Unsatisfactory confrontations

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Chapter 52

Sighing Misty quietly closed the clinic door behind her. Her event had been yesterday and it just had to end on such a note. Silly Ash with his glutton self had made himself sick from gorging on all the food they got their hands on.

It would have been mighty fine it they had known it was just a stomach pain. But no this was Ash so all of them had gotten mighty scared when the idiot kneeled over in the cafeteria.

Sighing and leaning against the door she fought away a sigh. Even this was familiar. There were so many times that Ash’s stomach got him in trouble.

She felt so calm now. Her last really big event was over, she could now concentrate on the little small things like classes and tournaments that were not so big. Like double tournaments she had the itching feeling that Iris and Drew wanted to team up with her.

Stifling a laugh she pushed away from the door. It was almost time to meet up with everyone. They knew Ash was fine they checked on the idiot earlier but she wanted to wait until he fell asleep.

Walking down the corridor Misty was confronted by a familiar person quickly striding down it. Her shoes were making a fast pace clicking sound as she hurried. She reached for the door to Ash’s room but Misty stopped her.

“He’s sleeping now.” She said gently watching Angie’s irritated face.

“I came as fast as I could but apparently not fast enough.” The girl bit out wrenching her arm away. “Why is it he is always in some sort clinic or danger when you are around?”

Misty frowned. “This s a simple stomach problem. Has nothing to do with me. If you travelled with Ash enough you would know he lets his greediness and seamlessly bottomless pit of a stomach get the better of him. I have nothing to do with his eating like a pig for slaughter.”

Angie gasped before clenching her fists vibrating with anger. “How can you be so blasé about this? Ash is hurt! Ash cares so much about you. He put himself in serious danger yet you walk around with such a calm face!”

“Do you want me to walk around like you are now?” Misty demanded. “Like the world is on my shoulders and I will never be able to cope?”

“I never said.” Angie began.

“You sure are acting like it! I’m a gym leader! I have to be like this. I’m have to look at situations calmly. I can’t just explode like if I can no longer deal. As a gym leader I have several no thousands of people depending on me. People and Pokémon. I can’t just succumb to despair I have to find a way over it!” Misty said as she kept one hand blocking Ash’s door from Angie.

“That is just your excuse.” Angie gritted. “He runs to save you all the time. Why? If you were so strong he wouldn’t have to!”

“He doesn’t run to save me all the time.” Misty scoffed. “If looking out for your best friend when you think he or she is over their head is a crime then so be it. I’ve fished him from big trouble too. Sometimes literally.” She smiled at the memory.

“I’m not making excuses. If you feel that him landing his idiot self in an infirmary is all my fault then you don’t know Ash. There is not a person that can stop him for running head first towards a goal. It’s worse when Pikachu is following him right behind. Then it’s just waiting time until they get it or wear themselves out.” Misty hissed.

“The fact you can’t see. It pisses me off!” Angie snapped. “Why are you always here? Even them acting like the place by his side is permanently for you. It wasn’t like that before!”

“People with different dreams have different paths.” Misty shrugged. “I want to be a water Pokémon master and the best water gym leader I can possibly be. He wants to be a Pokémon champion. Did you expect me to follow him everywhere when I had the opportunity to pursue my dream? I left his side but we were always together!”

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