The Founder and the Beast

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Chapter 39

Ash was sceptical as he looked at the girl. “That is not true you certainly can’t be the founder. You don’t look as old as the king.”

“I’m dead.” The girl replied flatly. “I stay here watching time flow on pass because I don’t deserve peace. I am however the founder of these people I brought them together in my time of grief.”

Ash paused remembering the kings directions and warning before he had rushed after Misty to save her. The man had given him directions but told him to beware the vengeful ghost of the founder.


“I do not know if you will be able to see her or even calm her wrath.” The king had sighed. “She died an old woman deep in regret of the world then and we were supposed to carry on her way but I guess we wandered from the path because she haunts us.”

“Not true!” The prince roared at his father. “She appears before children showing them the new path. The way we should be going and disappears once their duty is done. She appears among those that are pure enough.”

“Not so.” The High priestess murmured. “She appears before those that had the same heart as she did when she was young and the world was a terrible place. She lingers on because we have stagnated like the most un clean of waters. We misunderstand the times and the legends.”

“The thing is, I do not know if you will meet the ghost of the founder but if your heart is strong enough you should be able to reclaim your friend before the beast seeks revenge on her. The beast she so summoned.” The king said grasping Ash’s hand.

“These children are foolish.” The priest huffed. “Just because she looks like the one does not mean she can control the beast. If anything keeping her here could kill us all. That beast fled mankind.”

“Because of those above!” The prince’s attendants cried out. “We are nothing like them.”

“Unless you learn the true story you know nothing. Personally I think I’m too old for this. This place sings of regret and hatred. We live here singing of peace but there is so much conflict. This is not what she wanted.” The priest huffed.

“Ash. It is up to you to decide. The founder is not one to be taken lightly her view on the world may be limited to what she knows if she reveals herself. And the beast only knows the pain it suffered in the times of our founding. Do not underestimate them.”

Ash frowned. If she was limited. Why did she change her clothes. Why did she talk to him why was she watching over Misty like a sister. How could someone so young dead or not found something so crazy.

“You look a little slow.” She murmured. “My name back then was Crystala. In the times in which I lived, war was everywhere the only concern being land and power and acquiring it. No one valued anything no commoner had anything.”

“Crystala.” Ash whispered. “That sounded so terrible.

“I lost my parents at sea, they were fisher folk and I was so young when they drowned. The sea was all we had left because the land was rich with blood of many. I should have died that day but my friend rescued me and I washed up at the shore.”

Crystala held Ash’s gaze. “My rescuer was the beast. In those times my parents and I lived with this country in a city that has long fallen obsessed with having the ultimate power. Pokémon were tools. Dangerous ones.”

“They cared not for the damage they caused to them, the balance that the Pokémon provided. The king then wanted to be the most powerful and thought Pokémon were the way. My friend and I met in secret. He raised me because the village could not.”

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