Run in with the crash duo

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Chapter 34

Ash liked nothing better than walking through clearing his hands wrapped around his hat as he travelled with friends. In fact he loved that travelling feeling. When you got up and prepared and stepped through the door to meet which ever adventure awaited you.

Pikachu adjusted himself on Ash’s shoulder and Ash grinned as he tipped his head up to see the sky peaking down from among the various trees. Leaving Misty and the others was not as hard as he thought it would be.

It ended up being more fun than he had anticipated. It could be because he had a secret. Could be because he was in the free and clear or it could be that he was going to see her again soon. With his hat on her head she had promised him that when they met up in Rolkving town she would be wearing his hat.

He had originally wanted her to wear it back then but that would have been a problem. Daisy would surely have recognised it. If not her Brock certainly would. Along with Tracey, Gary and the Professor. There was no need to be trying to cause her any unnecessary stress.

Misty was happy. Enthusiastic determined and fun. Ash felt a bit uncomfortable as he recalled the night of her birthday. When they had done that.

It was nice but James had scolded him for it when he went back to see the Team Rocket member. Apparently you were supposed to work up to that. Kiss the hands then the cheeks then on the lips.

At least that is what James had said. Personally Ash did not understand why you had to work up to it. The other person knew where you wanted to kiss so just kiss them there already. Stifling his grin as he tipped his hat over his eyes Ash heard Drew humming softly next to him.

As usual Drew was full of surprises. Who would have thought that the guy would have snagged himself a Zorua? That was something anyone would trade anything for. And his was jus wickedly cool. It stuck close to Drew and even now it was slumped over his shoulder quietly taking in everything.

Drew was so lucky. Ash had heard Drew say to Cilan, Iris and Paul that Zorua would be his top class card. Only used against trainers that had enough strength style and class worthy of it. In the meantime, Zorua would be going through some harsh challenging training.

Iris had certainly been ecstatic over getting to see such a Pokémon. Cilan had placed a calming hand on her shoulder before she could leap on Zorua to cuddle it.

But with that out of the way they made fast progress. Paul had an event the moment that they got into the town they were going to Ulfrege Town. Ash had one little tournament as well. In fact they all did so when they finally managed to make it there in the afternoon they would be spending a whole day and some there. Training hard.

Starting to whistle a merry tune Ash put more energy into his steps. He was beginning to get his body into it when he heard something startlingly familiar. Voices yelling something. Voices that usually at that tone usually brought immense pain.

“Get out the way! Get out of the Way!! Coming through!”

A voice yelled fast approaching from behind them to the left. Ash felt himself tense.

“Look out! Lookout look Out!!!” A female voice shrieked coming up fast as well from the right.

“Duck! Run!” Ash yelled recognising both voices. “Don’t let them crash into you!” He warned. He himself with Pikachu leapt into a bush while Iris along with Paul escaped into the trees. Cilan himself leapt into a bush while Drew frowning ducked behind a tree.

He was just in time as the sources of the two voices collided at a great force sending them both recoiling backwards onto the ground. Just as always except it was not Ash they were bowling over.

Pokemon........ A Training Start (Pokemon Watty Awards 2013)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang