Night Holds the Secrets

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Chapter 3

Iris, Cilian and Brock went off to bed after the group broke up for the night, but the others had other plans. Dawn was by herself outside watching the stars when a dark shadow appeared next to her.

“Oh!! Who is that?” She demanded standing up and reaching for pokeballs that were not there.

Paul sat down on the bench that Dawn a few seconds ago had occupied. Dawn slowly retook her seat shooting a curious glance at Paul. She was not that entirely sure why he had sought her out. He never was interested in her or what she had to say. In fact she was not even sure if he knew her name or what she did.

Dawn slumped a little. Why was Paul out here and saying absolutely nothing too? Just when Dawn was contemplating whether or not to go back into the centre Paul spoke up.

“What are you looking to improve on while you are here?” Dawn blinked in surprise; she hesitated before turning to him. Paul was not looking at her but she had no doubt he was aware of her movements. Even if he was there blankly staring at the stars.

“I still want to be a top Co-ordinator but I also want to be a good pokestylist. I’m looking to improve on the way my combinations appear and also to improve on my battling.” Paul just sat there after she spoke. The silence was no uncomfortable but it was a bit unnerving.

“How do you plan on improving that?”

“There are all sorts of competitions here Paul, so I will just enter the ones that are the most challenging for me and my pokemon. No need to worry that is if you worried.”

Paul turned his head toward her a rare full blown smile on his lips. “I worried Blue.” He whispered. “Before I remembered who I was thinking about.”

It was not the sweetest thing she had ever heard. But Dawn flushed before staring back up at the star filled sky in silence.


May was outside in the garden slowly tracking a group of Caterpies. Her hands were forming a familiar camera pose as she went along. “May’s expedition is off again. The question of where these lovable bug pokemon are heading lies in all our minds. Hidden treasure? A secret ritual, maybe even a safe place to evolve.”

“You still don’t get out much do you?” The low drawl came from directly behind May and she reacted without thinking.

“Water gun!!” Wartortle burst from his pokeball and doused Drew thoroughly.

“GAHHH!!” yelled Drew as he flew backwards to hit a wall.

“Drew!! Oh no.” May moaned and rushed towards Drew. “Sorry Wartortle, Return!” May fell to her knees by Drew. “You shouldn’t have crept up on me! Are you hurt? Are you in pain?”

“Uhh, no May I’m fine.” Drew murmured sitting up. “You gave me quite a soaking there, your Wartortle gave me quite the soak. Its water gun has improved by quite a lot.”

“Oh Drew, you gave me quite a shock there.” May went to help Drew up but he was already rising and pulling a scarf from his pocket to wipe his face.

“It will dry.” Drew said when he noticed May looking at his soaked shirt. “I came to see how your training went for you; I expected an explanation with a demonstration later.” Drew winked at May. “You keep surprising me.”

May blushed; this Drew was a little different to the one she was accustomed to. She was expecting the criticism to come from whatever angle, but it was not coming. Drew was just there, looking at her, after all this time he was in front of her.

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