Moonlight on awkward waters

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Chapter 31

Drew was never the party sort so he quickly had gotten bored with the active festivities the others were indulging in. Paul was the same but Paul had managed sometime earlier to entice Dawn into another room.

There was no way Drew was going to look for him. Especially now. He loved outside and nature so he had been outside enjoying the soft lights when two figures had appeared going off somewhere that looked forbidden.

Out of curiosity when they did not immediately reappear Drew made himself go and look. Now he was infinitely happy about that.

He got to see something he knew the others would have killed to see. He had kept an eye on the clueless Ash during the day. Drew saw when he snuck off earlier because he had been keeping an eye on him to see when he gave over his gifts.

Ash had been whining so much over making this such a special day. Then it blew out of proportion with all these people turning up and having some fantastic gifts.

There was no way Ash was not thinking about how to compete with that. He had to put up with the people wanting Misty’s autograph because of who she was and for the awesome display she had put on at the tournament.

When he walked down into the trees and caught the last bits of exchange between the two he recognised as Misty and Ash there was no way he could have moved.

Misty looked amazing, that dress had made her hair almost come alive and soften the colour of her eyes even more so that she looked almost mystical.

Drew laughed as he paced the Pokémon centre garden. Mystical. How ironic. Misty had been stunning and everyone knew it. She had looked shy at first but she settled in quickly as the party raged on. Cilan had said Ash’s mouth had dropped open when Misty first came into the room with Pikachu on her shoulder and Togepi in her arms.

He honestly thought a mermaid had graced them with its presence. Something that Ash had acknowledged far too well.

The little trek outside, the soft glowing lights. Drew was willing to bet even the presents had been planned.

A feebas? A box of memories? Ash had just singled handedly beaten everyone on the gift giving front. Finding feebas’s were not easy. Nor was catching one. He should know he had tried so many times.

Entrusting it to Misty? The gestures that made. It was like telling a girl to hold your heart until it matures under her touch.

It also would create one hell of a bond between them. Every time Misty battled with the Pokémon or even saw it she would think of Ash. Talk about smart Ash had brains.

He also had some sort of help, especially for that attempt at the kiss. Drew winced as he headed back to the Pokémon centre. Misty had been in so much surprise and shock she had been frozen.

Maybe wondering if she was dreaming. Perhaps hoping that it really was real, but the idiot ended it far too soon. Poor girl did not get to relax and do anything.

Steeping into the Pokémon centre lobby Drew groaned in despair. Ash really was hopeless after all. The music was softer now but it was no less irritating.

Everyone still was having a dandy of a good time. It looked like no one had missed those two yet. He would give them a bit more time because there were three people out there that would be looking for them.

In the lunchroom, there were noticeably less people but still far more than Drew liked. May was sitting at a table with the Togepi and Pikachu.

Those three were the ones that would blow the whistle on the disappearance of Ash and Misty. Approaching them with his hands in his pockets Drew mused over it. It was not a problem to distract May and keep her distracted. The Pikachu however.

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