All together with a slow pace reunion

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Chapter 28

Breakfast could have been a solemn affair. If Misty had not been eating with Ash and Pikachu that was. After Ash’s strange mood the night before and this morning, she was happy to see him so animated.

Refusing to wait for the others, instead of telling them why he had been racing around in such a crazy manner Ash had insisted on eating food immediately.

“I’m gonna die Misty.” Ash had groaned. “My tummy is touching my back, I’m serious!”

So now they were in the cafeteria eating the early breakfast prepared by Chansey by themselves. Misty herself was just eating her chocolate chip pancakes while keeping an eye on Ash. Pikachu had Ash keeping an eye on his food and the other on the mouse.

Pikachu kept trying to sneak away Ash’s ketchup to spread on its own Pokémon food. But Ash was having none of that.

“No Pikachu, it’s fine just the way it is. I made it so you could enjoy it plain! There is no way you are getting ketchup so early!”

“Chaaaa!!!” Pikachu squeaked in complaint trying to reach for the ketchup bottle kept out of reach. Standing on its hind legs the mouse reached high overhead as it tottered around following Ash’s hand.

“No means no Pikachu. Don’t you think you have been having just a bit too much? A treat now and again is okay. But the way you keep going at it it’s at every meal. Don’t you think that maybe you should slow it down a bit buddy? For the best.”

Pikachu paused its arms stretched overhead. T looked like it was thinking over Ash’s words. Looking dejected, the mouse slumped onto the table with a sad sigh.

“I think someone just matured.” Misty laughed softly stroking the sulking mouse with one finger. Pikachu perked at her touch making her feel bubbly.

“More like someone realized that treats are better when they are had once in a while and not gorged on every day.” Ash responded tilting his hat back, just the little bit. “There was the time I gorged myself on hamburgers, remember that Misty?”

Thinking back Misty laughed recalling what he was talking about. “You got sick with a bad tummy ache when we were walking in the woods.”

“Then we met old man Shuckle.”

“Thought he was some sort of troll.”

“He gave me the medicine.”

“But I thought he had killed you!” Misty said no longer laughing. “When you collapsed I was ready to sock him one then kill him.”

“Lucky for me I was fine. I would hate to have you in jail Misty.” Ash smiled keeping an eye on Pikachu who had retreated to his food dish.

“I’m sure it would not have gone that far.” Misty responded her tone dry.

“Assault charges are some serious things these days Mist.” Ash said his tone still playful. “You could have had to spend a night or two behind bars. Now if I had known this back then, would I have suffered the amount of abuse I did back then?”

“No, you would have gotten worse.” Misty said fighting away her smile. “Much worse.” Ash snorted but before he could respond, Misty watched his gaze fall to Pikachu.

The mouse had dropped its food and its gaze had fallen to someone in glasses approaching. Looking at the figure Misty easily recognised the person.

“I should have known May would not be able to get up so early for breakfast.” Max sighed as he paused by their table. “I’m surprised to see you guys though. Ash usually doesn’t move unless something prods him.”

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