End of the Journey

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Chapter 53

Iris sat in her bed brushing her hair watching Axew eat his food. The morning seemed so calm and slow. Her movements were calm as she sat in the lonely room watching Axew.

Everyone else was at a class. Everything, the pace, the people were all calm. The journey was coming to an end. Her hand shook and the brush tangled in her hair for just a moment.

Yesterday she had been taking it slow too. Being with Cilan was so peaceful, even if he had the habit of doing old man stuff. It was still amusing.

Axew yawned and she giggled a bit the sound echoing. She did not know why she was complaining for. The goal she had when she accompanied Ash and Cilan here. To get stronger, she achieved that goal.

Should she be sighing over things like the fact that they were leaving soon? Should she really be upset? They all achieved their goal in some way. She went to classes and learned so much.

They had adventures, got to spend time with people. She knew this. Standing up Iris walked past Axew to the window. She knew all of this already but it did nothing to dull the sharp pain in her heart.

This journey had been a bit of a step for her in so many ways. New friends, new Pokémon and a whole new way to look at old ones.

Cilan. She knew what was happening. That he was taking it so slow. Her hand curled into a fist and clenched right over her chest. That he could be so considerate in a situation like this.

No matter what they both felt their dreams were taking them different directions. It was not that it was impossible. They were from the same region after all but still.

His pursuit of his dream could carry him to different regions. To all over the world in pursuit of it. For them to deepen what they felt now then for him to go off later.

She would survive it. She could endure it but the gentleman in him would not permit it. She knew that because she knew him. Cilan would hate to leave her behind and waiting for him.

She gritted her teeth looking outside. She knew how he thought. That gentleman in him would have thought as long as they were in the same region it would be fine. He could travel from time to time but it would be okay.

Turning around Iris noticed that Axew had finished eating and had fallen asleep right next to the bowl. Moving him now would be a crime.

Quietly she walked past him to the door and opened and closed it quietly behind her. They had only three days left. Walking down the corridor to the pool she sighed at the lack of activity about. Everyone was somewhere.

Two days until it was all over. They would be going home. All they had to do is travel to once more, back to the harbour. It was over.

Opening the door to the pool with a sigh Iris was frozen at the doorway. There was someone already inside. Vigorously swimming because the sound carried. Hesitating on whether she should enter or not the curiosity got to her.

Gingerly stepping inside and closing the door with the timing of the splashes Iris crept closer. She froze again on recognising Cilan being the one so furiously attacking the water. Even more it was not a Cilan she was familiar with.

His hair was moving with the water, his whole demeanour. It was almost like he was fighting some dark emotion in him. biting her lip she stepped forward as he reached the end of the pool to get out.

He tossed his head back, one hand bushing his hair back the other reaching for the towel casted casually on the side. Rising out of the pool rubbing his face with the towel Iris watched a Cilan she would have never known existed.

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