Descend: The mystery that nabbed Misty

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Chapter 37

That sense of calm when you were about to set off to do something extremely stupid. Drew never felt this until he started hanging with Ash.

In this case it was stupid but necessary. He was almost mad at himself for thinking anything else. A girl was missing a girl important to all of them. Never mind the other unimportant stuff.

Like the police trying to calm the town and save face. That was important too. After all looks could help in making or breaking something. In this case the town would get worried by all the official people coming in.

There would be no way to hide everything then. That was why they would hear not another peep from the efficient Officer Jenny. The last thing they needed was the treasure hunters on a prowl. No one would think twice about them going about in the ruins.

This way everyone would win and Ash would remain calm. For how much longer Drew was unsure. It was like walking on Voltorbs he was sure that when Ash was talking to Officer Jenny that the guy was going to snap.

He sounded so calm but the energy coming off him. the easy going guy that they all knew had a very harsh side. There was no sign of the clueless idiot. Now this guy had somehow taken charge, leaving Drew as a peaceful calm follower off on a mission.

“May! May!” A voice called. Drew gritted his teeth, well shoot there went his calm. Great this really was the work from something evil why was this guy appearing now of all times.

“Brendan!” May sobbed before running at the guy and hugging him. Drew twitched, he was not, definitely was not going to say anything. Not one thing. After all this is a situation that made one not think straight.

She was a girl, girls sought comfort and the familiar in situations like these. In fact it had better be the reason she was crying all over the Tower King and not him.

Not that he wanted that. Drew felt amusement as Ash walked right past Brendan as if he did not see him. he knew Ash was not doing it to be rude but because his mind was on one thing alone. It did not stop him from doing the same just with a little more sulk to it.

“I heard from Barry. I’m so sorry Ash.” Brendan spoke up. Ash slowed to a halt but did not turn around. “I want to help out. Let me come with you please.”

Drew felt his inside twitch. Just where did this guy come from? He decided to come to help out? What lies. He came to see May and is now upset that she was a sobbing mess because of Misty’s disappearance.

“With more people, we can certainly find her in no time.” Brendan continued one arm wrapped around May.

“No.” Ash said quietly. “Thank you, really but no. These guys I know how they think and they know how I think. This is enough to get Misty. I get you want to help but if you really want to help.” Ash turned around then shocking Drew and them all with his gaze.

Not a blankness like they might have expected. Not tear brimmed like he had guessed. But clear eyes taking in everything and working toward a goal ahead. Leader eyes. Who knew the idiot had them in him.

“If you really want to help, you can keep the girls here and safe. You can keep an eye on them. See you know May and I know May and I know them.” Ash smirked sadly. “Dawn, May, Iris. They really like Misty but I want that I only have to save one person today. So keep them in one place and safe for me.”

“I’m leaving important people in your hands Brendan.” Ash finished. “I think that’s enough there. Please make sure that when we get back with Misty that we won’t have to go on yet another mission to save one of these.”

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