmured.

“Then it’s good she woke first. If he had we would have to wait extra longer. I can see that idiot driving himself insane over small things like waiting.” Drew absently patted Zorua as she lay slumped in his lap.

“Are you coming Drew?” May asked feeling something wrong with their conversation not being able to place it.

“With you? Haven’t you gone up already?”

“N-No I just sneaked a peak when I heard the nurses but I came to you straight away.” May frowned. What was Drew getting at? “Didn’t you want to know?”

“Somehow I was left with the impression you wanted the whole big crew to come along. Knowing you and your lack of tact I thought you wanted to drag in people like Georgio and Kenny maybe Barry along. You know people who just make situations like this so awkward.” Drew smirked as he flicked back his hair.

“Maybe you could invite Georgio to hold Misty’s hand as she weeps over Ash’s bedside. Not too sure how Ash would take that when he wakes up but I’m sure that won’t bother you.” Drew continued.

“Stop.” May whispered one hand flying to her chest to clench into a tight fist.

“I know, then maybe you and Dawn could hang in the background watching the two of them! Wouldn’t that be nice May? You can even stand with Kenny and that friend of yours. That might lend some appropriateness to the situation.” Drew laughed as he returned Zorua to her pokeball.

“Stop this Drew.” May said stepping backwards her fist clenching tighter. Drew stood slowly swaying as he righted himself. His laughter was bright but his gaze when it landed on her chilled her.

“Who knows? Maybe I should stop. This is annoying. It surprises me how far you can grow yet remain the same clueless idiot May.” Drew sighed.

“Don’t you think that’s too harsh.” A voice came from behind her. Brendan! “She came to tell you good news yet you attack her. Drew.”

May whirled around with relief. Drew was acting so strangely. Maybe it was too early to come to him. Gary had been melancholy too. She had been so rash.

“When it comes to May. You would be safer to stay out of what business I have with her or what I tell her.” Drew drawled as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

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