Hatching Secrets

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Chapter 29

Ash looked between the Professor and Gary the tension between the two obvious. Gary was barely restrained and the Professor looked between two emotions. Anger and fear.

“This is an opportunity that you can use to pursue your dreams!” Professor Oak said trying to keep his voice low.

“You mean that you want me tied to something safe and easy. No real challenge. Where is the gramps that told me to take the road less travelled.”

“Right here trying to stop his grandson from getting killed!”

“Just, what is going on here?” Dawn said slowly backing away so she could watch the two go at it. “I thought those two had the best relationship.”

“They do but.” Brock whispered. “Something serious is going down at the moment and I don’t think we should get in it.”

“Gary, there is a time and place for this.”

“Gramps you can hash this out here and now I’m not afraid but if you want to lend you opinion I’m willing to listen once you keep in your head that I’m a researcher just like you. I’m not the kid with no parents anymore gramps.” Gary sighed and raked his hair back. “I’m a researcher just like you, try to see that.”

“We should go.” Brock whispered promoting the others to move. Ash sighed as they started to slip out.

“Sorry about this guys.” Gary sighed.

“No problem, you and the professor need to have a little talk.” Tracey smiled.

“Um, Ash?” Misty said surprising Ash because she was right next to him. “Could we go somewhere? I need to talk to you.”

“Piiiiika Piiika Picha.” Pikachu squeaked before trying to leap for Misty’s shoulder. Sadly Misty caught the mouse in midair.

“I’m sorry Pikapal, but could you stay with Brock for a bit? We won’t take long.” The mouse’s face dropped and Misty squeezed him to her chest.

“Pika chuuuuu.” The mouse complained.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that I need to be alone with Ash right now.” Smiling Misty kissed the tip of Pikachu’s nose and Ash felt his heart skip.

The mouse nodded and wiggled from Misty’s grasp only to run to Brock. Misty cast a glance towards a downtrodden Gary. Gary gave a firm nod in her direction and Ash pretended not to see.

“So, um Ash?”

“Okay Misty, where do you want to go?” The look of relief on her face irritated him.

“Let’s go in the garden?” She suggested. Ash became more aware of the others watching.

“No I saw someplace that would be great. It has ice cream selling nearby.” Ash suggested to Misty’s pleasure.

“Sure.” She smiled offering her hand to him. Ash blinked before taking it. As they said goodbye to everyone he kept his gaze on Gary’s face. If any disturbed emotion had appeared he feared he would be unable to keep calm.

Mature? Reliable? Jessie was had been touting junk just like team Rocket always did. He was better than Gary and far more reliable any day. He did not even know Misty.

Walking outside with Misty Ash was aware of the others behind them on the pretence of a walk. He gritted his teeth. Just what was up with them. Surely Gary and the Professor was more interesting to watch.

But no, there they were drawing attention as they wandered along outside. Tugging Misty closer Ash quickened his step. Sneaking a look backward he saw it was a waste of time because they took the back path to the Pokémon Centre Gardens.

Pokemon........ A Training Start (Pokemon Watty Awards 2013)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora