Sweet Water

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Chapter 48

“You are so pretty.” Misty whispered to Feebas as she coated the fish Pokémon with special coating she had bought just for it. It was extremely late and she was in the Pokémon centre underground pool attending to her Pokémon. This sort of attention was good for Feebas. It’s rock like scales were shiny like diamonds.

She was aiming for at least four hours sleep this night. That should be enough for her before they again set off in the morning. Her Pokémon was ready. Using Marill had its disadvantages but she had no other choice.

Besides she was fairly confident that they would win. Their heart was in the right place and she was training hard. But not neglecting the others. She got Psyduck to put his head underwater without panicking.

That in itself was progress. Just a bit more. She could push herself right up to the event. Then from there she would figure it out.

“Of all the cute fish I get you.” She cooed.

“Only someone like you would get this Misty.” Ash said from across the room. Pikachu was napping on his backpack. Riolu sitting against the wall and Dratini wrapped around his waist coming up to rest its head on Ash’s shoulders.

He looked so one with Pokémon. Every time she snuck a look at him she glanced away. How was he able to have such an aura around him?

“I love water Pokémon.” She said gently easing up on the coating on Feebas. “They are all different and unique. I do not think like others do. I take water Pokémon as they are because they are all different and to compare them is wrong.”

“I know.” Ash sighed. “Pokémon are all amazing. They don’t stay the same. That is the amazing thing.”

“Not just that.” Misty said as she stroked Feebas’s scales. “They may seem weak to people or useless but they always come back to prove you wrong. If anything Pokémon tell us not to judge abilities or appearance.”

“Feebas, and Magikarp.” Ash whistled. “The two water Pokémon people have mix up opinions about. They don’t care about them but when they evolve they become the most admired and feared.”

“Showing others not to underestimate water Pokémon.” She smiled.

“Or people.” Ash said getting up. Dratini slid off him to the ground. “Riolu.” Ash said his tone serious.

“So we are going to do this now then.” Misty sighed removing her legs and hand from the pool to stand.

“Yeah, you are finished there. So who will you be using?” Ash said as Riolu stood in front of him crossing its hands.”

“Feebas.” She decided. “You know Ash that is one serious Pokémon you landed yourself with, I wonder if it will become like you later on.”

Ash laughed. “This will do its own thing attitude wise. Besides it seems more cool like this.”

“Your definition of cool and my definition of thug seems to be pretty similar Ash Ketchum.” She laughed. “So we doing this then.” She continued as she went to where the floatables were at the edge of the pool.

“Yeah, this will be fine.” Ash said. “Not exactly how I pictured our first battle would be, but we can go all out another time, right Misty?”

“Ummhmm.” She said as she heaved the floatable pads into the pool. They would make good for Riolu. Since swimming might be a problem it would be a good foothold for him.

“Let’s go then.” Ash said as he crossed to one end of the pool. Riolu followed right behind him every step serious.

“Ready when you are.” Misty answered standing at her end. Feebas jumped up to splash water everywhere. She smiled. Even Feebas was psyched. They had done a lot of training and battling so far but this battle was going to be better.

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