A pesky tale of a rival's tower fall

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Chapter 51

Paul found himself in a rather unique position. Not an uncomfortable one, just unique. Wanting to be by himself as the celebration raged on he had set off to rest by the river.

He had not been there long when unexpected company arrived. Paul knew he was there. He just did not expect the guy to actually approach him. he would have laid a bet that this would never happen.

But Paul had been wrong before so it was no big deal, and he never had the talent to predict fools. Especially those that did not know when to give up.

“Hey.” Kenny called out to him from the other side of the river. Paul just watched him lazily.

“What do you want now?” Paul asked him.

“To settle this.” Kenny replied, Paul tossed his head back and laughed getting to his feet.

“Settle? We don’t have anything to settle.” Raking his hair back Paul laughed again. “Once again here you come, wasting my time.”

“I’m telling you. It is time we settled this.” Kenny said firmly.

“We have nothing to settle. Win or lose. Dawn is not yours. She never was. She never will be either.”

“So you can tell the future too?” Kenny scoffed.

“Why can’t you give up?” Paul asked. “Can’t you see how happy she is now? Or is your happiness more important than the one you claim to want happy?”

Kenny flushed and Paul smirked. This guy really was pathetic. He had to know, but he kept trying almost like he expected the results to change through hard work.

“I’ve cared about Dawn for a very long time.” Kenny said as he looked up the river. “We’ve been friends, classmates and rivals. You are asking me to throw away my hopes and dreams just like that. I’ve got to try at least once.”

“From what I heard, you already did.” Paul sighed rolling his eyes. “You asked her to travel with you and what did she do? She stayed with Ash and then went out on her own. Your hopes and dreams died right after that moment.”

“That was then.”

“This is now and still the same.” Paul said his voice rising. “Then or now the same will happen over and over. If she had interest she would show it. That is Dawn. Bubbly, overconfident, reckless, careless, silly, dedicated, persistent, loyal and most of all straight forward.”

Reaching into his pocket Paul palmed the pokeball that contained Seadra. To fight this guy here and now. His blood itched to do it. It would only take a few moves. Dawn was stronger than this guy and he was much stronger.

“If you so badly want to lose to me.” Paul continued. “We can have a two on two battle. It won’t take me more than one Pokémon to take down your two but I can’t see why I must go easy on you.”

“That sort of arrogance is what made you lose back in Sinnoh.” Kenny gritted out.

“I lost because at that time Ash had a little more than I did at the time.” Paul shrugged. He was not sore over that loss. “Trust me the result would not be the same now.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Kenny snarled reaching into his pocket for his pokeballs. “My Pokémon will beat you. Right here and now.”

“And what would that prove if that was even possible?” Paul taunted. “She still won’t have you.” Paul tossed Seadra’s pokeball into the water where it released with a click and a flash of light.

“I have to try.” Kenny said and Paul glimpsed tears in his eyes and snorted in disgust. He really could not stand the guy.

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