Keep on the Mask, a new task

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Chapter 23

Morning came too soon in Cilan’s opinion. Ash had returned to the room at some ridiculous hour. At least Cilan assumed it was a ridiculous hour. Sometime after one in the morning he had drifted off. That was after the other two had dropped off to sleep, with absolutely no shame in their ability to stay awake.

How he envied them, his thoughts had spun around and around as he looked at the ceiling until somehow he had fallen asleep. In the morning, Ash was back as energetic as ever leaving himself, Drew and Paul exchanging confused looks.

It was an unspoken agreement they would not let on about what had happened with Ash. Obviously, the guy was planning to keep what happened a secret. They could respect that. They all had something they wanted to keep to themselves.

Cilan shifted a bit uncomfortably. The group had opted to catch a bus to the next town. He really had been one for it. It was faster and safer and not to mention that they had very little to do except for sit down.

Cilan glanced to his side, his gentleman side allowed no other option than to give Iris the window seat while he took the other one. Her nose was pressed excitedly to the glass with Axew peeking out of her hair as the bus moved along quickly in the dim morning.

It was not even seven in the morning yet, but there they were again on the road on to the next town. Cilan had to admit to himself he was surprised at the final seating arrangements. Iris had attacked him with questions about his studying the moment he left the room so for politeness sake he decided to sit next to her for the ride.

Across the aisle no real surprise that Ash sat next to Misty. The energetic Ash had one arm slung across the back of Misty’s headrest and Pikachu in his lap. Misty had her Pokémon egg cradled securely as she rested against Ash’s shoulder and Ash looked over her shoulder to the outside.

The two were talking in a muted tone so there was no real chance for Cilan to hear, disappointing him greatly. But to tell the truth the most surprising thing had to be Drew and Paul. Cilan had half expected the two to sit next to each other but they both claimed window seats.

Drew in the seat in front of Cilan and Iris and Paul claimed the window seat across from Cilan and behind Ash. The behaviour of Dawn and May was even more interesting.  Cilan had expected the two to stick to their normal patterns and keep together.

However, the moment the two had stumbled on the bus a few moments after Drew and Paul had settled themselves they exchanged uneasy glances. The bus had not been filled yet but still Dawn had slipped into the seat next to Paul and May in the seat next to Drew.

Not once during the boarding had Paul acknowledged Dawn but when the bus started and Dawn flicked her gaze down. Cilan saw Paul tilt his head to look the dejected looking girl over. Drew on the other hand had stared out the window and not once looked to acknowledge May.

It seemed as if the tables had been turned sometime over the last day as it had been the other way around. With those two running after the girls and them pulling away or escaping to somewhere safe. The aura surrounding Drew and Paul were vibrating with menace and irritation.

Cilan wanted to watch them but he had Iris next to him, and it really was not his business. They were all interested in watching Ash. Nothing was said once about them all keeping an eye out for each other’s blunders in relationships.

“It’s so cool!” Iris squeaked drawing Cilan’s attention.

“The country side is nice.” He said feeling a smile spread across his face. Leaning so that both of them were pressed against the glass Cilan decided to impart the information he had gleaned from the guidebook.

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